When it comes to staying on your protocol, are there a few mistakes you keep making over and over and over?
Maybe it’s something you’ve been trying to change for a long time. Every night, you promise you won’t do it again and that things are going to change tomorrow and… tomorrow rolls around, and the same habit occurs.
Maybe it’s that evening glass(es) of wine.
Maybe it’s the couple scoops of peanut butter when you pass by the pantry mid-day.
Maybe it’s the weekend overeats/overdrinks with friends.
Maybe it’s that chocolate after dinner with your favorite tv show….
Whatever it is, if you want to change it, here’s the number one thing you must stop doing…
We think that if we’re hard on ourselves, it’ll motivate us…but IT NEVER DOES!
Being hard on ourselves does the opposite. It keeps us stuck in the same negative thought patterns and the same negative cycles.
So here’s what you need to do if you fall into the pattern again…..
Let it be your teacher.
There is a reason why you are doing what you’re doing, so the first step is always understanding WHY.
We can’t learn from a place of judgment.
So you have to stop being hard on yourself and stop judging yourself to understand the lesson that’s at the root of it.
Once we begin to untangle why it happens, we can do the work to change it.
It’s never just about the urge or craving….but why are we getting that urge or craving?
Here are some questions you can ask yourself after you’ve made a “mistake”…..
- When do I typically make this mistake?
- What was the thought driving the urge?
- What feeling might I be avoiding?
- What do I think the food/drink is going to do for me in those moments?
- What does it actually do?
- Is there something emotional happening in my life that I’m trying to avoid dealing with?
- What do I want to think next time I have that urge?
Journaling out these questions will give you GREAT insight into your brain (where the habit is wired). It’s the most important thing you can do to create change.
What’s a habit you’ve been struggling with?
Imagine what would be different if you no longer struggled with it. It’s totally possible.
Set the intention and do the work to uncover it! Magic will happen!
In health & happiness,