The reason we struggle with our weight is due to over-hunger and over-desire.
Over-hunger has to do with our hormones. When they are imbalanced, we feel hungry more often than our body needs fuel. It causes us to overeat, and therefore have excess body fat.
Over-desire happens in our brain. When we eat concentrated foods, our brain has a “reward” response in the form of serotonin & dopamine—the “happiness” hormones. These hormones signal our brain to seek these foods again, and again, and again.
Then, the more we eat these foods, the stronger the neural pathways in our brain become. That’s why the desire becomes so strong for certain foods, especially the concentrated ones like flour and sugar.
That’s why we rarely crave plain celery or chicken breast. These foods are not processed, so they do not give us the same dopamine response that something like a donut does.
So, to lose weight and eat in a way that fuels our bodies for PCOS, we have to decondition the over-desire for processed foods.
I always tell my clients, it’s a lot easier to lose weight when you no longer have those intense cravings and desire for pizza, bread, and cake.
Did you know that you can actually decondition your cravings? Cravings come from habits. So if you give in to your cravings often, you will strengthen them. If you stop, they will begin to subside.
I will share how to decondition over-desire. When you do this, weight loss will no longer be an emotional roller coaster.
- Eliminate flour and sugar from your diet.
- Stop giving in to your cravings and stay committed to your plan.
- Know that the process of overcoming over-desire may not be a walk in the park. You will probably feel some discomfort. You may feel a little more tired than usual. As you transition off of concentrated foods, the desire may increase for a few weeks. But remember, there is no feeling you cannot handle. If you are willing to feel the discomfort, freedom is on the other side!
If you want help deconditioning your cravings, this is exactly what I help my clients do. It makes weight loss SO MUCH EASIER when you go all in and commit to overcoming your brain! Stop letting food control you, and take control of it!
If you are ready to do this work, sign up for a free strategy session to see if coaching is right for you.
In health & happiness,