Make your new year’s resolution a reality this year!

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Let’s do things differently this year

Have you set another weight loss new year’s resolution this year?

Have you been saying you want to lose weight for a while now, without making much progress? Or maybe you make progress and then you just gain it all back plus some.

If this is you, it’s time to do things differently!

As Albert Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

So maybe it’s time to stop doing what hasn’t worked….

Have you considered that the way to lose the weight perminently may be different than what you’ve imagined? If it hasn’t worked yet, it probably won’t….ever!

You may be thinking you just need…

More willpower?

More time at the gym?

A personal trainer?

The “right” supplements?

Calorie counting?


The hottest new diet?

Well, maybe you need none of these things.

I know that was the case for me.

The “way” to lose weight in my mind was so different than what actually got me here.

I thought losing weight was all about having more willpower. What I found to be true is the opposite because willpower doesn’t last, so it was about learning how NOT to rely on willpower.

Losing weight was about managing my mind and my thoughts, understanding and processing my emotions, and staying committed to myself no matter what. It was also about patience!! Not giving up when the scale wasn’t reflecting my efforts. Oh, and having support! Having a coach to support me when things got hard made ALL the difference. THIS is how I lost the 35 pounds.

It wasn’t about willpower at all. It wasn’t about more hours at the gym or taking the “right” supplements.

In fact, I spent less hours at the gym than I have in the previous 10 years! Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the gym is bad…I love it, but it’s not what helped me lose weight.

So I write this to encourage you to take a new and different approach this year.

And I can’t recommend getting support with this enough. Sign up for a free strategy session with me HERE to get some help making your new years resolution a reality! Spaces are filling so sign up soon!

In health & happiness,


Learn how to utilize the power of manifestation to begin attracting new clients! Download my FREE Manifestation for Business Workbook here.

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