My Millionaire Morning Routine: How I Start My Day for Success & Abundance

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About the episode:

A few years ago, I read the book, The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and it changed my life. It helped me step into my millionaire identity, do the inner work, and create huge shifts in my business and my personal life. So in this episode, I want to share how I’ve cultivated a morning routine that really allows me to connect with Source. Creating your own morning routine will reprogram any negative thoughts you have and help set yourself up for success. The morning routine that I share isn’t the end all be all, I just want it to serve as a starting point for you to create something that works for you. I can’t wait to hear what changes this creates for you as you take the steps to grow your income and really step into abundance!


  • Allowing yourself to start with just one thing in your morning routine and letting go of perfectionism, then seeing it grow 
  • The different types of meditation you can practice in the morning to slow down and start your day in control 
  • The impact of thinking on purpose in the morning and setting an intention for the day
  • Different journal practices you can use in the morning to create clarity and motivation before the day starts 
  • How to choose your non-negotiables for the day so you wake up with abundance rather than scarcity

Episode Resources:

[00:00:00] Jamie: All right, let’s dive into my millionaire morning routine. I’m so excited to share this with you because cultivating an intentional morning routine has really been a massive game changer in my life. In fact, I can remember back to when I actually started being intentional with how I want to spend my mornings.

[00:00:25] Jamie: It was back, I don’t remember the year, Years ago I was reading the book Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod and he gives so many great ideas about a morning routine and how to spend your mornings and also shared a very transformational story in that book. So much so that it impacted me in such a big way and I decided I really want to spend at least the first hour of my day.

[00:00:57] Jamie: very intentionally. And [00:01:00] I call this my millionaire morning routine because as I have done this and spent my mornings plugging into source, which that’s the point of a morning routine, at least for me, is plugging into source, plugging into possibility. As I’ve done that, my income has grown, my net worth has grown, right?

[00:01:21] Jamie: And this is a podcast all about money. It’s like, I have stepped into the millionaire identity. I have become that person. My net worth has grown to multiple millions, in fact, as I have done the inner work. And I truly, truly wholeheartedly believe that when you do the inner work, you see it reflected in the external world.

[00:01:46] Jamie: And the exterior becomes more easeful. The shifts happen more naturally when you go within first, do the work within yourself. That’s when I think the shifts happen externally so much easier. And I [00:02:00] have seen that in my life because up until I did this in our work around money, I used to just try to work really hard to make money.

[00:02:08] Jamie: I just tried to do my best at everything and give it my all and work long hours And guess what? The money wasn’t flowing because you can’t force it in the physical. It has to be you becoming an energetic match to it. It has to be you going within and doing that inner work and it reflects in the outer.

[00:02:29] Jamie: So I think the morning is a great time to do this work, especially if you are someone Who is not where you want to be financially, or even if you are where you want to be financially, but you know, you want to grow more. You want to have a bigger impact. You want to grow your business. I think the morning is like the best time to really do your reprogramming and set yourself up for success because it’s the first thing you do.

[00:02:56] Jamie: It sets up your whole energy for the [00:03:00] day, right? And impacts the rest of your day. Plus, do it first thing in the morning and it’s done, right? And it’s kind of like working out. A lot of people like to work out in the morning because you get it done and then you feel amazing the rest of the day. And actually, exercise is a part of that morning routine for me because Exercise impacts my energy.

[00:03:23] Jamie: So I’m going to dive into what my morning routine is, but just want to share with you that the reason that I’m sharing what I do isn’t so that I can say, Hey, this is the right morning routine or this is the only millionaire morning routine. It’s actually to give you guys some ideas so that you can test them out for yourself and say, Hey, does this, How does this feel whenever I try this, right?

[00:03:50] Jamie: But I’m not saying there’s a five step morning routine that’s guaranteed to make you millions of dollars because we are all different. Our energetic [00:04:00] blueprint is different. Each individual is different and What works for you might be different than what works for me. So my encouragement always when it comes to reprogramming, when it comes to manifesting, when it comes to creating and evolving and growing is to try things on for yourself and find what works for you.

[00:04:20] Jamie: And you won’t find it unless you’re willing to try it on. And I want to give you guys examples of things to try on for your morning routine. To see how you feel. So again, the intention of a morning routine isn’t to do the perfect things, the right things to do a bunch, to spend hours doing it, to add onto it.

[00:04:39] Jamie: It’s not to overwhelm yourself. The point of it is to plug yourself in to source, plug yourself into truth, plug yourself into possibility, into the infinite, because that is where Wealth and abundance [00:05:00] is created. That’s where creativity comes is when you plug yourself into truth. That is how the most abundance is created.

[00:05:11] Jamie: You got to plug yourself in. We don’t tend to do this naturally as humans, right? We just do it. Don’t it’s so much easier to wake up and want dopamine or to look at our phone or to start get going with the day to start work, but that’s usually not what’s in our highest good. So I’m going to talk through some of the things that I do on a daily basis to plug in and see what.

[00:05:37] Jamie: suits you. Try it on. Also read the book Miracle Morning. That book really inspired me to do this. And I also want to share that I didn’t start with all of these things. I actually only started with meditating one minute. That was my very first morning routine. I just wanted to start being intentional about waking [00:06:00] up and how I spent it.

[00:06:01] Jamie: And I knew that if I decided that I had to meditate for 10 minutes, I would give up on it, right? I would feel defeated. It would be too much for me. So I started by meditating one minute a day. That was my very first morning routine and it really started making a huge difference in my life. Just sitting down in silence for one minute before I got going.

[00:06:23] Jamie: So that was the very first morning routine, right? And so I do also encourage you to start small. Do not try to go from one to a hundred. overnight because oftentimes that causes us to get overwhelmed. It’s, it’s just too much, too soon. So start with one thing that resonates for you and be consistent.

[00:06:46] Jamie: Again, it’s about plugging in. So did I plug in today? Was it one minute of meditation? That means you plugged in today, right? That’s what matters. And so much of this manifestation process and around business and the coaching that I do [00:07:00] is about letting go of perfectionism. It’s about. doing B minus work.

[00:07:05] Jamie: It’s about just showing up and doing it versus trying to do it all perfectly or saying, Oh, I didn’t do enough. Right? Again, plug in. How are you going to plug in today? Is that a one minute meditation? Awesome. If so, it will make a difference in your life. I guarantee it. And I remember I moved from one minute up to two minutes and then up to five minutes and then I just became a match doing five minutes.

[00:07:29] Jamie: That was normal. Then I moved up to 10 minutes, right? So that’s how it all began. And I kind of just added onto it as I went. And then I moved up to doing like a full about hour, hour and a half morning routine. So that’s why, and this is the beauty of being an entrepreneur. I don’t. I usually don’t start my days till 11 o’clock, right?

[00:07:48] Jamie: Once in a while I’ll start them a bit earlier, but I usually don’t start my days till 11 because I love giving myself that time in the morning. I’m someone who doesn’t like to wake up that early, so I [00:08:00] oftentimes won’t set an alarm and wake up naturally, which is a good thing. I love, and then I’ll get up, do my morning routine, be with my little dog in the morning, you know, with my husband for a little bit, go out and exercise, get ready and then start at 11.

[00:08:15] Jamie: So you get to do it this in whatever way serves you. Some of you like to wake up a lot earlier. Some of you don’t, but it doesn’t really matter what time it is. It’s more about just, are you waking up and plugging in? Are you being intentional, right? Are you deciding on purpose what your day is going to be and like really directing your energy because that’s what it is all about and it will make a huge difference.

[00:08:42] Jamie: So here is my morning routine. This is what it looks like. I wake up, Usually without an alarm, sometimes I do set an alarm just in case like if I have an appointment and I’m like, okay, This is the latest that I can sleep in so I’ll set it to that. But usually I just wake up naturally and [00:09:00] First thing that I do is always go meditate.

[00:09:04] Jamie: I Sit on the pillow. I have a meditation pillow. And in fact I recommend a meditation pillow with something super interesting about it. Cause I used to meditate on the couch and that was fine. But once I got a meditation pillow and kind of sat in the right position in the meditation position, I noticed a big.

[00:09:23] Jamie: difference. And even now I notice a difference in my meditations and how deep I go if I’m on my cushion versus if I’m on my couch. And I don’t know what that is. I think it’s about just, this is the energy of meditation. When we sit here, we go into meditation and kind of programs your brain to just go into it or your brain to turn off and for you to go into a meditation.

[00:09:44] Jamie: But a meditation cushion makes all the difference. So I sit on my meditation cushion for about 10 minutes and meditate. Now, there’s different ways that I do it, and it just varies based upon kind of the week, what I feel like doing. [00:10:00] So, oftentimes it’ll be a silent meditation where I’m just breathing and kind of coming into myself, starting the day in silence.

[00:10:07] Jamie: Sometimes I’ll do a guided meditation. Other times I’ll listen to a song or a mantra and get into the energy of that. There’s some mantras that have the energy of prosperity with them. And so I will listen to those and get into the energy of prosperity or into the energy of possibility or creativity, whatever it is I kind of want to get into, I will think about it.

[00:10:30] Jamie: feel into that energy of the day. I’ve also done hypnosis meditations. I have done the EFT tapping. I have a whole course on tapping inside of the money manifestation movement. So sometimes when I’m really kind of wanting to reprogram or when my mind’s racing a bit more, it’s helpful to have something to focus on.

[00:10:50] Jamie: So I’ll do a tapping meditation sometimes for about 10 minutes. But the point of it is just kind of ask myself, what do I need today? [00:11:00] What do I feel called to do? And I just follow that. But usually the day always starts with about 10 minutes of sitting on my cushion and meditating. The second thing that I do is make up my mind, right?

[00:11:14] Jamie: Robert Frost, an amazing poet, Says when you get up make up your bed and make up your mind and I love that I think of that almost every single day. I think i’m making up my mind. Who do I want to be today? How do I want to think about my day? How am I gonna think? And it’s wonderful to do that after meditation because you’re in that place of stillness.

[00:11:39] Jamie: So I think, how am I going to think today? What do I wanna think on purpose? I make up my mind about my day. And what’s actually funny is, you know, Robert Frost says, make up your bed and make up your mind. I make up my mind, I don’t make my bed. My husband gets up later than me, so we usually have an unmade bed, our bed’s usually [00:12:00] unmade and I’m totally cool with that. One day I will be someone who makes my bed every single day.

[00:12:06] Jamie: And just to be real with you, but I do make up my mind and Every day about how I want to think about the day. Okay. From there, I’ll usually get up, have to take little Millie out because the minute I stand up, she wants to go out and then she wants to eat. So I take Millie outside and then. I make my coffee and sit down and oftentimes I will get out my journal and do some writing.

[00:12:34] Jamie: And I’m a big fan of that. There’s so many different ways I like to journal. I usually only spend about 10 minutes journaling, sometimes a little longer on weekends and stuff, but I don’t spend a lot of time. So, right. It’s the 10 minutes of meditation, then the 10 minutes of like, Journaling or writing things out.

[00:12:54] Jamie: Sometimes that looks like taking a look at my mind. What’s going on in there? What am I thinking [00:13:00] today? Using metacognition and starting to recognize like I know as I’ve reprogrammed so many of my thoughts about money that was a big focus for a long time. What do I think about money? What am I thinking about my goal today?

[00:13:13] Jamie: And I would make sure that I would look at it and observe how I was thinking about it. And if I didn’t like it, if it wasn’t serving me, I would do some models and I would reflect and think on purpose, how do I want to think about this? How am I going to practice thinking about this? What feels like it’s going to serve me better?

[00:13:33] Jamie: And I would practice that mindset work. So I would oftentimes do journaling on that. And I still do that. But a lot of times I just have ideas that kind of come through when I sit down to journal. So sometimes it’s, Hey, I want to do a podcast episode on this, or this is an idea that I want to implement, or I want to share this with my clients today.

[00:13:50] Jamie: So I’ll just get out my journal and just be creative and start writing, right? That’s another thing that I’ll do at that time. I also often, very often use [00:14:00] manifestation practices when writing. So sometimes I’ll create a visual. Like kind of a visualization, but I’ll write it out as if it’s done. I’ll do that in my journaling time, right?

[00:14:11] Jamie: Where like something’s coming up and I want to manifest best case scenario. I will write out best case scenario as if it’s done. And that’s a way that I like to practice manifestation in the morning. Other times I’ll do like, What I call a living vision where I think about and I teach all of these things in my program, but a living vision is where I really get intentional about the energy I want to step into around a certain thing and how I want to feel and how I want to experience it.

[00:14:41] Jamie: So I’ll oftentimes do a living vision. in writing as I’m journaling. And then other times I actually will go through processes. So it’s kind of funny, but I actually go through my own questions that I have inside of the money manifestation movement. So [00:15:00] once a quarter, I would say once about a quarter, maybe, maybe it’s twice a year, depending on the timing, I’ll actually go through My entire workbook in there and just up level my money mindset and every time I go through that process It’s different.

[00:15:17] Jamie: That’s what’s super fun about it And i’ve had certain clients who have just renewed and kept going in the program Because every time you do the assignments or the journals or the work shopping It’s gonna evolve. It’s gonna feel different. So I actually go through my own questions, my own assignments, and oftentimes when I’m wanting to kind of up level or especially shift energetically around money or work through the next level, I will actually do my own journals.

[00:15:47] Jamie: So that’s another way that I do writing. But Again, it’s not like a one size fits all. It’s kind of like what am I in the mood for and I kind of go through seasons where oh this two weeks I’m really into this [00:16:00] journaling or this week. I really want to focus on this or just for today I really my mind is messy.

[00:16:05] Jamie: I need to clean it up and I’ll do some models So that’s what I do in the journaling. And then after I do my journaling, I usually eat something for breakfast. I kind of have three different things I tend to have. Usually yogurt with some fruit. Or I will have some eggs with gluten free toast. Or I will have a smoothie.

[00:16:29] Jamie: So I just rotate those three things and I’ll have kind of a quick healthy breakfast. And then the last thing that I do as a non negotiable every single day is I work out. And the intention of the workout is to shift my energy. It is Of course for health, but I think in the past I used to work out because I was like, I need to lose weight.

[00:16:51] Jamie: I need to be a certain body. That is not my intention now. Although I absolutely am an energetic match to total radiant [00:17:00] health. My intention for working out now is because I want to feel my best. I want to have energy for the day. I want to move any energy through the body and the emotions that need to be moved.

[00:17:13] Jamie: And I find that exercise makes all the difference and it really impacts my mental health. And I do exercise in the morning about 90 percent of the time. Once in a while, if I have something kind of early, I will move it to the evening. I’ll do one. Sometimes I do an evening yoga class. If it’s like a yin yoga or sometimes I’ll go to a trainer a little bit later in the afternoon, but I would say about 90 percent of the time I’m doing that as my morning routine.

[00:17:42] Jamie: And I kind of pair all of that together. And I really think of it as plugging in. I’m plugging in spiritually. I’m plugging my mindset in, right? It’s like mind, body, And that routine sets me up for amazing things [00:18:00] in the day. And I just find that when I do it consistently, I’m way more creative. My cup is full in the morning, so I have more overflow to give.

[00:18:10] Jamie: I have more ideas that come. I’m just in a better mood. I’m in a better energy. And it really sets me up for success. And in the like the compound effect of it is absolutely amazing. And again, this has been a huge part of me stepping into that identity of someone who’s wealthy, of me reprogramming my mindset around money.

[00:18:34] Jamie: Cause I used to wake up in scarcity and anxiety. And I’m not saying that that doesn’t still happen. Sometimes still happen where I wake up anxious, but I wake up and I know that I immediately have a choice. I immediately have a choice to sit down and decide on purpose who I’m going to be. I don’t have to let anxiety run the show all day.

[00:18:53] Jamie: I don’t have to let Scarcity run the show all day. And so when you practice that first thing in the [00:19:00] morning, it just makes all the difference. And I guarantee as you do that inner work, you will see it reflected in the exterior, in business growth, in personal growth, in better relationships. And again, I’m calling this my millionaire morning routine because it has affected my wealth in such a big way and allowed me to create a net worth of multiple millions, right?

[00:19:32] Jamie: Cause the exterior is reflecting the interior. So. Hope this was helpful and I hope you will start a morning routine if you don’t have one because it really makes all the difference and I also hope you won’t be perfectionistic with this. I hope you’ll pick one thing that really shifts your energy.

[00:19:53] Jamie: Another one that I want to add on that can be really helpful, I actually do this in the evening, that’s why I didn’t put it as my [00:20:00] morning routine, but a gratitude practice. That either gratitude or celebration like celebrating yourself and having gratitude for what you have. will instantly put you into abundance.

[00:20:15] Jamie: So I will say if you don’t do those as part of your morning routine, please by all means do it for your evening routine or do it at some point throughout the day. In fact, it doesn’t matter when you do these things. It’s just, are you plugging in every day? That’s the question, right? It doesn’t matter if you do it in the evening.

[00:20:33] Jamie: You can do this in the evening and it will be just as powerful. I just happened to like doing it in the morning, but yeah, Gratitude and celebration. Now, they’re a little different, right? Gratitude for what you have, but I think it’s so important to celebrate yourself. It will be a absolute game changer in your business if you start celebrating yourself, especially if you’re someone who tends to be hard on yourself [00:21:00] or judgmental of yourself.

[00:21:01] Jamie: That energy does not create more abundance. That energy does not create more creativity. It doesn’t create more impact, but celebrating yourself will. It’s the skill of learning that I have done enough. I’m going to celebrate what I have done versus what I haven’t done yet, right? Which I know a lot of us can be like, I haven’t done enough.

[00:21:21] Jamie: I didn’t finish this or that. And that energy just does not impact in a good way, right? It doesn’t, it. It doesn’t magnetize good things into our life necessarily, right? And it just makes us feel bad. It makes us shrink. So you can also try out either gratitude or celebration practice in the morning if you want to add that in.

[00:21:43] Jamie: Or you could practice mantras. That’s huge. That could be a part of the journaling. Like when I practice mantras, it’s usually the journaling time. So there’s so many different things you can do, but the point is just do something. And so my question for you is how are you going to [00:22:00] plug in every day?

[00:22:01] Jamie: How are you going to decide on purpose every day who you want to be, how you want to think about yourself, how you want to think about your future, How you wanna think about today, because it will matter and you can decide how you wanna think about it. You don’t just have to look at your current situation to decide on purpose how you want to think.

[00:22:23] Jamie: It’s time to tap into possibility and imagination and create amazing, amazing things in your life. Now, I would love to hear what your morning routine is, or if there’s something that you’ve tried that’s helpful and. Hear how it’s impacted you. So as always, please come follow me over on Instagram at Jamie Berman underscore and connect with me because I love Connecting with you all over there and in the meantime Create an intentional morning routine and watch what kind of magic unfolds in your life.[00:23:00] 

[00:23:00] Jamie: I’ll see you next week

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Hi, I’m Master Certified Mindset Coach Jamie Berman

I help entrepreneurs unravel limiting beliefs so that they can make money with ease.

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