Step into your most ABUNDANT year yet with:

The Money Manifestation Movement

For coaches who are ready to TRANSFORM their relationship with money, grow their business, and make more money with ease, grace, and FUN

“I have learned how to turn on the flow of money and am just continuing to let it pour in!”

Whitney Uland

Life Coach for Artists

Let's Face it...

Your coaching business was supposed to give you more time, more money, and more freedom

Yet here you are:

It’s enough to make you want to call it quits.

Except for the fact…

You know deep in your soul you are made for MORE

You’ve seen the incredible transformation and results your clients get after working with you…

And you feel a calling in your heart to continue making a difference in more people’s lives.

Most of all, you know there must be MORE to life and business than lack and scarcity.

Your intuition is telling you a wealthy, abundant life IS possible for you.

And being the passionate coach you are, you want to go all-in and do everything you can to create the success you’ve been dreaming of.

So you did what you were
“supposed” to do

You scraped together your money and invested in:

No matter what you do…

It never feels enough!

You’re still over-giving, overthinking, and over-working your booty to exhaustion.

Making money feels like a random process that sometimes works, mostly doesn’t, and feels 100% out of your control.

Your visualizations aren’t becoming reality no matter how many times you recite your affirmations in the mirror.

You feel a stab of shame and resentment every time you look at your bills.

And whenever you DO land a client or hit your money goals…you can only ride the dopamine high for a few days before stressing over next month’s goal ― 

Because it feels like a fluke you can’t take credit for. And because your money’s pouring out faster than it’s coming in.

If that’s been your reality so far, then the Universe has led you to the right place!

Because I’m about to show you…

Making money can be fun and simple!

Money CAN be an area where you feel capable, successful, and at ease no matter who you are, what you do, or what your background is.

And you DO have the power to create the life you want.

But I know it’s hard to feel that way when your thoughts are telling you:

“I have to work hard to make more money.”

“I don’t believe it’s possible to double, triple, or even quadruple my revenue.”

“I don’t feel safe having money.”

“If I charge MORE, I’m taking money away from people.”

“I’m not responsible with money.”

“I need to hang on to the money I’ve got!”

“I’m scared to set HUGE revenue goals because I might fail.”

If you recognise any of these thoughts spinning in your brain, then it’s time we met…

Hey! I’m Jamie Berman

A Master-Certified Money Mindset & Manifestation Coach

I’ve helped 100s of clients just like you transform their relationship with money by combining my background in high-level mindset coaching with my unique blend of manifestation practices and spiritual psychology.

I believe ANYONE can learn the skill of making money (without adding more hours to your work week).

And I can’t wait to show you how!

But I didn’t always feel this way.

All those thoughts and beliefs you have about money being “so hard” to get?

I had them too and MORE.

Seven years ago

I had a job and a side-hustle, and I STILL couldn’t make more than $30K a year MAX.

I was drowning in unworthiness and inadequacy…so I would overwork and overdeliver so I could feel “enough” for money.

But I still wasn’t reaping the benefits!

Even after I started my coaching business, I continued operating from my old beliefs.

I did everything I was supposed to do to make money ―I ran ads, created funnels, learned sales ― and then…

I FINALLY made my first $100K year!
But it STILL wasn’t enough.

It had taken every ounce of energy I had and more to reach that milestone.

I was burnt out and exhausted. And $100K no longer felt worth it if I had to struggle this hard.

Looking back, I can see:

My income wasn’t limited because *I* wasn’t enough.

My income was limited because my THINKING was limited.

I believed hard work equaled more money…

And that’s exactly what the Universe delivered to me.

I realized if I wanted more freedom and money without overworking…I had to fix my relationship with money.

That’s when I started applying manifestation techniques and spiritual practices to my business

And it worked

The floodgates burst open and money started flowing in with ease.

I exceeded my $100K goal working a quarter less than I had the year before.

And I even made a $500K year with grace and FUN following the exact process I’m going to show you.

More importantly?

I learned how to FEEL abundant

So now, it doesn’t matter what circumstances life throws my way…

What amount is in my bank account…

Or what my revenue looks like month-to-month or year-to-year.

I TRUST I can make more because I know the process of making money.

I know I can turn on the abundance faucet and CREATE more money on demand.

I’m open to money coming in from ALL sorts of places, both inside AND outside of business!

This isn’t a fluke!

100s of my clients have HEALED their relationship with money, discovered their power, and fully experienced abundance using the exact same manifestation process.

And now? They’re living in a reality where they’re paying off their debt, becoming multi-six-figure coaches, buying their dream homes and more!

All of that is possible for you too.

And it’s my soul’s purpose to help you create that abundant reality.



The Money
Manifestation Movement

The 12-month group coaching program that gives you the tools, guidance, and support you need to make MORE money and grow your business with ease…

So you can stop struggling with scarcity and start living from ABUNDANCE.

"I feel so much more powerful and in control around money. Last month I made over $15,000 from my coaching business alone ― and I know that I am just getting started!

Just a few months into the Money Manifestation Movement, my relationship with money has completely changed! Not only am I making money easier, but my relationship with spending, debt, and investing have all changed so much.

Jamie's work won't just help you make some money in the short term, but she will really help you make powerful, lasting changes that will continue on with you even after your container ends.

Whitney Uland

The Money Manifestation Movement blends together mindset, spiritual psychology, and manifestation practices to HEAL your relationship with money

(It’s like FUN couples therapy ― but for you and your money!)

Together, we embark on a powerful journey where we:

Release & Reprogram Your Limiting Beliefs

Say goodbye to the stories and conditioned beliefs holding you back from experiencing financial abundance, and start reprogramming your brain to magnetically attract the wealth you desire.

Shift Your Money Perception

Step into a whole new perception of money that is powerful, light, and FUN. When you start to feel and embody the excitement and joy of having MORE money, you’ll naturally attract more abundance into your life with ease and grace.

Harness the
Universal Laws

Discover how to work with the Universal Laws and align yourself with the flow of financial abundance. By working with the Law of Attraction, Law of Abundance, Law of Desire and more…you will become an energetic match for all the success you want to create.

Create Your Wealthy Financial Reality

Become the conscious creator of your new financial reality by taking courageous & aligned action. With my guidance and tools, you’ll BECOME the person who is good with money and see that reality come to life!

By the end of the year, you’ll have done a complete 180 on your relationship with money, adopted a wealthy mindset

AND moved your business forward with ease, flow, and magic!

Just imagine experiencing this reality where you are:

Sound way too good to be true?

Check out some of the incredible wins our community of high-vibe coaches have been able to manifest 👇

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Best part?

Even though we’ll be working closely together for a whole year…

It won’t take you 12 months to see that transformation!

Once you decide you’re going to make money, start doing the inner work to shift your mindset, and take aligned action ― things will move FAST.

Just like it did for these coaches 👇

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“I've only been in The Money Manifestation Movement for a couple of weeks, but already it’s felt like such an incredible space to heal from burnout and my terrible relationship with money!”

I'd spent the entire previous year hustling like crazy to get results - doing so many sales and marketing things that just felt off - like not "me" at all. I was headed toward shutting down my business and just contract coaching forever.

I knew I had to join The Money Manifestation Movement, and I'm so grateful that I did. I loved the idea of investing in myself, my energy, what I want to create, and HOW I want to create it (with peace, joy, and ease!)

Now I'm using every purchase as an opportunity to celebrate the money I *have* and to practice feeling abundant - it's working!

I'm ONLY doing what feels exciting, fun, and like 'me' in my business. I'm focusing on the things that truly light me up, and trusting in the universe to put the pieces in place.

I'm feeling so much better already, I launched my podcast and have been getting so many downloads AND I've had three consults book in the last two weeks 🙂

Kim Severson

Weightloss Coach

Here’s how we’ll heal your relationship with money inside The Money Manifestation Movement

The Foundations

My proven SOULFUL Manifestation Process will guide you through how to visualize your wealthy financial reality, raise your energy, AND show you how to take courageous and aligned ACTION towards your manifestations so you can create abundant wealth!

Whether you’re familiar with manifestation or brand new, you’ll walk away with profound shifts on how to defeat your money blocks, hold space for your feelings, and manifest more money than you ever dreamed possible.

The Coaching

It’s not easy to spot or challenge our limiting beliefs. In these calls, I’ll help you untangle the beliefs holding you back, get crystal clear on your vision, and provide the support you need to shift into your million-dollar self!

The Community

A POWERFUL space for you to connect with likeminded coaches AND celebrate every little thing in your life and business ― every mindset shift, every aligned action you take, and every dollar that flows into your life!

Why? Because the more we celebrate the wins, the more wins flow into our life!


The FB group and group coaching is my favorite.

It is so amazing to hear the other coaches struggle and celebrate things! I love the ability to learn through others' experiences and the weekly calls remind me that I'm not alone and I have a lot of the same internal battles and struggles as other people/coaches.

The self guided course is a great resource and I do love the monthly topics too.

The Money Manifestation Movement is the best place to be on the internet!!

Lauren Davenport

Coach for College Students

“Jamie coaches with such nuance and heart.”

She does a really great job of blending the spiritual teachings with taking action so all of her teachings feel very actionable and tangible - I always leave coaching feeling very inspired and knowing exactly what to do next.

Whitney Uland

Life Coach for Artists

The moment you join, you get INSTANT access to:

The Money Manifestation Movement Course

Over 30+ video modules containing the actionable tools and principles to break through your upper limits and attract the wealth you desire, including:

Money Manifestation Worksheets

Designed to unlock a whole new level of self-discovery!

Each worksheet is carefully crafted with impactful questions that’ll help you spot your limiting beliefs, and empower you to reprogram your brain and rewrite your financial reality!

3 x Group Coaching Calls a Month

Your chance to get 1:1 time with me!

Bring your money blocks or limiting beliefs to the call. Or sit back and listen in as I help others unravel the thought patterns keeping them stuck.

By tuning in to other people’s struggles, you’ll realize you are not alone. AND you’ll gain transformative shifts to propel you forward in your business.

NEW! Extra Support from our In-House Manifestation Coach

Outside of the coaching calls, you’ll also get a chance to submit your (written) questions to our In-House Manifestation Coach.

Simply submit the question or block keeping you stuck, and you’ll get a response within 48 hours during the business week so you can continue gaining momentum!

Access to All Past And Future Guest Expert Sessions

These guest training sessions are PACKED with even more tools and manifestation techniques to help you create your new reality faster.

These include:

Exclusive Money Manifestation Movement Podcast Feed

Take the energetic and mindset shifts on the go!

Every single video is available in audio format so you can step away from your desk and soak in all the teachings at the gym, on your walks, or while you’re driving your kids to school.

The Money Manifestor Community

This is the place to run to whenever you want to declare your intentions or CELEBRATE your manifestations coming to life with like-minded coaches who’ll cheer you on every step of the way!

Every month, we also dive deeper on specific manifestation themes to help you break through your upper limits and continue making money!

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That’s just the beginning!

I’m also giving you instant access to these Abundance-Attraction Bonuses

The “Becoming an Energetic Match to Money” Meditation

This 9-min guided meditation will help you energetically rise to the level of your desires so you can attract more wealth into your life every single day.

Four Guided Tapping Sessions

Shift into your most abundant self with these IMPACTFUL tapping sessions using the power of somatics.

You’ll get:

Access to my Personal Money Manifestation Resource List

Keep soaking in all the money manifestation goodness with my hand-picked list of go-to books, documentaries, and audios for you to enjoy!

The more you fill your brain with positive inspiration and transformative insights, the faster you’ll create your wealthy financial reality.

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The Money Manifestation Movement is like a tight-knit mastermind for the price of a membership

You’re getting:

All the lessons and exact process I followed to manifest my first $100K and $500K year in a way that aligned with my intuition…

A community of incredible coaches and entrepreneurs you can lean on to celebrate your wins and share your struggles…

Front row seats to all of the money manifestation workshops and guest expert sessions I hosted throughout the year…

PLUS insane personal support from me and our In-House Manifestation coach every week for an entire year…

All to help you become your most wealthy and abundant self!

With everything inside, you can make $100K, $500K, or even your first million!

AND you can use the exact same process to manifest dream vacations, a healthy lifestyle, loving relationships, and more.

Ready to step into your most transformational year, heal your relationship with money and create your abundant life today?

Join the Money Manifestation Movement Today

Your future self will thank you!

Pay in Full

One-Time Payment of

Cashflow-Friendly Payment Plan

6 Monthly Payments of

Budget-Friendly Payment Plan

12 Monthly Payments of

Access for 12 full months

“The Money Manifestation Movement is amazing value for a year of support!”

I had the best month ever in my business in January - making more in one month than I ever had in corporate.

I'd been in business for ~6 years and was struggling to attract the clients & money I wanted. I noticed a ton of negative/scarcity thoughts around money and I knew by working on my money mindset, I'd at least feel better about money.

Now, I have noticed the topic of money isn't as triggering as it used to be. I still have lots of work to do, but I can see progress!

I love the care, compassion, and joy Jamie brings with her. I love the combination of the "woo" concepts with the model.

The Money Manifestation Movement is amazing value for a year of support! The offer was irresistible and I felt like I couldn't lose.

Mindi Burke

Stay or Go Marriage Coach

Wondering how The Money Manifestation Movement is different from other money mindset and manifestation courses?

I know you’re spoilt for choice, which is why I’ve intentionally made this program a one-of-a-kind investment.

Other Money mindset Resources

The Money Manifestation Movement

Trying to decide between investing in The Money Manifestation Movement or a marketing or business course?

You should know…

The amount of money you make is directly impacted by how you THINK and feel about money

But if you have a negative relationship with money ― you’ll always be repelling it from your life.

The Money Manifestation Movement will transform your whole perception around money so you can start attracting it with ease, grace, and LOVE.

You’ll discover how to take the most aligned actions in your life and business so more wealth can flow into your life.

But don’t just take my word for it…

Here’s what current coaches had to say about the beauty of The Money Manifestation Movement 

“Jamie’s work will help you find the ease and fun of making money!”

Before you join any marketing training, do this work with Jamie. You might find you won’t even need the “how to” of marketing.

The price point made it a no brainer. The videos are EXCELLENT and comprehensive.

Sheila Tully

Behavior Change Specialist

“The Money Manifestation Movement takes all of the conventional and traditional tools around making money, and teaches you how to intentionally FEEL around money.”

Beforehand, my business had momentum, but the energy around that felt scarce and attached. I just knew I couldn’t continue on in my business with that kind of energy.

Now, the energy around my business and thoughts about consults, marketing and sales is completely different. I'm definitely getting more momentum in terms of consults AND I'm not attached to the outcome of those consults.

I’m also learning you can reach all of your 6,7, and 8-figure goals and still be miserable at the end ― that's cause you didn't learn how to feel around money. The money manifestation movement is teaching me how to not be attached while still being committed to bringing it in.

I love being surrounded by kind, beautiful, thoughtful manifestors. I learn something from every single person who gets coached.

Jamie, your energy is unparalleled. So sunny and vibrant. There's no comparison and never will be!

Zayne Khan

Friendship Coach

“The Money Manifestation Movement is where money gets to be fun and a powerful source of growth!”

I do a lot of self-study, reading, researching, testing and applying law of attraction, human design, etc. The Money Manifestation Movement seems like the best place I know to bring it all together with the focus on life and business.

The only hesitation I had about joining was about whether I had the time, energy, capacity to do this - given that I'm already invested in a 1:1 coach for this year. Then I remembered that I get everything and more out of every investment I make in myself - so it was an easy yes.

My energy can 'get lost' in a group program and I had a really energetically draining experience in a group program last year. I really like that The Money Manifestation Movement is a smaller group as well.

I really love the private podcast to listen to while I walk because that's where my energy gets to play and wander. I love to put things out to the universe and find evidence. They are amazing and really help to direct my mind to thinking bigger in a fun and empowering way.

Robyn Montgomery

Burnout Coach

Want to know who The Money Manifestation Movement is perfect for?

I strive to create an inclusive environment within all my programs. No matter your background, gender or religious belief ― you’re welcome here!

“I have had more consults in the 5 months of working with Jamie than I had in the entire year after certification.”

I have become much more visible. I have been a guest on podcasts for the first time, I have gotten additional gallery representation, I have had more consults in the 5 months of working with Jamie than I had in the entire year after certification.

I met a great group of like-minded businesswomen who I will stay connected with. I have truly become the CEO of my business.

Lea Ann Slotkin

Artist + Coach

“But Jamie…
what if it doesn’t work for me?”

Let me guess...

You’re scared that even if you were to invest, you STILL wouldn’t get the result you want.

And you’d STILL be stuck with more debt, hustling for more clients, and forever having a strained relationship with money.

I’ve been there, and this fear and doubt is normal!

But I want you to flip the script and imagine for a moment:

What if it DOES work?

What will that mean for your business and life?

Here’s the thing ―

You are NOT the ONE lonely person who the Universal Laws don’t work for.

You are NOT the one person God labeled as “not able to make money.”

That would be like saying you are the one person gravity doesn’t work for.

EVERYONE is capable of making money

You just have to be willing to THINK differently than before

And I’m going to help you get there with my proven process that’s been developed over 15 years studying manifestation, spiritual psychology, master coaching, and more.

The same process that’s helped me AND 100s of my clients make more money, create profitable businesses, and attract dream opportunities without overworking!

The only way it won’t work is if you give into fear and give up.

Your desires have led you here for a reason!

Your intuition has guided you onto this path because the reality you want IS possible for you.

The next step to manifesting those desires is to take courageous action.

Even if you’re scared and even if you don’t know the “how.”

Because when you take action, you are showing the Universe you BELIEVE you’ll have abundance. And you’re trusting the Universe will support you each step of the way.

THAT is what will bring you closer to your wealthy financial reality.

Ready to take courageous action and say yes to yourself, yes to your bank account, and yes to your business?

Create your most ABUNDANT year yet

Join the Money Manifestation Movement Today

Your future self will thank you!

Pay in Full

One-Time Payment of

Cashflow-Friendly Payment Plan

6 Monthly Payments of

Budget-Friendly Payment Plan

12 Monthly Payments of

Access for 12 full months

365 days are going to fly by regardless of whether you join

Just imagine WHO you would become if you worked on reprogramming your “negative” money thoughts every day.

Now, think about doing this work for 12 months with an intimate community and personal support!

You could be the type of coach who:

All of that and MORE is on the other side of The Money Manifestation Movement.

And I’m going to spend the next 12 months supporting you and celebrating you every step of your journey.

The only question left to ask is…

Are you ready to transform your relationship with money and create an ABUNDANT life?

If it’s YES, hit the shiny button below.


Join the Money Manifestation Movement Today

Your future self will thank you!

Pay in Full

One-Time Payment of

Cashflow-Friendly Payment Plan

6 Monthly Payments of

Budget-Friendly Payment Plan

12 Monthly Payments of

Access for 12 full months


100%! I welcome all types of entrepreneurs from different backgrounds and different industries.

I hear you! That’s why I’ve intentionally made each video only 10-30 mins long AND included an exclusive Money Manifestation Movement Podcast so you can take each lesson with you on the go.

This is NOT a program where you have to consume every piece of content before you see progress.

Even if you only have time this month to show up to one coaching call…

Listen to one 15 min video or podcast episode on your walk…

And do one money-tapping session…

You can experience a profound mindset shift that’ll help you take action and create transformation!

Plus, you’ll have access to all the materials and coaching calls for 12 months, which means you have plenty of time to tap into the resources whenever you have space.

YES! Many of our members have taken multiple money mindset courses, but found The Money Manifestation Movement was the piece that tied all their learnings together because:

  • It’s a container for you to implement what you’re learning
  • You get access to 3 x LIVE coaching sessions a month with me to chat through anything or unravel any blocks keeping you stagnant
  • You have a supportive community who’ll celebrate every single win with you ― because the more you celebrate, the more wins you attract!
  • My teachings blend together mindset work with spiritual psychology so you can understand how to tap into the laws of the Universe to manifest your desires faster

It’s for both! I provide support wherever you are on your money mindset & manifestation journey.

If you’re new to manifestation and spiritual practices, the modules will guide you through the foundations of manifestation and how to tap into the Universal Laws.

If you’ve been experimenting with manifestation concepts for a while but not seeing the results you want, you can bring your unique blocks to our coaching calls and I’ll guide you through it.

Some coaches inside The Money Manifestation Movement started out as complete beginners to manifestation. Others started out having manifested “things”, but not money.

But regardless of where they started out, ALL of them wanted a fun space to remove their money blocks and manifest MORE money flowing into their life with ease and grace.

If that’s you, come on inside!

Absolutely! I welcome all coaches from different spiritual and religious backgrounds, and I firmly believe you CAN practice manifestation within your religion.

Everything inside is available to you for 12 whole months.

Want more time with the resources or just want to keep the manifestation celebration going? You’ll have the option to rejoin for another year.

No! I welcome all genders who want to learn how to create more abundance and make more money in an intuitive way.

Live calls are held the first three Tuesdays of every month at 11am PST/2pm EST.

Replays will be available in the course portal, so you can always catch up on any missed calls.

Beyond the calls, you’ll also be able to submit questions to our In-House Manifestation Coach, and you’ll get a personalized, written response back within 48 business hours.

Inclusion and accessibility is a core value of mine and I strive to accommodate everyone in my programs.

Live closed captions and written transcripts are available for each video training. And my team and I are actively working to improve our site’s accessibility.

If you have any requests, please reach out to and I’ll do my best to accommodate any requests.

You can send all your questions to me at

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Join Master Certified Coach, Jamie Berman from April 29th – May 1st for  the…


‘Make More Money’ CHALLENGE!

A FREE 3-day event to help your transform your money mindset, feel more aligned with your business, and break through upper income limits.