Hello lovely! I want to talk a little bit about manifestation today. It’s something I’ve used my whole life to attract my greatest desires into my life. I’ll also share an activity you can do to begin manifesting your own heartfelt desires!
Research has shown that there is a strong scientific basis for how and why visualization works. When we visualize an action, we stimulate the same brain regions as when we’re actually performing that same action. This also means we have the ability to use our imagination to create what we want in life.
You have the choice to use your imagination however you like. If you’re worrying, you’re still visualizing, just using your imagination in a negative way. If you’re picturing the best case scenario and feeling into what’s possible, you’re using it in a positive way. We all visualize, daydream, and think throughout the day, so why not practice using your mind to assist you?
Now I’ll share a fun manifestation activity I recently did.
I went to lunch with my good friend Angela, who came up with this and invited me to play along with her. It ended up being totally awesome.
We both acted as if it were 6 months from now, and we were getting together catching up with one another.
We asked each other things like: So how’s the business going? How are your clients? Tell me, how have you been meeting them? How are things with your partner? What’s the most exciting thing that’s happened in the past 6 months? How are you feeling? How are you doing financially? Etc…and we went on for over an hour, talking about life as if it were 6 months from now.
At first, I was wondering how it would be, would it feel like one of those cheesy role-playing activities we had to do in school? But funny enough, it didn’t. It felt really real. And the longer we went on the more into it we were. Once we got into that energy it felt AMAZING. I left our coffee date feeling energized, inspired, and with a new belief that the things I want to create are totally possible.
So I invite you to try it out for yourself. This is a beautiful example of using your imagination in a positive way.