Not getting the results you want?

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Not getting the weight loss results you want? I hear ya! I struggled for years, trying so many different things to help my PCOS and lose weight, and couldn’t seem to turn the corner with it.

It wasn’t until I learned that my weight loss results are directly correlated with my thoughts, that things really started to shift.

Did you know that the results in your life are created by your thoughts?

I didn’t either! Well maybe I had heard the quote “our thoughts create our reality,” but I didn’t REALLY get it.

Only after discovering “the model” that my coach Brooke Castillo created, did I actually see how true and powerful that is.

My mind was literally blown when I began running my thoughts through the model. Once I discovered this tool, I wrote down every single one of my thoughts about weight loss, PCOS, my body, and began putting them through the model one by one to see what they were doing for me.

It brought awareness to how negative my unconscious thoughts were.

Things like…

“My body won’t lose weight.”

“There’s something wrong with me.”

“I don’t know how.”

“I’ll probably be overweight forever.”

You can probably imagine what my results were with these thoughts…not so good!

And here’s why…

I’ll run you through the thought model I mentioned above.

We have CIRCUMSTANCES in our lives.

Then we have THOUGHTS about that circumstance.

Our thoughts cause our FEELINGS.

Our feelings drive our ACTIONS.

And our actions create the RESULTS in our lives

..All of it stems back to that thought.

The circumstances can’t be changed, but the thoughts about it can.

So my CIRCUMSTANCE was my weight, which at that point was a little over 200 pounds. That’s neutral. The THOUGHTS I had about it were not. They were negative, as seen above, “I’ll probably be overweight forever.” That thought made me FEEL defeated. The ACTIONS I took when I felt defeated about my weight were…overeating, eating whatever I want, having an “F-it” attitude, and feeling sorry for myself. The RESULT of those actions was gaining more weight. See how this works?

If you aren’t creating the results you want in your life, the first place to look is your THOUGHTS!

You can run them through the “thought model” I shared above to see exactly how and why it’s happening in this way. I’ll bet you your mind will be blown just like mine was!

When I’m coaching my clients, I help them uncover how their thinking is causing the results in their life. If they’re not losing weight, it ALWAYS goes back to a thought in their brain. Once they’re able to see it clearly, they can change it. It’s the most powerful process I’ve ever experienced.

If you aren’t getting the weight loss results you want in your life, and you want to experience this work to begin shedding the pounds, sign up for a free call with me! I will show you EXACTLY what’s in the way of your weight loss success, so that you can shift it and begin losing!

In health & happiness,



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Hi, I’m Master Certified Mindset Coach Jamie Berman

I help entrepreneurs unravel limiting beliefs so that they can make money with ease.

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