Weight loss is simple.
You have to eat the foods that nourish your body.
Avoid foods that don’t.
And stop overeating.
THAT’S IT! It’s that simple.
What makes it complicated is the story we tell ourselves about it. The drama in our brains that makes it hard.
We tell ourselves it’s hard. We tell ourselves we can’t. We tell ourselves our PCOS won’t allow it.
We blame others. “I grew up with this food.” “What will others think?” “It’s the grief that did it to me.” “No one taught me how to eat healthy.” “My parents didn’t teach me how to cook.” “Everyone else eats this way.”
What I want to offer here is that the drama is all optional.
If you have a desire to lose weight and you’re not seeing results, it may be time to upgrade your thoughts. To change the story you’re telling yourself.
What do you want to think about weight loss? I promise you, the better and more empowered you feel about your story, the better your weight loss experience will be.
I speak from personal experience.
If you’re ready, I encourage you to rewrite your story now. List out everything you want to believe. What if this new story WAS the truth? What if this could be your reality? What if you decided to fully trust in this process?
The more you get defensive against this new story, and come up for reasons why it can’t be true, the more attached you are to your old thoughts. So just keep going! This is powerful work, my friends.
Try it out! I’d love to hear what your experience is like.
In health & happiness,