Not losing weight fast enough?

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Wanna know the #1 progress killer for weight loss….


Impatience will get in the way of your success ALWAYS!

“I should have lost the weight by now.”

“It’s not happening fast enough.”

“I haven’t lost weight in 4 days ”

“I’ve been working so hard, and the scale isn’t moving fast enough!”

These are low-vibe thoughts.

What do I mean by low-vibe thoughts? I mean they don’t motivate us. They drive us to take actions that not in line with our goals. They make us want to give up when we’ve only just begun! 

Let’s talk about why we get impatient… 

At the root of impatience is dissatisfaction.

We think that where we’re at is unacceptable and that we need to lose weight to feel better. 

So we put tons of pressure on ourselves to lose. 

Here’s the problem.

For one thing, this mentality will keep us STUCK! Putting pressure on ourselves to lose and getting impatient does not speed up the process. It slows it down.

And two, if we aren’t enjoying the process of losing weight, we won’t enjoy the process of maintaining our weight. 

So step one to overcome impatience is accepting where you’re at now

Acceptance does not mean that you have to ABSOLUTELY LOVE where you’re at now.

It also doesn’t mean that you can’t have the desire to change.

It just means that you aren’t waiting to get THERE to live the life you want.

You don’t have to wait to be thin to love and feel free in your body.

You don’t have to wait to be thin to feel confident in yourself. 

You don’t have to wait to be thin to experience all of the joys in life.

And in fact, the more you open up to these things now, right where you’re at, the more patient you will be along your weight loss journey.

Patience and persistence are how you get to your goal weight.

Think about the difference between the energy of impatience vs. of patience.

One feels panicky, anxious, antsy, and in a rush.

The other feels peaceful, present, and open.

Which way do you want to go about getting there?

Whichever one you chose is how you will feel once you arrive.

You get to decide!

In health & happiness,



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Hi, I’m Master Certified Mindset Coach Jamie Berman

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