Timelines vs. Divine Timing: Finding Your Balance

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About the episode:

Today on the podcast, I want to talk about a topic that I’ve touched on throughout past episodes, but I honestly think that it needs its own solo episode because it’s something that I really want to dive into the importance of. When I learned about this concept, it really gave me a lot of relief and allowed me to surrender my manifestations and release attachment to timelines and helped me understand how to use time in my favor for me and in a way that served me versus using timelines against myself. So, by the end of this episode I hope you’ll give yourself the permission to let go of strict timelines and lean into divine timing so that you can create a solid foundation for your manifestation to unfold.


  • What divine timing actually means and how this applies to your manifestation and/or spiritual practice
  • How you can still apply timelines to your work so that you can hold your goals in a way that still serve you
  • Diving into a few reasons why things may not happen when or how you’re expecting them to – lessons learned, being ready, and surrendering 
  • Lessons Jamie gained around timing throughout her weight loss journey, growing her business past $500K, and more 
  • Why it’s so important to practice enjoying the journey, no matter where you’re currently at or what you’re facing

Episode Resources:

[00:00:00] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Welcome back to the podcast. I want to talk about a topic that I’ve touched on throughout podcast episodes, but I honestly think that it needs its own solo episode because it’s something that I really want to dive into. When I learned about this concept, it really gave me a lot of relief and allowed me to surrender my manifestations and release attachment to timelines and Really helped me understand how to use time in my favor for me and for in a way that served me versus using timelines against myself.

[00:00:42] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Because in the past, I will say I used to use timelines against myself, right? And especially around money, around business, and business goals. A lot of other things in my life, I didn’t attach to timelines so much, but in that area, I realized [00:01:00] I really Felt icky around timelines. If I was trying to do something in a 30 day period, like hit this number and a certain, you know, especially the short of the timeline, the more anxious I would get, the more pressure I would put on myself.

[00:01:14] _1_10-15-2024_171144: And the more I consistently felt like I was failing and failing and failing and failing one month after the other. Right. And then even with yearly timelines, I would put a lot of pressure on those as well. And. So I’ve really had to, for me, figure out a way to look at time in a way that serves me and works with me versus me working against it and using it to pressure myself.

[00:01:43] _1_10-15-2024_171144: and putting a lot of attachment on hitting it in a timeline and making it mean all these things about me. If I don’t, like I’m a failure, I’m not good enough. I’m not good at business. I suck at making money. That was using it against myself and it didn’t serve me. It didn’t help me manifest better. [00:02:00] So that’s why I love this concept of divine timing.

[00:02:04] _1_10-15-2024_171144: And for me, when I learned about it, it just felt true and resonant in my life. soul and in my being. And so we’re going to talk all about that today. And I want to dive in some different ways that you can use timing for you instead of feeling like you’re fighting against your goals and Feel if it just feels icky to have tight timelines or to have timelines in general.

[00:02:32] _1_10-15-2024_171144: We’re gonna talk . Sound good? Okay. So first I wanna dive into what is divine timing? Like, what would, how would I define it? So, I would say divine timing means that everything in life happens at the right moment. The way that I think about it is that our manifestations. come to life when we are truly ready for them, right?

[00:02:59] _1_10-15-2024_171144: And [00:03:00] that things happen according to a higher plan, right? It’s not always when we desire it. It’s not always when we expect it, but it’s when it’s meant to happen. It’s when we are truly an energetic match to it. When we are truly ready. ready for it.

[00:03:22] _1_10-15-2024_171144: And spiritually, it reminds us to trust the process, to be patient, to have faith that things will work out when the time is right, especially when we’re like working towards goals or have a money goal or, you know, are building a business. It’s so important to trust in divine timing, knowing that it’s all unfolding, but just because it might not be the timeline you expect, It doesn’t mean it’s not working.

[00:03:50] _1_10-15-2024_171144: It doesn’t mean it’s not going to work. It just might mean you have to be patient with the process, with the becoming process, with the unfolding with you [00:04:00] and who you’re becoming as you create this thing.

[00:04:10] _1_10-15-2024_171144: So one of the questions that I’ve gotten recently is like, Jamie, do you not believe in setting timelines? Right. If you believe in divine timing, is it like. Would it, would it work if you were coaching me and I wanted to make a certain amount of money in this year, for example, and my thing is like, no, I love timelines.

[00:04:28] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I think they’re great. If you’re using it for you, right? If you can look at it and hold it in a way that. that’s serving you. I use timelines myself, right? I set yearly goals. I oftentimes have monthly goals or I have monthly focuses and having that context of time can be super useful because for me it helps me really think about putting my energy and tension focus into something specific within [00:05:00] this timeline.

[00:05:01] _1_10-15-2024_171144: It can be So helpful and create some structure for us that makes all the difference. Right. And it’s something that’s measurable too. You can look at where am I halfway through the year? Where’s the data? What does it look like? You know, and do I need to increase X, Y, or Z, or am I on track to hit this thing?

[00:05:20] _1_10-15-2024_171144: There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. In fact, I’m a huge fan of numbers. I’m a huge fan. I’m a huge fan of looking at data. I love having goals, right? And I love having yearly goals, but I think the difference is it’s like high intention, high involvement, low attachment. So you have to think of divine timing.

[00:05:42] _1_10-15-2024_171144: If you are someone who. is maybe continuously setting goals within a timeline and not reaching them, or you didn’t reach your goal this year. You have to remember that that doesn’t mean anything about [00:06:00] you, especially if you’ve put. All of your commitment into it and all of your intention into it, but it didn’t manifest yet.

[00:06:08] _1_10-15-2024_171144: That just means there’s more opportunity, right? So when things don’t manifest in the timeline that we want, it’s so important that we don’t make that mean something about us, right? And that we don’t create a negative story around that because that is it. Absolutely going to impact what you do moving forward.

[00:06:31] _1_10-15-2024_171144: And if you create a negative story around not reaching something in a certain timeline, it’s going to be harder to reach it later. Right? So that’s why I’m a huge fan of Let me say that again.

[00:06:57] _1_10-15-2024_171144: So that is why it can be really helpful to surrender [00:07:00] the timeline, because sometimes things don’t happen when we desire or expect them to for a couple reasons. And I’m going to walk you through some of the reasons that I know of, and that I’ve seen in my own life, in my client’s life. So number one, sometimes things don’t happen until we learn the powerful lesson that that thing is here to teach us.

[00:07:27] _1_10-15-2024_171144: So let me step back a minute and walk you through how I actually see Desire and manifestation, right? So we each have these unique desires. All of us, you know, came in as souls with different desires and they’re all over the place. Some of us have similar desires. Some of them are totally different. Like you look at a family and not every single family member has the same desire.

[00:07:52] _1_10-15-2024_171144: We didn’t come up with the same, right? We don’t all have the same wants, the same desires, right? I think about my family and their desires. [00:08:00] Each individual is so different from mine, right? We’re all unique. We each have our own unique imprint and we each come in with desires. We want to create certain things.

[00:08:13] _1_10-15-2024_171144: And I think of them as soul desire, something that I feel like I’m meant to do, or I just want to go for. Now I think those desires are here to evolve us into As humans, because if we have a desire to create something new to manifest a new reality, it forces us to evolve. If we go for that thing, we have to be willing to grow, evolve, learn, become.

[00:08:46] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Let go, let go of an old identity. We have to shed, we have to heal. There’s a lot that has to happen to create something new or to manifest one [00:09:00] of those desires. Right. And that is what helps us evolve and go on this amazing journey as a human. And you think about yourself 10 years from now, right? Or I’m sorry, let me say that again.

[00:09:13] _1_10-15-2024_171144: And you think about yourself. 10 years ago and how different you were and how much you’ve learned and how much you’ve overcome and who you’ve become in even 10 years, right? And it’s like, think about a lifetime. And so much of that evolvement happens because we go for new things. We have different desires that we go after.

[00:09:36] _1_10-15-2024_171144: And that is what pulls us to grow. Right. So I really think that those desires that we’re going for, and especially the ones that feel impossible or big or so different than like what we grew up thinking we could do, you know, creating the impossible, really manifesting a dream in order to do [00:10:00] that. We have to learn a lot.

[00:10:02] _1_10-15-2024_171144: We have to grow. Again, we have to shed and it’s like there’s something within that thing that’s pulling us to learn, right? To learn something about ourselves. There’s probably many lessons built into becoming the version of you who, Um, makes a million dollars or grows an impactful business or start speaking on stages, whatever it is for you, whatever that desire is for you, there are so many lessons within it.

[00:10:36] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Now, if you feel like there’s something that you’ve been manifesting for a long time, that’s not coming to life, no problem. There may just be many lessons within that thing. So the thing that you want to ask yourself is, What is this trying to teach me? Right? The fact that I don’t have it yet. What do I still [00:11:00] have to learn?

[00:11:01] _1_10-15-2024_171144: What’s the lesson within this? What? What it, what’s, what is it that I am supposed to learn within this? Right? Because it may not be coming because we’re not getting the lesson within it yet. And when we finally get the lesson, it’s going to come. I’ve seen this so many times myself. Infused in each of my manifestations are so many times.

[00:11:26] _1_10-15-2024_171144: So many lessons. And I will say sometimes there’s a core lesson that I need to grasp in order to become the version of me that’s an energetic match to that thing. So for example, I’ll just throw out a couple of examples in my life. One of the first big impossible manifestations that I created was I lost 50 pounds and I say that because for so much of my life I really struggled with my weight.

[00:11:55] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I struggled with my hormones, with insulin, with PCOS, with body [00:12:00] image, with shame around it. From 11 years old, I started dieting, trying to lose weight because I suddenly between like 10 and 11 years old gained a lot of weight what felt like overnight. And I just. Had so many body image issues. So I was always trying to lose weight thinking like once I lose weight, then I can love myself.

[00:12:22] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Once I lose weight, then I can go do those things. Once I lose weight, I’m going to feel good in my body and I’m going to be able to buy the clothes that I want. And I was always waiting until I lost weight. So therefore I was always putting a lot of pressure on the timeline. I wanted to do it fast. fast.

[00:12:38] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I would go on extreme diets and I would even lose some weight, but then I would gain it right back again. Right? And this is because there was a core lesson within that experience that I was not getting. And it wasn’t until I was about 30 years old that I started to get that lesson. [00:13:00] And I realized I had been approaching this Manifestation, which I didn’t even know it was really a manifestation at that time.

[00:13:07] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Like it was me desiring to be in a smaller, more fit, healthier body where my hormones were balanced out. And I felt really good. That was the desire, right? And I wanted to feel good in my clothes, um, be able to go shopping and just buy whatever clothes were at, you know, normal store. That was the desire, right?

[00:13:28] _1_10-15-2024_171144: And I’m calling that a manifestation now because that was something I was manifesting. At the time I didn’t have that context, but it’s something, you know, that is a desire that I was calling in and always going for, always trying for. Well, I hit this moment and I remember it was after I got married and that was a really tough year because a lot happened at once.

[00:13:50] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I got married. I started my business. We sold a house. We bought a house, moved in. renovated our new house. I mean, talk about like [00:14:00] doing a lot in six months. So much happened and I put on weight cause I was emotionally eating. And I remember getting to this point where I was like, I’m just done. Hating my body.

[00:14:14] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I really was like, I don’t think I’m ever going to lose weight. So I’m just going to surrender this. I just need to learn how to love my body. Well, it’s like, cause this has been going on for 20 years and I’m tired of it. I’m exhausted. In fact, like I had been doing it the same way over and over, not getting a result.

[00:14:35] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Right. And it was so disappointing and so defeating that I just decided, and this was the heaviest. I had ever been at that point. Right. And I just decided that I was going to do the inner work to love my body. And I was going to stop holding myself back. I was going to stop waiting until I lost way to buy the clothes I actually wanted.

[00:14:56] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I was going to stop hiding from pictures. I was going to put [00:15:00] myself on camera. I was going to start my coaching business even though I was not in the body that I wanted to. And I was like, I’m just going to love and accept. Accept myself, and I started following people on Instagram who had a similar body type as me, um, curve models and things like that, learning to dress the body that I was in, and I just surrendered it.

[00:15:21] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I let go and just decided to love myself and. It was a really true intention and a wholehearted intention and I really got to that place. And the wild thing was that when I finally loved myself and just accepted myself where I was and wasn’t putting these crazy timelines on I have to lose weight in X amount of time till this event.

[00:15:47] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Guess what happened? I started having the desire to do it in a different way. So I started thinking, you know what? I want to get healthy. I want to release weight for [00:16:00] my health because I don’t want to have plantar fasciitis. I want to be able to go for long walks and be like not out of breath. I want to learn how to not emotionally eat.

[00:16:10] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I want to Become the person, right? And I wanted to do it from love, not from hate. And I remember this sentence that changed everything. And this is what has to do with divine timing. I remember having this new thought that I had never thought in the past about losing weight. And it was, I’m going to do this, Even if it takes me the rest of my life.

[00:16:36] _1_10-15-2024_171144: And I really believed it. So I was following an eating plan, but my weight was releasing very slowly. I’m talking about, like, a quarter of a pound every three weeks. That is slow, right? And in the past, I would have been like, this isn’t happening fast enough. I give up. This is not worth it. This time it was, no, I want to eat this way.

[00:16:58] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I want to be this [00:17:00] person that’s healthy. I’m going to do this even if it takes me the rest of my life. I’m doing this in a way that I’m going to live. And that shifted so much because I just believed in divine timing. There was no longer a rush to it. And guess what happened? I ended up losing 50 pounds within about, I think a year and a half, right?

[00:17:24] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Or two years. Cause it started happening a little bit faster as I just let go. It’s, there just wasn’t so much attachment, so much importance to it. And I love myself as I was, I felt whole already. So there was no need to rush. And of course, things go faster when you’re in that place, it’s like the fat, the, the, wait, let me, and the other piece that I wanted to mention within this is that I finally learned the powerful lesson that that whole situation.

[00:17:59] _1_10-15-2024_171144: was [00:18:00] there to teach me and it was trying to teach me my whole life, but I wasn’t grasping it until I turned 30 years old. Right? So I went on for 20 years, not grasping that lesson, wanting to go for something, trying for something, having a vision for something failing over and over and over. But I finally learned the lesson, which was that I needed to learn to love myself.

[00:18:20] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I needed to learn to love my body. That was the lesson and it’s like the weight was going to stay there until I learned that lesson. Cause the truth is I had lost, like I said, other times where I lost weight and then gained it back. And no matter where I was, I never loved my body. I never felt like it was enough.

[00:18:38] _1_10-15-2024_171144: So that powerful lesson was in there and I can’t tell you how grateful I am for it. And not all of you are going to resonate with that story, but I would encourage you to ask yourself, what’s that? the version for you? What do you think the thing that maybe feels like a challenge right now that feels like it’s not happening in the [00:19:00] time that you want it to?

[00:19:01] _1_10-15-2024_171144: What is it trying to teach you? Is there a spiritual lesson within there? What do you think you need to learn? I want you to write that down and really practice learning that lesson. This is the kind of inner work we do inside of the money manifestation movement around money. Because so many people do the same thing in the context of money.

[00:19:26] _1_10-15-2024_171144: And I did it too. That was another one of my manifestation lessons, right? It is. I thought that I. Was going to feel safe and secure and comforted and whole once I had a certain amount of money in my account or once my business was making a certain amount or other times it was once the income is steady, then I’m going to feel safe, then I’m going to feel secure, then I’m going to feel okay.

[00:19:54] _1_10-15-2024_171144: The problem was. Money can’t do that. So even the years that I [00:20:00] did make more money or was starting to make money, I still wasn’t feeling safe. In fact, I shared the story a lot. I made my first hundred K and I felt nothing like abundant, right? That was not the emotion. In fact, I felt drained. I was still in scarcity.

[00:20:15] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I’m like, what is going on? I finally made this money. It didn’t make me feel the way that I wanted to feel. And that’s why the inner work is there. And it’s like, It’s like you, we have to ask ourselves, what is here for me to learn within this, right? So I would encourage you to ask that question. If your manifestation is not coming to life, what am I here to learn?

[00:20:41] _1_10-15-2024_171144: And you don’t even have to identify it. It can actually be something you just meditate on. And for sure, as the journey evolves, you will be presented with opportunities to learn that. thing over and over. And I would just say, dive in, let yourself learn along the [00:21:00] way. Now the second reason that our manifestations don’t always happen right on the timeline that we expected, hoped or desired is because we are not truly ready for it.

[00:21:12] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Right? And this is actually a good thing. This is the universe protecting us because if you’re not truly ready for it. There is a good chance a couple things might happen. Number one, you may just sabotage it, right? You might get it and then not be able to hold on to it. You may just sabotage it in some way, mess it up in some way, and I’ve totally done that when I’m not ready for something.

[00:21:37] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Another thing that we might do is just Not be able to hold on to it. So in the context of money, what I’ve seen oftentimes is that people will get the money, but then they instantly give it away or instantly spend it. It’s like, they’re not an energetic match to having money. So how can you prepare for it?

[00:21:57] _1_10-15-2024_171144: How can you create a solid [00:22:00] foundation for this thing to unfold? So a good way to think about this is, Okay. So let’s say you’re manifesting a million dollar business in the context of money, since that’s what we talk a lot about is thinking about the version of you, who has it, who holds onto it. Think about, let’s say you’re manifesting, we’re just going to throw a number out there.

[00:22:20] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Let’s say you’re manifesting a million dollar business, but put whatever number is relevant for you, right? But I’m just going to use a million. Okay. Let’s say you’re manifesting a million dollar business. You have to ask yourself, what is the foundation of a person who has a million dollar business? If you don’t know, start to research it, right?

[00:22:46] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Because a lot of people think they want a million dollars, but the truth is, do you have the support for that? Is your business set up foundationally to hold that [00:23:00] as a scaling business? And I’m giving you this example because this is a personal one for me. I’ve had this vision for a while, and I actually, I created a half million dollars pretty quickly, and I was able to, um, hold that, right?

[00:23:16] _1_10-15-2024_171144: That was the I basically hit an upper limit at the 500k because I had had a quantum leap. But since then I have not grown to a million and it’s been a couple years in terms of my actual coaching business. I’ve created a million in other ways because y’all know I open up all the channels for abundance to flow in.

[00:23:37] _1_10-15-2024_171144: So we’ve been able to create a net worth of. Plus right. But in terms of my business, it wasn’t hitting it. It wasn’t growing up to a million dollars. And there’s a reason for it in my life in terms of net worth, I was an energetic match to it. I could hold it. I had the space for it. I had the, [00:24:00] The version of me who knows how to hold on to money.

[00:24:03] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I am really caring for my money. I have support around it. I have a financial advisor. Um, I have a husband who, you know, talks to me about it as well. And we plan and come up with ideas and ways to hold the money. So like I’m an energetic match to it in that area. But I kept asking, why is my business not growing though?

[00:24:26] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Why is it coming through all these other channels, but not my business, right? There was a good amount coming through my business and I was creating a good impact, but it was staying kind of lingering around those, you know, mid six figures. And the reason why is the foundation was not set up. If I had created all the clients for a million dollar business, I wouldn’t have been able to take amazing care of them because it was me and one VA for many years and it was a bottleneck.

[00:24:58] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I’m telling you, this was just up until [00:25:00] one year ago. I was working, you know, it’s like I had to do the front end of my business, the back end. We were so full and busy that we weren’t even really looking at numbers. We weren’t looking at data that much. And there was so much going on the back burner. And that’s when I knew this year, I’m like, I need to set the foundation.

[00:25:20] _1_10-15-2024_171144: We don’t even have SOPs done. We don’t even have, you know, numbers being tracked. very consistently, right? We don’t have all the data of the business and that is not my zone of genius. I love looking at the data, but actually implementing it and all of that is not my zone of genius. So I knew I had to set up the foundation for it.

[00:25:41] _1_10-15-2024_171144: And it’s like, so that I could be the one just caring for my clients, just coaching my clients, having a clear mind, a clear spirit, also enjoying my life. Absolutely no overworking, right? And so that is what I set up this year is [00:26:00] I just decided I’m setting up the foundation. I hired, um, a OBM. I hired an operations person.

[00:26:08] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I hired like so many more people within my business to really support me. I hire customer support. We have a solid team. Where everybody has their own part and it’s in everyone’s zone of genius. It’s not me and one other person doing it all. That was just the place where I wasn’t an energetic match to a million dollar business.

[00:26:30] _1_10-15-2024_171144: It could have came, but it would have went fast because I couldn’t have handled it. And I didn’t know that, right? My brain thought, let me just, Let me think about becoming the million dollar version of myself. And you know, it’s evolved and I’ve been learning as I’ve been going. And now I can wholeheartedly say my business is 100 percent ready to scale to a million dollars and beyond like.

[00:26:57] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Hands down. Absolutely. No doubt about it. [00:27:00] I can see where it’s going. I can see the plan. We actually have the numbers now. So I’m like, Oh my gosh, this is the offer that’s working so well. This is the offer that I love. This is what we’re going to put all of our energy into. This is where we need to put our ad money.

[00:27:13] _1_10-15-2024_171144: It’s like now I have the machine behind the business working so that I can really see. So think about that for yourself. If you’re manifesting something, what is the foundation that you need to set? And I remember I did this even whenever I was manifesting like 2, 000 a month. That was like one of my first, I remember my, whenever I started my business, that was like one of my big goals.

[00:27:41] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Goals was let’s start making 2k a month And instead of just focusing on the outcome of the 2k a month. I remember thinking who is the version of me? Who creates 2k a month? It’s not me who stays in my workout clothes all day goes to the gym at whatever hours I want then goes and [00:28:00] runs errands and then puts the business last It’s like No, I have certain hours that I work because i’m gonna be having clients So I even put them fake into my calendar and made sure that I was in my office during those times, right?

[00:28:15] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I put like fake names within my calendar as if like these are where my clients are gonna go. I need to like set myself up and prepare myself to become the version of myself that gets to clients a month and started doing and really becoming that person. And that’s how I did it. Right. So you really have to get yourself foundationally ready for it because that’s, what’s going to allow you to not only have it, but to appreciate it and to hold it and to do it in a way that’s sustainable.

[00:28:47] _1_10-15-2024_171144: All right. And then the last one is when something, you know, isn’t happening in the timeline that you hope expected or desired. And you’re [00:29:00] like, but I’ve really learned so much and I feel like I’ve learned the lessons here. I feel like I’m an energetic match to it. I have the foundation set for it and I’m really going all in on this thing.

[00:29:16] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Sometimes. The next step is just to surrender, right? If you’ve prepared everything you can, you’ve done everything on your side, if you’ve done the inner work around it and you’ve learned lessons around it and you’re like, I really can’t think of anything more or different that I can do. Surrender. I’m telling you the power of surrender and letting go is everything because sometimes we are just holding on too tightly and that thing cannot breathe.

[00:29:53] _1_10-15-2024_171144: We have to let go. Go literally imagine yourself like as if you’re clinging to that [00:30:00] thing or clinging to the timeline or feeling needy. Imagine yourself. Sometimes visualization helps like imagine yourself releasing, letting it go, almost just dropping it, freeing your hands from it, shaking yourself out.

[00:30:13] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Letting go of the idea that it has to be done in a certain way, that your way is right, that there’s anything wrong with you. Let go. Just let it go.

[00:30:35] _1_10-15-2024_171144: This is where you can hand it over to a higher power. You can say, I have done my part. Again, high intention, high involvement, which you’ve had. Low attachment. You’ve got to let go and say, you know what universe this or something even better for the highest good of all concerned right and Lead me show me the way guide me [00:31:00] if it’s this let it unfold if it’s not this Lead me there open yourself up.

[00:31:07] _1_10-15-2024_171144: That is what I would Absolutely encourage and just trust in divine timing if you know wholeheartedly that this thing is for you, hold the vision, but let go, right? Hold the vision, know that it’s coming, know that it’s happening, but let go. And maybe even let it evolve in a way that you didn’t expect, because maybe whatever unfolds will be so much better than what you could have thought.

[00:31:37] _1_10-15-2024_171144: So what I’m going to leave you with in terms of trusting in divine timing and some practices that you can do are to really practice enjoying the journey, enjoying what you have now, right? Enjoy the miracle of now. Enjoy the [00:32:00] dream that you’re living in now. What dreams have already manifested and soak those in now knowing that more is coming, right?

[00:32:09] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Remember, these are the good old days. You are going to look back one day and say, those were the good old days. I miss that. I miss that age. I miss that timeframe. I miss what was happening there. I have no doubt about it. Now, might it be a challenging time? Might you be going through a lot? 100%, right? It could be, you could be going through a dark night of the soul right now.

[00:32:33] _1_10-15-2024_171144: But what I would focus on is what is good in my life now? What blessings are here now? And how can I let go? And you know, many say, let go and let God or let go and let the universe let go and surrender this to something greater than you, right? And so that’s what I’ll leave you with. I hope this episode was helpful.

[00:32:57] _1_10-15-2024_171144: I know whenever I recorded [00:33:00] the episode on letting go of the how, which you can find a couple episodes back, I said, you know what, I think I need to do a full episode on divine timing and what that is. And so I hope you found it helpful. I would love to hear from you and what your thoughts are on this. Um, But again, it’s time to think about, for you, how can you use?

[00:33:25] _1_10-15-2024_171144: Timelines for you instead of against you. And if you’re not able to get to the place where you’re using it for you, can you just release the timeline and just trust in divine timing and go for that thing? Because time is relative anyways, right? It’s a man made construct, woman made construct, human made construct.

[00:33:46] _1_10-15-2024_171144: That’s it. It’s a human made construct and that’s the end. It really doesn’t mean that much, right? So anyways, trust in divine timing. Can’t wait to hear from you. Have a beautiful week. I’ll see you next [00:34:00] week.

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Hi, I’m Master Certified Mindset Coach Jamie Berman

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