Self-Love & PCOS

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I’m on my way to PCOS Con in Washington DC, where I’ll be speaking about self-love and body positivity with PCOS!

It’s the perfect topic for me because I feel like my PCOS journey has also been a path that’s led me to love myself on a deeper level.

I tried to change myself for SO MANY YEARS because I didn’t love myself.

I hated that I was overweight. 

I hated that I had acne and chin hair.

I hate that I didn’t feel at home in my body.

I wanted to change all of those things so that I could feel better about myself. I thought that once they were fixed…WHALA I would love myself!

So I tried for years. Doing all the diets, acne treatments, hair removals, etc. 

My symptoms would go in and out, but one thing was for sure, none of it ever changed how I felt about myself. 

Even after losing weight the first time, I still felt insecure and disconnected from my body.

That’s how I knew what I was doing wasn’t working for me. 

Have you ever had that experience where you’re just sick of your same sh*t? You literally get tired of playing out the same things over and over and over?

Well, that’s where I was.

And I realized things weren’t going to change by hating myself more.

No amount of beating myself up would help me love myself more!

So I set the intention to love the body I was in….overweight, hair growth, symptoms, and all. I just decided I wanted to like this version of me, since I didn’t see it changing anytime soon.

So I started out with little things, like

  • Buying clothes that actually fit my body.
  • Having pictures done, and letting go of the urge to criticize myself
  • Following body-positive women on Instagram, who were a similar size as me. 

I continued doing this work and practicing loving thoughts about my body.

As time went on, the acceptance I felt, the more I began to make positive changes. 

It wasn’t an overnight shift, but my commitment to it kept me going.

And two years into my self-love/body positive journey, I began WANTING to change some things, rather than feeling like I had to in the past.

I found myself wanting to cut certain foods from my diet that didn’t serve my body. 

I started craving low-impact exercises, like walking for stress-release. 

I began waking up early every morning and doing writing and journaling. 

That is when losing weight became easy! I was no longer fighting myself internally.

This is what I love about PCOS coaching. It starts with learning how to love yourself more, no matter where you are. Then, making positive changes from that place! 

So if you feel like you’re fighting your body or PCOS, how can you bring a little more love into the equation. How can you accept where you’re at right now?

Are you open to trying this out? What’s one thing could you do this week to cultivate more self-love? I want to hear your ideas!

Send me a message and let me know what you’re going to do and I’ll cheer you on!

In health & happiness,



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