Self-criticism doesn’t work!

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We often think self-criticism or beating ourselves up is motivating.

Maybe if we tell ourselves we look gross in the mirror enough, it will motivate us to get to the gym and work out?

Maybe if we tell ourselves we’re not good enough, we’ll somehow step up to the plate to become “good enough.”

Oh and maybe if we tell ourselves we’re not capable of staying on a healthy eating plan, we’ll somehow be motivated to stay on one…..

Hmmmm….How is that working out? Not so good I’m guessing.

That’s because self-criticism does NOT MOTIVATE! It does not propel us forward or make us try harder. It actually does the opposite.

If you think about the thought model—the way our thoughts cause our feelings, which drive our actions..and give us our results. You can see how negative, critical thoughts never create positive, successful results.

For example, if you tell yourself you’ll never be able to lose weight, you probably feel defeated. How do you show up for yourself when you feel defeated? I imagine you don’t show up. You probably don’t plan, you don’t take on challenges, you don’t stay committed. The results you create in your life when you’re showing up from this place are not positive, and you can see that it doesn’t motivate you to lose the weight.

So how do we stop being so critical of ourselves?

You just have to make the decision.

You can decide TODAY to stop tolerating the negative self-talk.

You wouldn’t put up with it from a friend or a loved one, so why put up with it from yourself?

The way you get rid of it isn’t overly complicated or difficult, you simply catch yourself when you begin criticizing yourself, and redirect the thoughts.

Some of the thoughts that helped me shift out of it when I noticed the inner bully thoughts were…

“I don’t think this way anymore.”

“This is not helping.”

I would call them out as “thought errors” and shift my thinking.

Practicing this takes some focus and mindfulness (awareness of our thoughts), but I can promise you, if you practice this daily, you will begin to create INCREDIBLE results in your life. And if you want to lose weight permanently, this exercise is a MUST!

If you’re someone who’s been self-critical for a long time and want some support shifting out of it I can totally help you get on the right track. Sign up for your first free strategy session with me here, and we’ll come up with a game plan!

Have a beautiful day!



Learn how to utilize the power of manifestation to begin attracting new clients! Download my FREE Manifestation for Business Workbook here.

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Hi, I’m Master Certified Mindset Coach Jamie Berman

I help entrepreneurs unravel limiting beliefs so that they can make money with ease.

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