How to Achieve More by Doing Less with Erin Wallen

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About the episode:

In this episode, I chat with Erin Wallen, a coach specializing in nervous system resilience and manifestation. She may sound familiar because about a year ago she was coached live on the podcast, so I’m excited to bring this update to you! Over the past year, I’ve watched Erin shift from building success through stress and sacrifice to creating with ease and alignment. She shares how regulating her nervous system transformed her business, boosted her creativity, and allowed her to manifest incredible opportunities—all without stress or burnout. We discuss practical tools for reducing stress, shifting limiting beliefs, and knowing when to take aligned action. If you’re ready to achieve more while doing less, this episode is packed with insights to help you create success with ease!

Topics discussed:

  • How Erin reprogrammed her beliefs around stress and success through thoughtwork and healing her nervous system 
  • The power of “letting go” in business and manifestation and the biggest changes Erin has seen in her own life
  • The connection between a balanced nervous system and being able to manifest with more ease (and faster!)
  • Different things Erin has manifested from her dream Alaskan cruise to a thriving coaching practice
  • What to include in your “regulation toolbox” for business and life and how it will change your relationships, creativity, and overall well-being

Episode Resources:

About Erin:

Erin Wallen, Advanced Certified Life Coach. With a background as a clinical pharmacist and a successful entrepreneur, I faced burnout and delved into this work out of personal necessity. I learned to create what I wanted without stress. Now, as a life coach specializing in nervous system resilience and manifestation, I help women overcome overwhelm and maximize their energy. Making success both sustainable and extraordinary!

Connect with Erin:

[00:00:00] Jamie: Hi everyone. I have a special treat for you today. I have Aaron here who is an amazing coach who specializes in nervous system resilience and bringing that and manifestation together, which I am so excited to dive into in this interview because I’ve seen it work for her. It’s been amazing. So Aaron been doing this work with me for a little over a year. I have seen the entire journey. It’s been amazing to witness the transformation that she’s had literally coming in kind of as a new coach with a new business or semi new, I would say with some one on one clients, building that up, filling that up, then moving into groups, having this amazing group container that she created.

[00:00:52] Jamie: And Seeing so like her clients see so many results and it’s been so amazing to witness that journey because [00:01:00] it really wasn’t long. Like we’ve been work, we were working together a little over a year and there was so much that happened one of the things that I’m so excited to touch on and this. is just like, I think, think one of the coolest manifestations that I saw with you, Aaron, was it wasn’t necessarily that you learn to manifest success. Cause you’ve had success in the past, but what I saw you do was transform the way you created success. And you started creating success in a whole new way with a new energy with, you know, that felt aligned with your values and time and your energy.

[00:01:38] Jamie: So I definitely want to dive into that today. But let me first have you introduce yourself and share a little bit with everyone. Just a little bit like expand on what you do and how you got into it.

[00:01:52] Erin: Amazing. Thank you so much for having me. I’m so excited to be here. I just love Jamie. Um, but yes, is Jamie [00:02:00] mentioned, I call myself a stress freedom life coach, and I say that I got into this because I needed it. So as Jamie kind of mentioned, like I’ve had success and even before coaching, I was a pharmacist.

[00:02:12] Erin: I did some other business adventures, I say, but they were successful. They had multiple businesses that went to six figure plus, but I never created without success. And it was always seeming that that was part of it, right? Like we needed. Stress in order to build our businesses and have success. Um, no, I’m thinking I said that wrong and I’m getting my head.

[00:02:35] Jamie: Yeah. You said I never created without success. So if you want to just say that part over, you said, but I never created without success.

[00:02:42] Erin: Okay.

[00:02:43] Jamie: just, I never created without stress,

[00:02:46] Erin: Well, she’ll just like cut it and edit in there. Yeah. Okay. So yeah, I never created without stress. So I would always. achieve. I felt like I was a person that like had big dreams and I would pretty much [00:03:00] do anything to achieve them. And really, if I set my mind to it, I would get what I set my mind to.

[00:03:06] Erin: But it came with a lot of stress and other areas of my life kind of being sacrificed. So my health, my relationships, all that stuff, kind of like there was a give and take. So I kind of came to a point where I was like, I love to achieve. I’m like a go getter type A, kind of got a high from achieving, but I was no longer willing to sacrifice.

[00:03:28] Erin: Hired my first coach and gosh, then it just kind of, you know, propelled from there. I then wanted to do it myself and I learned more stress tools myself and it has totally changed everything.

[00:03:43] Jamie: That’s so awesome. And that’s how so many of us coaches start. We’re like, I want to transform my own life. Or we do transform and we’re like, I can’t hold this back from the world. Like, wait, what? So that’s amazing, Erin. I am curious as you were sharing, you were [00:04:00] like, Saying how you know that you could create success and you knew how to create something you put your mind to but It was always at the cost of other things and you were always doing it with the energy of stress, which, you know, you’re not alone.

[00:04:14] Jamie: There’s so many people that come to this podcast and come into my world who have the same experience and think, well, if I want that, it means I have to sacrifice something or I have to be stressed out, or it’s going to be heavy to be able to create it. So what I’m curious about is, were you able to identify the belief that you held Back then that made it so that you created from stress.

[00:04:41] Jamie: Like what was it that you believed in? I don’t know if you’ve ever identified

[00:04:44] Erin: Yeah.

[00:04:45] Jamie: but I’m curious because it’s always helpful to gain awareness. Like, Oh, what, what is it that my mind’s believing? That’s making me take action in this way, making me create from that energy.

[00:04:55] Erin: Yes. Okay. So I love this question and I’m like, gosh, I don’t know if I’ve [00:05:00] ever identified the thought. And it kind of makes me realize, too, like, I think that’s where the nervous system piece has been so beneficial, because while I don’t know if I noticed the thought, it was probably a whole bunch of thoughts that came from a dysregulated nervous system that came from being in the stress state.

[00:05:19] Erin: So I can certainly say, like, you know, I tracked clients who are just like me. So some of their thoughts are that. You know, stress is part of it. Like if I release the stress, I won’t be as successful. Almost feeling like stress is what fuels them and keeps going. So I would imagine that I had versions of very similar thoughts, but you have definitely given me something to think about.

[00:05:44] Erin: What were the thoughts, what were the thoughts that were playing in my head? And there were probably so many of them that were. Subconscious, right? Like they were feeling, you know, the constant go, go, go sacrificing of other things.

[00:05:55] Jamie: Yeah,

[00:05:57] Erin: it’s not enough, you know, the same [00:06:00] thoughts that fuel many of us. Yes.

[00:06:02] Jamie: And I think there’s so much like conditioning around that. At least I, I mean, I remember not, you know, just growing up or what I see online even still is like, oh, yeah, if you want to do that, you have to work really, really hard. Right? And

[00:06:15] Erin: Yes.

[00:06:16] Jamie: that. And we just associate working really, really hard with it.

[00:06:19] Jamie: stressing ourselves out with grinding, with being exhausted. And so we think that’s what it takes. We live that out. And most people don’t know there’s another option and don’t know that there is even another way to have a successful business. and not be stressed out all the time. Not that you’re not going to have stressors here and there, that you have to, you know, regulate, work with yourself, but it doesn’t take stress to create success.

[00:06:45] Jamie: So I’d love to hear about that journey for you and how you started to reprogram that.

[00:06:54] Erin: So I mean, I think even before we work together and just getting started, started as a coach, it’s like some of that thought [00:07:00] work did help, right? Like I would change the thought. I’d feel relief from stress. So I think that’s what like started the initial journey of like, this is amazing. Like I need to know more and I need to share it.

[00:07:11] Erin: But there was a lot of times that I noticed where it was. The thought work did not shift me out of stress or it almost Yeah. Like it just almost felt like I was fighting against myself, which made me go into the nervous system piece, which changed everything. So I think the question was like, how did I start to realize, well, you can ask me again, just.

[00:07:34] Erin: So I,

[00:07:35] Jamie: Yeah. Yeah. What I’m curious about is, yeah, how did you start to reprogram that Old way and reprogramming could be through thought work mixed with nervous system regulation mixed with manifest I don’t know right like i’m

[00:07:51] Erin: yeah,

[00:07:52] Jamie: what your process was For reprogramming from shifting out of this belief that you had to And if you wanted [00:08:00] to be successful it had to come out of sacrifice Or

[00:08:03] Erin: yes,

[00:08:03] Jamie: had to be stressed out, right?

[00:08:05] Erin: yes. Yeah. So great question. So what happened was I know you do the model in your program. And what I have learned is like between our thoughts and our circumstances are, is there actually our nervous system? So how I started to reprogram these beliefs myself was starting to regulate my nervous system.

[00:08:23] Erin: Starting to experience life with a little less stress, right? Like, as you mentioned, we’re never going to be completely stress free, But in those shifts, then my thoughts shifted. And those of us who are type A, full of stress, go, go, go, go, go, thinking about slowing down is stressful. So I started to reprogram myself by giving myself more times where I was slowing down, where I was getting myself out of the stress cycle and noticing, okay, I’m still alive.

[00:08:55] Erin: Like, right. Like the world didn’t end, my business didn’t crumble. And then just [00:09:00] like over time. extending how much time I’m in what I call the magic zone where we’re not running on straws. So what’s amazing is that when we do spend time there, just like how our actions are different when our beliefs are different, our thoughts are different when our nervous system state is different.

[00:09:20] Erin: So it’s just a different way to reprogram. That’s not just thought work. It’s like getting into your body. And reprogramming from that place. So that that’s really what has made the biggest difference to me.

[00:09:30] Jamie: That’s amazing. Amazing. I went through this same thing when I remember I was going through a season of burnout and I realized that I don’t know how to rest because when I was resting, I was anxious and I was like thinking I should be doing something. I’m not productive. What if everything falls apart? I was an anxious mess. Just resting and just laying down, which was what my body needed, and I could feel the pull from my body, but my mind was [00:10:00] going absolutely nuts, right? Like, no, this isn’t safe, it’s not okay, and it was offering all of these thoughts, and so it was through, similar to what you said, kind of like, quote unquote, exposure therapy, just being in, like, Being with the rest and then working with the mind that was scared of resting and staying in it.

[00:10:18] Jamie: And that’s how I was able to reprogram that too. ’cause I’m very much also a, you know, high achiever. I have great desires, I love going and all of that, but if you stay in just that state, right, it’s like you don’t experience the balance of life and the fullness of life. And it’s, it’s like then you’re only feeling comfortable when you’re stressed out and that. What is the point of that, right? Or when you’re in this heightened state of go, go, go, and that’s not good for the body. So I’m curious, like, as you, yeah, go ahead.

[00:10:54] Erin: oh, no, I was going to say it is like, it is so true. Like, not only is it not good for [00:11:00] your body, but what I have come to realize, too, is like, you’re actually not at peak performance. Like, we’re almost like in this busier action, but we’re in less effective action. So, you know, It makes no sense. It’s like the mind wants to say, but how can I do less and achieve more?

[00:11:18] Erin: But it’s what happens every time. And there’s tons of good data and studies that back this up. Um, but yeah, it’s, it changes everything and you’re going to feel better to doing that work.

[00:11:29] Jamie: What have you noticed has changed since you’ve started doing this work and learning how to Get more comfortable just being and get more comfortable not being in a stress state. What’s changed in terms of your business, your creativity, your manifestations, your ideas, anything? I mean, anything. I’m just curious.

[00:11:50] Erin: everything. So like, yeah, like, let me think about a few things. And like the one thing that has helped my mind get on board with this practice [00:12:00] is knowing. that the purpose of stress is survival. So really knowing that, like, if we’re in a stress state, like if we’re thinking we can’t slow down and we’re feeling any source of stress in our body, like our bodies are literally in fight mode, like in keeping us alive mode.

[00:12:16] Erin: And knowing that when we go to this place, we are shifting about a thousand different micro shifts in our body. So it’s like all these things that are great, for thriving are deprioritized to literally keep us alive. So like my conscious mind that has helped and like I said, with these 1000 changes and your question was like, where have I noticed these benefits and practicing this work?

[00:12:38] Erin: It’s like, where have I not? Because it’s really like this light switch of like, I’m in survival mode, even if I’m not fully in survival mode. Your body does the same thing. It’s shifting in the same way, whether we’re a little stressed or whether we’re like full on overwhelmed. Um, but where I’ve noticed it, I am just, [00:13:00] it’s not perfect.

[00:13:01] Erin: I feel like I’m on this journey of course, like, and it always will be, but from where I was, I don’t work that much. Like, and I think I’m even coming up to this point where like, how can I even work less? Um, a lot of it and a lot of the work we’ve done, it’s like, It doesn’t make sense, logical sense, how my business has grown and how people find me.

[00:13:23] Erin: Cause I’m like, it’s, it’s truly in the moments where I release and I step back that things come in, like taking a full week off for vacation, no email, no social media, and then having like clients waiting for me. Um, So it’s like it has helped in business, working less, things coming in so much easier. My relationships in my core family with my child, with my husband are much better.

[00:13:51] Erin: Um, and then friendships. I feel like I have just the circle of really aligned friends. Um, so many things like in what area has it, [00:14:00] not my health has improved. I used to have like debilitating migraines. I rarely have migraines. And when I have them, they’re a fraction of what they used to be. So. So many areas, it’s improved.

[00:14:10] Jamie: Yes. Amazing. How did you realize that it was in letting go in your business? That really helps you to manifest

[00:14:24] Erin: So, and this, this one, I’m still learning. Um, I mean, I’m, you know, it’s just this evolution, but how did I realize it? Trying to think about how to answer that. I think it’s like you teach about like an evidence journal. So I think it’s like there’s building up this evidence. Cause again, you, however old you are, you have decades of evidence that doing it, how you’ve been doing it is quote unquote working.

[00:14:55] Erin: Cause you’ve been looking through that lens. So it’s like, I started to build up [00:15:00] evidence of how being stress free, which we’re not totally stress free, but choosing. to stop the stress cycle, getting into the thriving mode, letting things happen works and works far better than I can do on like just going.

[00:15:17] Erin: Um, and just starting to build up evidence that this is the, this is possible. This is what is done. I think it’s allowed me to step into that more if that’s answering your question.

[00:15:26] Jamie: totally. Totally. I love that. Yeah. And to share in terms of an evidence journal, I think actually that you bring that up. It’s really, I think, could be super helpful for anyone who’s listening who wants to reprogram. Really anything or wanna build belief in something is to start looking for the smallest bit of evidence that it’s safe, that it’s okay.

[00:15:47] Jamie: And I actually remember you doing this when we, I was maybe six, seven, I don’t know, it was over the summer and you were going on a trip, I think it was to Alaska. Is that when you, you did a cruise to

[00:15:58] Erin: That

[00:15:58] Jamie: right.

[00:15:59] Erin: it all. [00:16:00] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:16:02] Jamie: wait a minute, I want to take fully off, but I’ve never done something like that.

[00:16:07] Jamie: And I think there was a little bit of nerves and it was like, okay, let’s just feel into the nerves, but lean into it. Right. And I think after that trip, I remember you came back and all of the, like people had reached out clients and stuff. So it’s so fun to, the thing with this work is I don’t think that it’s about. waiting till it’s comfortable to do it. It’s like, no, lean into what you want to believe. And for you, Erin, it was, I want to believe that I can take a week off and be totally unplugged and that I can come back to my business and it’ll thrive, right? Something around that. And so we have to test it out.

[00:16:44] Jamie: We have to have the courage and take the courageous action of actually unplugging on vacation. Feel any discomfort that comes around it and find the evidence that it’s safe. It’s okay. The business is still here when you’re back. So I love that offering of starting that evidence journal of [00:17:00] finding evidence of where it is working in your life.

[00:17:03] Jamie: That’s so So good.

[00:17:07] Erin: And I love that you reminded me of that. Because I totally didn’t remember. And it’s so funny how quickly we shift and we’re like, and we forget. And I’m like, gosh, since then I’ve taken so many trips and so much time completely off without even a thought about it. So it’s amazing, but you were so right.

[00:17:25] Erin: It’s like, it takes that first courageous stuff into whatever direction you’re going and probably not to go too far. Like I probably, if I was like, I’m going to take three months completely off, it would have shocked my system, but a week. Felt totally doable and, you know, it’s just continued from there.

[00:17:43] Jamie: Yep. 100 percent leaning into it. I love it so much. So for people who want to have, Business with less stress. Let’s put it that way, right? They want to create a reality for themselves where they are running a [00:18:00] business and they’re not on a rollercoaster anymore. They’re like, let me get off the rollercoaster.

[00:18:04] Jamie: I want to take maybe a different ride. Like one that’s just a little more relaxed, more enjoyable. What would be some of your tips? Like what works for you to regulate your system through business?

[00:18:19] Erin: Yeah. So, I mean, really what works to regulate my system in business and life are exactly the same because that stress system doesn’t like go on differently in business versus life. So what’s so beautiful is like. Regardless of where you want to decrease stress, you’re going to get ripple effects in every area of your life.

[00:18:38] Erin: Um, but what I love to do is I go back to that stress is survival. So our bodies Our bodies can’t hold tension when we’re in a stress free state. So, so many of us, or I won’t speak for everyone, but certainly myself, kind of lived in my head, like prioritize the [00:19:00] logical mind, was kind of out of touch with my body, but really getting into a practice of scanning my body.

[00:19:06] Erin: for any pockets of tension. If I have tension, which a lot of times I do, it means that I’m in that stress state. So you’ll probably notice if you’re way overwhelmed, you’re going to have more tension, but do you have tension in this moment? Because most of us do carry tension. We’re starting to dip our toe into stress mode.

[00:19:27] Erin: And that means like all that stuff that’s for thriving, living with more ease, enjoying your business more is not going to be fully on board. So yeah. Just a practice of starting to scan your body for pockets of tension. Simply that awareness kind of can help turn the dial down a little bit more. I also love once I locate that doing, um, some slow breathing when we extend our exhale, that’s really regulating to our nervous system.

[00:19:55] Erin: So however long we inhale, Just extending it longer. So whatever count works for [00:20:00] you, just extend it a little more in the exhale. Um, there’s a yoga pose called rag doll, where you fold over at your waist, super regulating. So it’s like scanning your body, noticing the tension. It’s probably going to be there.

[00:20:13] Erin: It’s there for me too. Um, and then doing something to just like turn the dial down. So what you’re doing is you’re not eliminating it. But you’re building a practice of getting closer to having less stress in your system.

[00:20:26] Jamie: love it. Oh my gosh. You know what I like about this? I’m just envisioning. It’s, it’s just like, it’s a regulation tool belt that you have. Cause it’s

[00:20:36] Erin: Yeah. Yeah. Yes. I love it. Yes. Yeah. Absolutely.

[00:20:44] Jamie: We’re going on a planet. isn’t paved yet. So of co be some uncertainty and s up. But I love that you h belt that works for you a it’s like, oh, when you g you notice it and [00:21:00] I’m sur these noti is, I’m sure you gain awa quicker oh, my b thing again. And I love t tools that you can just use easily to help regulate it and set that intention to regulate. It’s reminding me because I’ve got like my manifestation toolbox, but I love you’ve got your regulation toolbox. So good. Um, so I know you’ve blended this practice with manifestation a ton. Um, Well, let’s talk about first, what are some of the fun things that you’ve manifested by blending these practices?

[00:21:40] Jamie: Do you, are there any things that you could like share from your vision board that you’ve created in the last year or two?

[00:21:46] Erin: I mean, well, a couple of things you’ve mentioned, like my trip to Alaska. So my family went on this lovely Alaskan cruise this past summer, which was a dream. And I think in some ways to my husband taking like a week off, he didn’t [00:22:00] take completely a week off, but like going that far for a week was kind of a stretch for him, but, um, also your nervous systems communicate.

[00:22:08] Erin: So me regulating helped him regulate, um, some fun things in my business. I think. As you mentioned, when we started working together a little over a year ago, I had, was building up my one on one practice, but felt so called to do a group. And I think there’s an old podcast where you coached me because I was terrified.

[00:22:27] Erin: I was terrified to do this, even though I was like, this is what I wanted from the beginning is to do like group. Um, and it has gone amazing where it’s, I’m about to start my third cohort of that. We’re more than halfway full and it’s. It’s amazing. So it’s like things have just come so much easier when I leaned into what I truly wanted, even though I was scared and did it from a place of like acknowledging my nervous system and got regulated, like trusted that from that regulated [00:23:00] place, I know what I want to do.

[00:23:01] Erin: And then just started taking courageous action toward it. And I love my group, so I’m so grateful to you for, like, coaching me and, like, it’s been awesome.

[00:23:12] Jamie: is so fun that we have that live, which by the way, because I actually, I love like witnessing someone’s journey and it’s so fun whenever my clients are like, I saw two years ago, you coached that person when they were just starting and look at them now. And it’s like amazing to see that there was like fear there or anything like that.

[00:23:33] Jamie: And we actually have a podcast coaching session of you being nervous to step into the group. And I’m coaching you through it. And this is so fun that it’s literally one year later. I think that

[00:23:45] Erin: Yeah. Yeah. Mm

[00:23:47] Jamie: maybe in January. And here you are now having your third. third cohort, like filling these groups, having amazing clients, they’re having amazing success.

[00:23:57] Jamie: And you’ve stepped into it in a way where it’s [00:24:00] like, cause I fear a lot of programming around, Oh, it’s harder to enroll groups or it’s harder to do groups. And that’s simply not true. If that is your desire and that’s what you feel called to create. It’s not like you don’t have to make that true and it’s not true for you.

[00:24:18] Jamie: I’ve seen you enroll and you’re in such flow when you do it.

[00:24:23] Erin: hmm.

[00:24:24] Jamie: it’s really incredible to have seen over the past year what you’ve created. So that’s amazing. What are some of the manifestation tools that you’ve blended that has worked for you?

[00:24:36] Erin: Yes. Um, you have great tools in your program, so anyone thinking about the movement, it’s amazing. I still do, um, the ideal vision, like the living vision, I think you call it, which that is so powerful and just like certain universal laws that you talk about in your program, one that I rely on heavily, like an um, [00:25:00] My day to day life, I think about the law of giving and receiving.

[00:25:03] Erin: So we did a lot of work too about, um, something I didn’t know. It’s not just about giving, but it’s about opening yourself up to receiving. So I definitely had a block in receiving, receiving compliments, um, probably receiving money. So really expanding in both areas has really been a So helpful.

[00:25:27] Jamie: Amazing. That’s so good. And you do your vision boards too.

[00:25:32] Erin: I do vision boards. Yeah. How did I forget about that? So yes, um, vision boards. I even coach vision boards. I teach workshops and vision boards. I just did a workshop. this past weekend for a group of physician moms, which was so fun and so cool. So like, I just feel like I get to share this work with incredible, incredible women.

[00:25:52] Erin: And I’m so blessed.

[00:25:54] Jamie: Yes, you got to take one of, um, Erin’s vision board workshops cause she’s manifested all of her [00:26:00] vision boards. It’s been so fun to celebrate and now you teach the process of, um, doing vision boarding, bringing some of the, um, nervous system regulation work and stress reduction work together into it. So, um, yeah, y’all should sign up for one of her workshops when they come.

[00:26:16] Jamie: So,

[00:26:17] Erin: Well, you just like another practice you shared, which is so good is like that it is done. Like, cause I think this is coming up me thinking with my vision board. Like I just create it and I just believe it is done. And I like, Share that with my clients. And that comes from you, like you just saying, like, it is done, like whatever you’re saying, like, and getting in the belief that it truly is done.

[00:26:39] Erin: Cause why not?

[00:26:40] Jamie: so good. So I, this brings up another question then. How do you, because you’re doing a lot of like regulating the system, it is done, the manifesting, having the vision, having the desire, leaning into the receiving. How do you know when to take action for you?

[00:26:58] Erin: [00:27:00] Um, so I, I mean, I know you teach the model. I don’t know if the models talked about as much on the podcast, but like, I always take action or I decide on action from regulation, I should say. So sometimes I’m not. fully in it, but I get to that place of feeling regulated, which because it’s a practice in my life, it doesn’t take, it doesn’t take long to access it.

[00:27:23] Erin: I might not stay there all day. Um, but from that place, I can know what action is right for me. And it’s so amazing. Cause like, there’s so many practices I do, but like I get the best ideas. when I slow down and regulate and then something will drop in. And I think we’ve talked about this too, like how I can do so much or so, so much effective work in no time at all from this regulated space.

[00:27:52] Erin: So when I know to take action, um, I think I do a lot less action than I used to, but I’m just [00:28:00] very clear on the right action for me than just busy action and keep, Moving forward. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

[00:28:13] Jamie: right there. It’s all about the, it’s like, what is the energy that you’re taking it from? And the way that you described that is regulated, right? That’s the energy is regulated. And it’s so fascinating because I’ve had so many clients who do this work and get to a place where they are way more regulated or, you know, the feeling is, you would call it, right?

[00:28:35] Jamie: Regulated in flow, more grounded, more centered, right? And then you take action from that place. And even if like, like you’re still super productive and doing a lot, it feels so different that it almost feels like you’re not working, right? Like at least for me. And I know I’ve had clients that are like, I’m not even doing anything and I’m manifesting all this.

[00:28:54] Jamie: I’m like, wait, but you just did this big workshop. That was amazing. And they’re like, well, that was fun. I’m like,

[00:28:59] Erin: [00:29:00] Yes, it can be fun. Yes.

[00:29:01] Jamie: It’s just from a completely different place. So the experience is so unbelievably different and it’s totally possible. And you’re an example of that. So it’s really amazing.

[00:29:14] Jamie: Um, To have witnessed and to just have seen the shifts, even just through this past year and how you work, I think is just incredible. So I want to acknowledge you and

[00:29:26] Erin: Well, thank you. Yeah.

[00:29:29] Jamie: where can people follow you, find you, learn more about, um, this work that you do and the nervous system regulation and stress reduction?

[00:29:40] Jamie: Because I know so many people are going to love it.

[00:29:43] Erin: Yeah, I would love to connect. Um, my favorite place is Instagram and my Instagram handles, um, Joy by Erin. Um, I would say, I think there’s going to be some links. So I have a stress quiz, which I love to share. It’s completely free if anyone wants to take [00:30:00] it. Um, and it might be on my Instagram too, but it’s so interesting because I think too, in my own journey and in the people that I work with.

[00:30:09] Erin: We don’t even realize how stressed we are. Like we don’t even realize we might think like it’s so normal or isn’t everyone the stress or it’s not that bad. So this quiz is short and sweet. And it just basically will assess, tell you where you fall. How far are you from that thriving zone? And give you encouragement that wherever you are, I have seen so many people drop that score, like lower, the better, lower, closer to the thriving zone, drop that score significantly within a couple of weeks.

[00:30:38] Erin: Um, so after you take the quiz, you’re also going to get. My five tips that are best science backed things to do to lower your stress. So it’s stuff that I literally do every day. I write these things down every single day and I check in with myself and I know that if I’m feeling more dysregulated by just up on one of them, it’s gonna help me and [00:31:00] it does every time.

[00:31:01] Erin: Yeah.

[00:31:01] Jamie: Amazing. Okay. We will put all of this in the show notes so y’all can grab it for sure. And special announcement for those of you who are in the money manifestation movement or are going to come into it in the future. Erin is teaching a super special workshop in there next month on bringing these tools into manifestation.

[00:31:23] Jamie: So I’m So excited for that and I’m so excited it’ll be available for everyone in the movement to it. We’ll have, you know, the, as well for people who come in in the future.

[00:31:34] Erin: Amazing, I can’t wait.

[00:31:36] Jamie: Yes. Well, thank you so much, Erin. I appreciate it. And, um, it’s been amazing to witness your whole journey and see all the success that you’ve created from this. regulated state and being in the flow and really working with your energy. So it’s been an honor to coach you and thank you for sharing.

[00:31:57] Erin: Thank you so [00:32:00] much.

Learn how to utilize the power of manifestation to begin attracting new clients! Download my FREE Manifestation for Business Workbook here.

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Hi, I’m Master Certified Mindset Coach Jamie Berman

I help entrepreneurs unravel limiting beliefs so that they can make money with ease.

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