Losing weight is not always easy. It’s definitely not always comfortable.
That’s why it’s essential to plan intentional comfort time into your schedule so that you won’t seek it out from food or other things.
I recommend doing this every single week. It’s the first thing I put into my calendar, and I book obligations around it. It’s that important.
Comfort on purpose will allow your body to rest and restore, having more energy for the important things you’re doing that aren’t so comfortable (like losing weight or going after our dreams).
What happens when we don’t give ourselves comfort…
If we don’t intentionally give ourselves comfort, we’ll find a way to get it unintentionally…and in ways that may not serve us. We usually have feelings of guilt and regret afterward too.
Buffering is a form of unintentional comfort. Yes, it gives us comfort in the moment, but feels awful long-term. What I mean by buffering is doing something to avoid negative emotion that ends up having a negative net consequence. Some examples are eating, drinking, mindless shopping, overwatching tv or scrolling social media. You’re probably aware of your buffer of choice.
Another form of unintentional comfort is burnout. Burnout is overdoing it mentally, physically, and emotionally, not giving your body the rest it needs for balance. This often leads to getting sick. When you’re sick, your body is forced to relax because you have absolutely no energy for anything else. So to avoid this from happening, PLAN COMFORT and restoration!
As you can see, your body will seek out comfort no matter what. So don’t think you’re too busy for comfort, because you’ll get it whether it’s intentional or not. So you might as well carve out that time for intentional, nourishing comfort that has a positive net effect!
Comfort on purpose leads to well-being. These are things like: being out in nature, napping, listening to your favorite podcast, intentional tv watching, hanging with a friend, taking a bath, or getting sufficient sleep. Activities that feel comfortable, and have a positive net result. What are those activities for you?
Here’s how you plan comfort on purpose:
- List what activities will give you the most comfort, rest, and rejuvenation this week.
- Put them into your calendar. Make an appointment with comfort.
- Make them non-negotiables. You may have to say “no” more often. You may have to give something up. Make this time sacred and important.
- Do this weekly!
I can’t recommend following through with this enough. You don’t have to spend hours a day. Maybe it’s a 10-minute meditation in the morning. Maybe it’s a calm lunch break. It’s just about being intentional and giving yourself the gift of comfort.
I’d love to hear what you decide to do for “comfort on purpose!”
Share in the comments below!
In health & happiness,