Time Doesn’t Equal Money, Here’s What Does… with Nonprofit Coach, Christina Edwards

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About the episode:

I know the common goal of so many entrepreneurs is to work less hours while making more money, but today’s guest and client of mine is actually living it. Christina Edwards is the visionary behind Splendid Consulting and leads a groundbreaking approach as a fundraising, marketing, and leadership coach for ambitious nonprofits. Coming into The Soulful Six Figure Mastermind she had hit a plateau of making about $100K/year while working herself to the bone. Since working together, she’s close to working less than 30 hours a week and has doubled her income. Christina shows that abundance is possible – even if you work in the nonprofit sector, you’re worthy of it. Tune in to hear her manifestation practice and learn how to start overestimating yourself and what you’re capable of creating.

Topics discussed:

  • Why Christina transitioned into working with nonprofits after a career in real estate and social media marketing 
  • Christina making the decision to invest in The Soulful Six Figure Mastermind after her business plateaued and she was feeling burnt out 
  • Cultivating belief in yourself through foundational work first because this often leads to abundance
  • Stepping away from “best practices” and how Christina dramatically cut the hours she worked but still doubled her income 
  • Releasing the fears that come with being a business owner and having the confidence to say what you want out loud 
  • Some of the results that Christina has created since increasing her belief in manifestation and doing the inner work 
  • Learning to separate time and money and why Christina believes the value she puts into the world is what actually creates money
  • A look into Christina’s manifestation practice and why she has decided to always overestimate herself
  • Leaning into the belief that your desires have already happened


About Christina:

As the visionary behind Splendid Consulting and the host of the Purpose & Profit Club™ Podcast, Christina leads a groundbreaking approach as a fundraising, marketing, and leadership coach for ambitious nonprofits.

Under her guidance, thousands of nonprofits have experienced quantum leaps in success, achieving remarkable revenue growth ranging from 2x to 10x—a testament to her innovative methods and transformative programs.

Dedicated to revolutionizing the sector, Christina seamlessly integrates the latest for-profit tools with inner work practices, empowering organizations to thrive in the digital age. Her forward-thinking strategies enhance visibility and foster funding growth, while also cultivating a mindset of courageous action and meaningful impact.

Connect with Christina:

[00:00:00] Jamie: Hey everyone. Welcome back to the podcast. I have another super special guest today. One of my amazing clients. I love to invite them on because well, with Christina specifically, it’s been absolutely amazing witnessing her transformation over the past, what year and a half, I think it’s been. And I think there’s just so much brilliance.

[00:00:27] Jamie: for them to share and for Christina to share. And I love having you all hear it from someone else because I think it’s so fun whenever I teach these things and then everyone takes it on differently, right? Everyone has a different practice, a different process, a different thing that works. And what I’ve been so inspired by with Christina is first of all, just seeing this massive shift in.

[00:00:50] Jamie: Her self concept in business and also what she’s created in terms of you’ve doubled your income. You have cut down on your work [00:01:00] hours. And so I want to dive into your brain and have you help all the listeners just understand what shifts you’ve made, how you’ve done it, what’s helped all the things. So we’re going to talk about all of that today.

[00:01:13] Jamie: How does that sound, Christina? Amazing. I’m like, yes, let’s do it. I love it. So could you first just introduce yourself and let everyone know? What you do, what your business is, what your focus is, all that good stuff. 

[00:01:25] Christina: Yeah. I’m Christina Edwards. I’m the founder of Splendid Consulting. I’m a lifelong entrepreneur.

[00:01:30] Christina: So I’ve been doing whether it’s some sort of entrepreneurial business, basically my entire adult career. And the work that I do now is, is, it’s like a winding path to get here, but this is the here that I was searching for all along. So it’s really, really fun. I work with nonprofits and I teach them how to raise and reach millions.

[00:01:51] Christina: And so we do online coaching. I have several courses and that’s kind of like the heart and soul of my work. 

[00:01:57] Jamie: Love that. So I didn’t know you’re a lifelong entrepreneur. [00:02:00] What did you do before that? 

[00:02:02] Christina: Listen, I, my very first like toe dip my toe into, um, business, I sold real estate and actually it was like the best thing ever because I had a cold call.

[00:02:13] Christina: I built my client list from scratch. I built an email list from scratch. I was like scrappy and it, I, and I used a lot of what I actually learned in sales, like working in, in, um, at a small boutique and it just kind of like kept going. Like if I believe in something. I can connect with people. I can sell.

[00:02:30] Christina: And then from there, I started a social media marketing agency. And that’s really where I sort of honed the skill of what I do. And then figured out like what I like doing, what I don’t like doing. And ultimately it was like, close the business there and really move into consulting and coaching and, you know, doing the work that I do now.

[00:02:48] Christina: Oh my gosh. I love it. Cause that’s the 

[00:02:50] Jamie: thing with my clients. I feel like I’m always like coaching, you know, we’re always coaching on what’s coming up right now. So oftentimes I’m like, I actually don’t know too much about your past [00:03:00] and it’s so fun to hear about it and learn that. 

[00:03:02] Christina: I mean, like I worked at a rock club.

[00:03:04] Christina: I bartended. It’s some of the best like people connecting that I’ve ever done. And, um. I think the last time I was a paid employee, I think it was like 2006. Like it’s been that long. 

[00:03:14] Jamie: Oh my gosh. I had amazing. That is so fun. So what was it that got you into what you’re doing now? 

[00:03:23] Christina: Yeah. So when I had the agency, I started working with nonprofits and kind of mission driven.

[00:03:29] Christina: Brands and businesses. And I was like, Ooh, this is the work. Like it’s creative. That’s heart centered. It’s people who care about the world that they live in or the community they live in. And what I saw was a lot of our clients with like a lot of big budgets, those for profits, they were doing some really amazing things.

[00:03:47] Christina: They were running some really amazing campaigns. If we had an idea, they were like, yeah, let’s go. And all my nonprofits were like. It was like walking instead of flying somewhere, you know? And so, so that was like the beginning of it and really loving on them and [00:04:00] going, okay. And then ultimately I started doing some done for you work.

[00:04:03] Christina: And then I started doing consulting work and then I started doing some coaching. And what I really realized is I can give them the strategy. The templates, the tools, everything all day. But the reason why they’re not doing it is because how they’re thinking. Right. And so that’s when I really was like, all right, we got to do the inner work too.

[00:04:20] Christina: And so now we kind of, we combine the two. So they still get the strategy of like, put this there, do this this way. But then it is, how do we take action? How do we like avoid burnout? There’s a lot of burnout in the sector. How do you love why you’re doing this in the first place and love on your donors and love on, love on the people that you work with?

[00:04:38] Christina: So. 

[00:04:38] Jamie: Oh my 

[00:04:38] Christina: gosh. 

[00:04:39] Jamie: It’s so interesting because a lot of, it sounds like what you do with them is also the work we have been working on together and doing together. Have you seen 

[00:04:48] Christina: that 

[00:04:48] Jamie: impact? I tell them 

[00:04:49] Christina: all the time, I’ll have like hundreds of people on the webinar and I’m like, you guys, I’m the guinea pig. I am doing all of the stuff I’m telling you to do.

[00:04:57] Christina: Like I’m it. So I built this like email [00:05:00] marketing course and I’m like, I’m the one who was scared to get out of draft mode. I’m the one that was scared to send so many emails. I’m the one who’s telling my clients to do it and sort of re beta test it with some of my one to one clients. And so yeah, it is very much 

[00:05:13] Jamie: perfect.

[00:05:13] Jamie: Perfect coach for them, right? Life imitating art. Yeah. Yes, that is so cool. Um, so I’m curious when, so you joined the Soulful Six Figure Mastermind. It was like, I think two, three rounds ago was your first time, right? It was maybe a year and a half 

[00:05:34] Christina: ago, was it? Or two years? Yeah, time is a weird thing. So let’s say a year and a half, two years.

[00:05:38] Christina: Yeah, something 

[00:05:38] Jamie: like that. So where were you when you joined, like in terms of mentally, what, yeah. What was it that inspired you to join? 

[00:05:49] Christina: I, great question. I mean, I think it was a culmination of a couple of things. I think like a lot of people who join your programs, definitely attracted to your energy, your motivation, your style of [00:06:00] coaching.

[00:06:00] Christina: Um, I was like, this is, this feels magnetic and kind of where I want to be. Um, it felt very positive and uplifting and like. not a heaviness. So there was that piece. Um, I also was at a point where my revenue was just plateauing. Like I was just making it again and again and again. And when I closed the agency, our top line revenue was Multiple six figures, but my take home revenue was never that great.

[00:06:28] Christina: And so when I moved into having a solopreneur business, that increased and that was cool and that was fun. But it was like, I was just making this and I was frustrated. So I was frustrated with making the same year over year and just feeling like I’m working a lot. 2020 happened. I was working like bananas to young kids.

[00:06:47] Christina: And so I just felt really tired. I had joined a program that was not at all the inner work that was, um, just about like online courses and a lot of the like strategy. But I noticed in that I really did like the [00:07:00] community. So I was like, Oh, I miss my people. So that was like one thing, but I also noticed in that, that it was like a fire hose of content and it made it harder for me to figure out intuitively, like, what is it I want to do?

[00:07:13] Christina: Because there were so many options you could do and running a lot online business. And so I think it was a culmination of like, You really simplifying things for online business owners. I remember joking, like that first cohort cohort being like, we’re all like Grindaholics anonymous. Like you brought in all of these people who were like,

[00:07:35] Christina: please, please tell us the other way to run our business. Because we know how to work long nights. We know how to wake up really early. We know how to like. Just fight for every dollar. And like, certainly there’s a better way. 

[00:07:47] Jamie: Yes. A hundred percent. And you know how to get results doing that. But then it’s like, you hit a point where it plateaus or either it plateaus or you plateau and it’s like, I am exhausted and done.

[00:07:58] Jamie: So where were [00:08:00] you? What was the plateau when you came in? Where were you in your business? Like 

[00:08:04] Christina: revenue wise or what do you 

[00:08:05] Jamie: mean? Revenue wise, yeah. 

[00:08:07] Christina: I was, I was making the same a hundred K. Okay. Like, again and again and again. And so, it was profitable, it was good, it was solid. And I had this, like, frustration with it.

[00:08:19] Christina: Because I knew that I could help more people. I knew that I wanted to help more people. And I just felt like I was on a hamster wheel. 

[00:08:28] Jamie: Yeah. 

[00:08:29] Christina: Like, and so it’s really hard to work so many hours a week and just see the same result, right? Yeah. And you’re like, but I’m, and I was trying a lot of different things.

[00:08:39] Christina: So it’s not for lack of innovating. It’s not for lack of being creative. It’s not for lack of putting myself out there. So it felt very, um, Energetic where it was like, Oh, I’m burning off a lot, but my results kind of the same. 

[00:08:51] Jamie: So I’m still curious, like looking back and sometimes it’s harder to even look back at like, Oh my gosh, a year and a half ago, where, what, what was the shift?

[00:08:58] Jamie: But. If you [00:09:00] were to kind of like sum up what made the difference and what allowed that to shift and for you to actually start bringing in more income? 

[00:09:10] Christina: Yeah, I think very, very simply, a really great coach believes in you. Yeah. And is like, I got you and they’re pulling you forward. Not only they’re nudging you, but they’re, they’re literally holding their hand out and they’re like, I got you and you were doing that.

[00:09:25] Christina: So you were like, holding on to the belief for me of like, this is in the bag. Like, go like you got this. So even just for somebody else to be like, you got this. You can do it. I know you can was really impactful. So there’s that piece being in a collective community of people who, you know, we don’t have the same niche.

[00:09:45] Christina: We’re not working with the same people, but who like have an understanding of like the, the inner chatter and have an understanding of like what we’re all kind of collectively working towards. And also to like see and hear their celebrations and their wins of being like, okay, [00:10:00] they did this. I can do this like, there’s something about that for me that.

[00:10:05] Christina: is a big shift or has been a big shift of like, Oh, and so I would find in like a single session of like, where I, and I, you know, I do this still where I’m like, ah, I feel like I don’t know what to do here. And I don’t know what to do here. And just like one coaching session, a week or two weeks worth of confusion is just completely shored up.

[00:10:25] Christina: Yeah. And that’s like time. I can’t like, you can’t even put a price on that. Cause it’s like, Oh, there’s my, like, it’s, that’s how I fast track. That’s how I grow is like getting out of the confusion mode. And my confusion mode is usually like hidden and it’s out. It looks like creativity mode. 

[00:10:43] Jamie: Totally. Yep. A hundred percent.

[00:10:47] Jamie: Oh my gosh. I love that so much. And the first round for you of the mastermind, I do remember it was so. So much about slowing down in terms of not overworking, not having [00:11:00] a feeling like you had to have so many offers and had to be doing so many launches all of the time. So I remember the first round. The results that you created were, I think you still were around 100k, but you were changing the way you were working so much.

[00:11:15] Jamie: I was stair, 

[00:11:16] Christina: yeah, I was stair stepping. And I think it was like, I came out of this program. I did have some time in between this, this online course program that I was in, but that was so heavy. I’m like launch, launch, launch. Like a lot of almost like masculine energy, even as I think about it, of like push, grind.

[00:11:33] Christina: And so like, that was what I had been taking on in my business. For so long that we sort of unraveled that while keeping, listen, my funnels still exist, they’re rocking, like while keeping like the, the, the underpinnings of what I learned with that. But it was like, how do I keep that? And also kind of change how I’m thinking about it.

[00:11:52] Christina: So there was that piece. And then the other piece was like, I was increasing, so I was like increasing some, but it [00:12:00] wasn’t like this. I wanted, I really wanted the like huge growth. And I just wasn’t that. But what did happen was like, The lagging. So it was like, I spent. time, I think slowing down, but also releasing some of those like unhelpful beliefs that I felt like I need to do this.

[00:12:17] Christina: I have to do this. Yeah. And then what I was doing was like seeding. So the six months after the mastermind, those were really fun months for me, like revenue wise. Cause I was like, Oh, Okay, so it felt like, you know, planting like tulips because I think you’re supposed to do that. Like, and then they, you know, then you don’t see anything till they pop.

[00:12:37] Christina: And that was that version of the mastermind. Like believing, seeding, knowing it’s coming, but not quite totally seeing it just yet. Yes, totally. And 

[00:12:49] Jamie: I think that is so normal. It’s like, A lot of times I see that with like the first time you get into this work or start learning about manifestation, whether you’re just coming into the movement or it’s the [00:13:00] mastermind and it’s different for everyone.

[00:13:01] Jamie: But a lot of times it’s the foundational work first. And then like you said, it’s like, Ooh, shh. Afterwards, I’ve had so many people that are like, Oh my gosh, right after like all of a sudden the windfall happened. And like, I’m still glad I held on to belief. And again, you, like you said, you were doing it incrementally.

[00:13:17] Jamie: And I remember, I, didn’t you cut your work hours down to like 25, which was a huge change from where you were. So I was 

[00:13:24] Christina: working, I had built a business that just modeled a corporate business. Like I told you, we start, I mean, I haven’t had, I don’t know that I’ve ever worked in an office. Like maybe when I was.

[00:13:36] Christina: I don’t know an intern somewhere. I’m not sure. I don’t know. I’ve been in an office. I know what offices are like, you know what I mean? But I’ve never really, but I built a business that mimicked like clocking in working nine to five. And it was, I has had definitely, I think in that first round, that light bulb moment of like, I can create any business I want.

[00:13:54] Christina: I have two young children. Why don’t I figure out what that looks [00:14:00] like? 

[00:14:00] Jamie: Like, 

[00:14:01] Christina: and for me, that doesn’t mean like, Oh, they’re, they get out of school every early, every day, but it’s like, Oh, do I want to block my calendar? I blocked my entire calendar. There’s a weekend may coming up because I don’t know what the fun thing at school will be when it will be.

[00:14:14] Christina: So I’m just blocking it and being like, Oh, I don’t have to hurry and rush places. And so part that has been my work, giving myself permission to not start. The day at nine or whatever time we’re told to start has been really effective. Giving myself space away from the business has been like a superpower in actually, truly creating amazing content, amazing podcasts, things like that.

[00:14:39] Christina: That has really, really helped. It’s like, Oh, it’s when I go away, even if away is a 20 minute walk or if away is like a retreat, that’s when I come back and I’m like, it’s like, like, yes. But I wasn’t letting myself have those moments, those like, intuitive, inspirational moments because it was like, sit at desk, must work.

[00:14:58] Christina:

[00:14:58] Jamie: remember 

[00:14:58] Christina: this, 

[00:14:59] Jamie: right? I remember you [00:15:00] were like, I haven’t had an actual vacation where I haven’t thought about work or taken off in like, you know, years. And I just remember there was a lot of fear and almost like confusion of how the heck do you even do that? But you figured it out. What do you? Do you know, what is it that’s allowed you to like kind of create this safety to try that out and test it out even though your brain was offering like, Wait, what?

[00:15:20] Jamie: This is not how it’s done. You have to have all these hours. How is that even going to work? How would I cut it down and actually continue making money? 

[00:15:27] Christina: Yeah, I definitely value in my own business, like, role breaking. I don’t like the term best practices. I don’t like that at all. 

[00:15:34] Jamie: I’m always 

[00:15:35] Christina: trying to get organizations to stop doing best practices.

[00:15:38] Christina: Um, and so for me, once I kind of realized I was doing best practices in my own business, I don’t want to do it like this. And so that was kind of exciting of being like, what do I want to do? Like, how do I want to create my work week? Um, what do I want that to look like? And then, um, tracking my time did help just to see [00:16:00] like where I thought I was spending really long hours.

[00:16:03] Christina: I was like, Oh no, I’m not really spending a lot of hours. So that was like good of like what your idea of something is versus the reality of something. And then, um, realizing like, if it is my goal, which it still is to work under 30 hours per week, then how do I make that happen? And usually it’s decisiveness.

[00:16:21] Christina: So not spinning out in confusion. And then my other work has just been really sticking to like core offers and streamlines. Yeah. Yeah. Which is saying, saying no. So I can say yes over here. Um, saying no to a little bit of money so I can say yes. to a lot of money, which is hard sometimes because it’s not always like one for one and that easy.

[00:16:40] Jamie: Totally. That’s huge. And then when you went to the second round of the mat, because you took a little break and then you came in this last round and that’s been also another big leap. Like you said, this time it’s, it’s in real time. What do you feel like the lessons you’ve learned this time? [00:17:00] 

[00:17:00] Christina: Yeah, this round has felt Like you said, in real time, like the shifts have happened very quickly.

[00:17:06] Christina: I don’t feel like the same person today that I was when I started, which is like, what, you know, like, it’s, it’s very cool to be able to say that. I really don’t, I feel like the future self person that felt far away, you know, I feel like her, for me, I’ve learned, and I didn’t really know this. I don’t think I totally knew this, is I really process things out loud.

[00:17:30] Christina: So when I can say something out loud to a coach, or I can say something particularly out loud to my community and my mastermind, it, like, if it’s something that is fear, just, it releases it. It’s crazy. Like, I, if I can just say, you know, I’m struggling with this, and this is how I feel, and just saying it out loud, It’s like it sheds for me versus carrying it with me.

[00:17:50] Christina: And as a business owner, there’s so many fears all along the way every single day. And so I think that that really helped me. release some old stuff of just getting some coaching in [00:18:00] the beginning of things that I was, you know, I don’t, you know, so there’s that piece. Um, and then on the other side of just saying out loud what I want, that is another thing, because for me, more than writing, more than journaling, more than anything else, saying out loud to another human, what I want, it takes like, And so to say that has really fast tracked my own growth.

[00:18:25] Jamie: So, yeah. What have been some of the things that you have tapped into that you realized you wanted? 

[00:18:32] Christina: I realized that, well, I think just saying out loud, like, I want to work less. I want to work less. And it’s okay to want to work less. Right out of the gate, I knew that I, my work was to figure out how it could be possible for somebody to work less and make more.

[00:18:50] Christina: I wanted those levers, but it was like, my brain was really stuck on time, money, time, money, those two. And so, so just to really like noodle around [00:19:00] and then also be around other people who were. In fact, making more money in less time. It’s like, Oh, okay. So even just seeing it modeled for me was really, really helpful.

[00:19:10] Christina: And then just saying like, yeah, that’s what I’m working towards too. That’s what I’m claiming. 

[00:19:14] Jamie: Yeah. And that was your sacred business project, right? Was to make more working less. Project Easy Abundance. That was it. That’s the best way to put it. Yes. 

[00:19:26] Christina: Yeah. 

[00:19:26] Jamie: And there’s something so, so powerful about like holding that as a project for six months of knowing like this is my focus.

[00:19:35] Jamie: This is what I want. This is what I’m going for. And figuring out how to make it happen. And you have. So what have been some of the other results that you’ve created since doing this work, since learning about manifestation and doing your work around money and getting coached consistently? 

[00:19:51] Christina: Yeah. Okay. Um, so I would say the first is just, I really do now believe that time and money are [00:20:00] separate.

[00:20:00] Christina: Like they don’t exist. Like I really do see that. I do see that last week I worked seven hours because it was a, it was a spring break week and that’s how long I worked. I worked seven hours and the money flowed in, revenue flowed in, and it had nothing to do with the seven hours I worked this week, I will probably work closer to 25, something like that.

[00:20:19] Christina: And so I’m like, Oh, just proving it like consistently proving that to myself has been really, really helpful to like. Dis, disattach that, that kind of core belief and then just also saying, I don’t want to believe this anymore. It’s not helpful. Yeah. Is, is really, really helpful. Yeah. Oh my gosh. So good. And what’s happened to your revenue since you’ve?

[00:20:41] Christina: Yeah, I mean, I know we’ve had to do some coaching around it because it’s like, my self concept is still catching up to the revenue because my revenue has grown. I log into QuickBooks and it’s like, congratulations, you’re up 50 percent from last year. And I’m like, we are, are we sure? You know, and I’m talking to my accountant, he’s like, hey, we need to talk about you opening [00:21:00] up a 401k in your business.

[00:21:02] Christina: I’m like, we do like these types of like, Things I’ve also noticed that I’ve stepped into. I’m not somebody who has a freelance business. I never felt that way, but I have a business business. That means trademarking. That means doing, having conversations with, with my accountant, having conversations with lawyers, doing investments that.

[00:21:25] Christina: I have had the intuitive nudge to do for years and said to myself, we don’t need to do that. It’s okay. And then I’ve had it now come up where I’m like, we should have done that. But, but believing like, of course, my business is going to be so much bigger in five years. Of course, I’m going to do that now.

[00:21:40] Christina: I’m going to have those conversations now, make those investments now. And so I’ve watched myself. step into that version of Christina who is more decisive, but also is like treating her business like, like an amazing thing in a way that I wasn’t before, even though I loved it, I [00:22:00] wasn’t treating it that way.

[00:22:01] Christina: That makes sense. It’s like, it’s a real business, right? Like it’s a real business. Like I was always, I always had my, like, there are certain things I do, you know, I always did my, I business license and I always did it, but I don’t need to do this. No one’s going to take my, you know, Well, this is serious business, like get in the arena, Christina.

[00:22:18] Christina: Yeah, I 

[00:22:18] Jamie: think I was telling y’all, I’m like, guys, do this, do that trademark, right? Like, cause you learn and you don’t want to learn it the hard way. It’s so good. Yeah. That’s amazing. So with that of like learning, oh wait, I actually want to ask this before I ask the next question. I’m curious now that you’ve been able to separate time and money, What do you think it is you’re used to think time created money or the time that you put in, what is your new perspective on that?

[00:22:47] Jamie: That what creates money? 

[00:22:48] Christina: Yeah. What creates money is the value that I put into the world. I help. I literally help people make a greater impact. And like, it’s the best, [00:23:00] um, my vow, like it’s service. It’s getting in front of the right people so I can help them. And so it’s. It is scalable now in a way that it wasn’t before.

[00:23:10] Christina: And so I’m really seeing that it’s not about, and for them too, like, this is the work we talk about too in my program is like, it’s not that they need to work 50 or 60 hours a week. It’s. It’s the same work of like, how do they work less and impact more? Because it’s possible for me, it’s possible for them too.

[00:23:28] Christina: Um, but that willingness, they have to be willing to, to do the same work of like, okay, where do I need help? Maybe I need to invest in support, but where do I just need to do a little bit more of the inner work to like actually Be more motivated. Ask for, for my people. It’s a lot of fundraising. So it’s like, ask for more money.

[00:23:46] Christina: Be willing to see, you know, um, the, the face of a donor who’s like, whoa, that’s a lot. Yeah, it’s a lot. Yeah. We’re impacting a lot of people. Yeah. You want to come with us? Are you coming on the ride? And so, yeah, just like [00:24:00] being able to support them through that process is, is It’s 

[00:24:03] Jamie: the best. So good. And the thing is that I think most people don’t realize what you’ve totally touched on is that I think when we do take time for ourselves and we fill our own cup, right?

[00:24:14] Jamie: And we do business in the way that we want to, we become more helpful because we can think clearer because it’s like, we can provide more value. Because like you said, when you have that space, you think on such a higher level, which means a week off or going on a retreat or spending times with your kids is making you more valuable.

[00:24:37] Jamie: And that is why you make more money. And I know it’s kind of like messes with the brain a little, because we definitely didn’t learn this in school, but look at this at what you’ve created, you know, as an effect of that. It’s so amazing. 

[00:24:49] Christina: I always felt like I’m fast. Like I could, Onboard somebody and be like put this there do this that way.

[00:24:55] Christina: Yeah, and so it’s like But giving myself the space to really [00:25:00] take that speed and also ideate has been really helpful Giving myself the space. I was at the gym this morning and i’m like, oh, I gotta tell my client That’s one thing because she’s pitching sponsors this week and it just dropped in And being able to, you know, just being able to have the space of being at the gym at 9 30 and, you know, when I’m supposed to be at my desk, it’s like, it’s so helpful and, and also models it for them to, we, you know, of, of making sure that they’re not of like, Hey, we’re going to have an off week this week, or we’re going to do a coworking session this week or something like that.

[00:25:32] Christina: So they’re like, they’re not feeling also like they’re feeling from an empty cup. Paving the way. 

[00:25:39] Jamie: So what would you say, Christina, is your, I always love to ask what, like, what is your manifestation practice? You know, if you look back at how you’ve created this, what felt impossible. Yeah. You know, at one point, like, how would I ever do that?

[00:25:55] Jamie: How would I double my income and work less and actually love my [00:26:00] business and have time with the kids and take vacations and all the things, what would you say the either the process or your favorite practices have been? And you can answer those 

[00:26:10] Christina: separately too. It’s funny. Yeah. So two things pop in my head.

[00:26:14] Christina: The first thing, when you were saying that is I always used to feel like a type of way of like, People who got to go on like yoga retreats. I’m like who gets to go on yoga retreats? And now I’m like I can go on a yoga retreat of like I was She just, that person felt far away from me. It wasn’t, it just felt like that’s something for other people.

[00:26:33] Christina: And so once I realized that’s something I, do you want to go on like yoga retreat? Do you want to like, um, what do you want? Just asking myself that and then being like, okay, well, let’s, let’s go do that. Like, you know, I have a husband who’s supportive and it’s like, go on the yoga retreat. You know, like.

[00:26:49] Christina: And then for my business to be able to help support that too, of like, whatever the thing is. So that just popped into my head of like actually figuring out and answering the question of like, do I even want that? Or is that just comparison [00:27:00] and feeling like, or is that really what my heart wants? Every single year I go on like a solo retreat by myself and it’s usually around my birthday.

[00:27:07] Christina: And I started doing that and it’s like the most fun. I love it. Like the introvert in me loves it. Yeah. And I had been wanting to do it for so long. And I never gave myself permission until I turned 40. And then after 40, it just became like an annual thing. And it’s so fun of like, where do I want to go?

[00:27:23] Christina: What do I want to do? Like, I love, I’m like eating out by myself, listening to audio books, sitting by a pool, like, so anyway, that popped into my head of figuring out what it is 

[00:27:33] Jamie: you want. Like not, no longer waiting. Just do it now. Yeah. Yes. Do it now. So 

[00:27:39] Christina: powerful. As far as my practice goes, you know, when I think of manifestation, I think it was like the early 2000s and it messed me up for a little bit because it was all law of attraction, right?

[00:27:50] Christina: Remember, it’s all law of attraction. And so that was a really cool book. It was when I was in real estate, everybody in, in my office read the book and we did the vision boards [00:28:00] and that was it. That was manifestation, you know, which you know, is, is, is part of it. And so it kind of messed me up for a little while of like, well, if that isn’t like, Why isn’t it working?

[00:28:12] Christina: And so what I realized through our work together is like, for me, naming it, claiming it, talking about it, talking about it out loud is part of my manifestation practice for sure. I’ve watched my son do this. Who is a natural manifester. Like he just has it. So we will be out of the country for, for part of the summer.

[00:28:33] Christina: And before we bought tickets, before we did anything, he was telling everybody. I’m going over here. I’ll be in the, you know, and I was like, hold on buddy. Like we, I don’t know, you know, but he was just owning it, naming it, claiming it. It’s happening. It’s done. And I’m like, you know, I’ve seen him manifest a milkshake before.

[00:28:52] Christina: And it’s so fun. You know, it’s like us putting in an order and a drive thru and I’m not ordering that and him not having a fit about [00:29:00] it, but just talking about it and why he wants it. And the little drive thru window opening and a woman saying, would you like a milkshake? And I was like, what? So like just saying it out loud and being having almost like that childlike, like, of course, he’s like, of course, you know what I mean?

[00:29:16] Christina: Of course we’re going on to the beach. Of course we’re going here. And so his, like, that really helps me of like, just say the thing you want, Christina, believe in it. Yeah. I was just, I’ve been thinking about this idea of like overestimating yourself, because my default, and I guess a lot of people’s is underestimating.

[00:29:32] Christina: A hundred percent. So I’m like, why don’t I just overestimate? Like, why don’t I just, of course, I’m going to win at this. Of course, it’s going to go well. Of course, we’re going to the beach. Of course, I’m going to hit my revenue goal. Of course, I’m going to do it in 25 hours a week. Instead of like, Thinking of all the other ways, I won’t.

[00:29:51] Christina: And for me, it’s, and talk about it, and say it, and visualize it. And so that has been, I think, really, [00:30:00] really important for me, is just to, to like, and that takes guts. It takes guts to like, I think for, for us in the mastermind, like to say it there feels really safe, even if it feels really scary, but to say it to a friend who has kind of no idea what my business is, even, not sure what a funnel, you know what I mean, like that does take guts to be like, Yeah, that’s what I’m working on.

[00:30:22] Christina: Biggest launch ever. It’s happening. It’s done. You’re like, oh, did I really just tell that to you? 

[00:30:27] Jamie: Yes, I said it. Yes. Totally. Yeah. And I think that’s a practice. It’s something that I completely practice too. And I remember whenever I first started, my brain would be like, but what if it doesn’t happen? And then you’ve told all these people and it’s like, Like, how do you know the worst case is going to happen and you’re willing to tell people that, you know, it’s like, and that’s what I loved about whenever I did, um, an interview with Becky Gardner, it came out a couple of weeks ago.

[00:30:51] Jamie: Um, and she was saying how, you know, she realized, uh, that it’s just as easy to believe in possibility as it [00:31:00] is to believe in. Worst case. So why not just believe in possibility because the chances of it manifesting go way up when you just decide. 

[00:31:11] Christina: I would say that has been, that’s it. That’s the secret is when I believe.

[00:31:17] Christina: It’s done. It’s happening. It’s happened. It’s in the bag. It happens. It’s done. And the path there is so much easier. I can let go of like, who is actually joining the program and just be like, let’s, let’s go. Let’s make, let’s invite people. Let’s have some fun. Come on in. And then I can be surprised and excited by the people who join.

[00:31:38] Christina: Right. And be like, oh my gosh, I had no idea. Like, and that is exactly what’s happened. But when I hold on so tight and also like the controlling part of me, you know, like wants to know every type of way, then it’s not fun for everyone. And then I’m holding so tight on this. This, this goal that it, you know, like I’m all about enjoying the process, not the product, you know, [00:32:00] it 

[00:32:00] Jamie: really does.

[00:32:01] Jamie: I really think that practice allows you to enjoy it so much more because when you have a positive vision in your mind. I mean, half of it is probably it’s just you’re excited, right? Because like, you know what I mean? It feels fun to go after it. It’s way better to be thinking, Oh my gosh, what if I could create this?

[00:32:18] Jamie: For me, that just like pulls my spirits up and allows me to go create it. So that’s 

[00:32:23] Christina: so powerful. There is like a jolt of, I don’t know, it’s probably dopamine or whatever it is that happens. Like when that first person joins or, you know, like that first person and If we can, if I can get to the point of like before she joins.

[00:32:39] Christina: Feeling that, then the email I write is so much truer. Like the, the social post is so much better. The next steps that I take, whether it may be, like, it just is so much easier. And then I leave that day not depleted, but like full, whether or not anyone joined. And so that’s kind of like the weird [00:33:00] piece of like, yeah, just being willing to, like, to just let it be a little bit weird of like, yep, she’s coming.

[00:33:06] Christina: Yep. He’s coming. Totally. 

[00:33:07] Jamie: 100%. Yep. 

[00:33:08] Christina: Yeah. 

[00:33:09] Jamie: I love how, um, Kelsey Carter calls it just being delusional. Like it’s fine. I give myself permission to be delusional because either way I am like, no matter what I’m making it up. But yeah, one of them excites me. One doesn’t. So that is awesome, Christina. So what is your next impossible that you’re going for?

[00:33:26] Jamie: Like what feels like the next juicy, super fun, expansive, have you thought about it? Cause I know you’ve been working towards this project, but I mean, 

[00:33:36] Christina: That’s funny. Um, Hmm. I don’t know. I don’t know what my next is. I mean, it’s definitely going to be tied around time and money too, like for sure. I’ve probably even dialing down the hours, even to get to like closer to 20 a week, um, investing in more support, which has been part of what I’m doing now.

[00:33:54] Christina: And, you know, Ditching some beliefs about that because I had some, some thoughts about, you [00:34:00] know, hiring and managing people and none of it’s true. Like none of it’s true. I’m like, they do it better than me, right. Faster than me. They have better ideas than I. And so continuing to like, be like, okay, what does future Christina do?

[00:34:13] Christina: Yeah. Yeah. And so we’ll see, I mean, revenue wise. I’m like, it feels scary, but I’m like, I don’t know, maybe four or 500, something like that. 

[00:34:21] Jamie: Yeah. 

[00:34:22] Christina: I was thinking a million for you. 

[00:34:24] Jamie: I don’t know if that’s next year. Right. But like right now, the way that I’m seeing and the self concept that you’ve stepped into and the way that you have.

[00:34:33] Jamie: Like really refined your business to one that is scalable. It’s impactful. You really help your clients get 10 X results, if not a hundred X results. It’s like, I really see you being on that trajectory towards a million. And I think it could probably not probably, but it, Certainly could happen faster than you think if you just keep stepping into what you’ve 

[00:34:56] Christina: been 

[00:34:56] Jamie: doing.

[00:34:57] Christina: Exactly. Exactly. I, I think in the [00:35:00] months we’ve been together, and I was thinking about this this morning, I’ve grown as a business owner, like I’ve done like two years worth of business owner growth, if that makes sense. As far as, My, my capacity, my, my brain, my, like the way that I show up feels like, Ooh, it’s been like years since I thought about it this past way.

[00:35:20] Christina: So I hear you. I see you 

[00:35:23] Jamie: in the past five months in the five. 

[00:35:25] Christina: Yeah. That five months, it has felt like years worth of growth in a very short period because it just has been like. Why am I even messing around with this? Let’s go. Why am I even messing around with this? Let’s go. Yeah, 

[00:35:43] Jamie: yeah, yeah, yeah. Totally.

[00:35:45] Jamie: So good. I love all of this and I know everyone’s going to be so inspired. So thank you so much for sharing your wisdom. And I would love to have you share a little bit more about your business and how people can work with [00:36:00] you. Whether there’s someone listening who has a nonprofit. works within a nonprofit or know someone else like Christina is amazing and helps her clients in such a massive impactful way.

[00:36:13] Jamie: So how, tell me a little bit, like, yeah, share it with the listeners, how they can find you and like, in what capacity you work with people. Yeah, 

[00:36:22] Christina: for sure. So my podcast is The Purpose and Profit Club. So you can come hang out with me there. And then my website is SplendidATL. com and Splendid Consulting are mainly my social handles like on Instagram or wherever.

[00:36:35] Christina: Yep. Um, and I work with what I would say is small to mid sized non profits. So usually, um, under the 3 million mark, which most are, by the way, only just a small, small percentage are like those big brand names. So many of them are, you know, in that small to mid size, and I help them raise and reach more. So the work that they’re doing, it’s, it’s, It’s a gift that I get to work with them, like [00:37:00] whether women’s health, social, social issues, health care access, international, like it’s such a gift that I just get to dip my toe in and I’m like, if I can help you raise more, I, it literally helps the people you serve.

[00:37:13] Christina: So it’s, it’s, it’s, It’s the best work ever. And the people who have chosen to devote their life to this work, a lot of them are founders. And so they have a personal tie to the cause, many of them, you know, and so they’re, they’re doing the work each day. And my, my goal is like, okay, let’s fast track your success too.

[00:37:31] Christina: Let’s get you to reach and raise more quicker so that we can impact more. Yeah. Oh my God. 

[00:37:35] Jamie: Oh, it must be so rewarding just to see what is created, especially because I imagine that. Not too many people bring in like that mastery of the mindset piece that you have along with strategies and you have both.

[00:37:51] Jamie: And so it’s just like, that’s where the magic happens. And 

[00:37:55] Christina: my work has barely been Being comfortable with the fact that they don’t, [00:38:00] they’re, they’re not necessarily searching for that. They’re not necessarily searching for like mindset coach or anything. They’re searching for, 

[00:38:09] Jamie: correct, 

[00:38:09] Christina: they’re like money. I need money.

[00:38:12] Christina: And so, yeah, and so it’s, it’s, it’s. It’s really interesting because I’m coaching a group of people who are not necessarily actively realizing that they need a coach, but many of them are very heart centered and mission centered. And so they’re very open to it and very coachable. And then when they can get off a call and be like, we just raised 125, 000.

[00:38:33] Christina: I made one, I made one call. I’m like, that’s it. Like, that’s the work. That’s so, and that’s just the beginning for them. And so now they have that skill to build off and they’re realizing that like, their own trepidation, their own hesitation between calling partners or sponsors or individual donors is totally not about a pitch script, which they think it’s about a pitch script.

[00:38:55] Jamie: Yeah, totally. Right. A hundred percent. They don’t realize money’s created in the mind and you do. [00:39:00] So it’s so amazing that you, you know, and that’s why they’re able to. You know, raise all of this money. It’s so cool. Yes. So cool. Thank you so much, Christina. I love this conversation. I’m always, every time I just leave so inspired.

[00:39:15] Jamie: So I, I just love hearing your wisdom. What’s shifted for you. I’m just so proud of all the work you’ve done. And I really feel so honored that I’ve gotten to coach you and witness your growth. It’s been so 

[00:39:28] Christina: fun. It’s so fun to share this. And I guess I will just share to like. I feel like I’ve always, I’ve joined these programs before where I felt like Not the underdog, but like, oh, I’m not totally, and it’s so interesting to be like, stick with it.

[00:39:43] Christina: Like be willing to shed that old version so you can have this version. And so I really see this as like a full circle moment of being like, I get to share my success story because I’m a success story. Like, you know what I mean? Of like, Oh, it’s happened. And so that is also just like, if [00:40:00] for anyone in the movement or anyone in the mastermind of like, yeah, you’re supposed to be exactly like you are the six it’s happening.

[00:40:06] Christina: Um, and just like letting it, letting yourself realize like, Oh, it’s happening. It’s working. It’s working as one of my favorite thoughts. Yes. 

[00:40:13] Jamie: Whether it looks like it in this very present moment or not, it is 100 percent working. I love that. Thank you for sharing that. It’s so true. Oh my gosh. Well, thank you, Christina.

[00:40:25] Jamie: I appreciate it. Thanks so much. Yeah.

Learn how to utilize the power of manifestation to begin attracting new clients! Download my FREE Manifestation for Business Workbook here.

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Hi, I’m Master Certified Mindset Coach Jamie Berman

I help entrepreneurs unravel limiting beliefs so that they can make money with ease.

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