I did a public Live talk on Facebook & IG yesterday, teaching all about what happens when we go off of flour & sugar with PCOS.
I could see how many of you were craving this information. My lives are usually around a half hour, and this one could have gone on for hours with all of the questions being asked. So for those of you who prefer reading, I thought I’d compile my list of FAQ when it comes to going off of flour and sugar for PCOS, and put them all here in this blog!
Feel free to watch the live I did above too, and for those that want to read.. Here they are!
So let’s just dive into a Q&A
Q: Why is going off of flour and sugar good for women with PCOS?
A: A few reasons! Flour and sugar are two highly concentrated foods that raise insulin levels. Women with PCOS who struggle with their weight usually have the symptom insulin resistance. This means that our bodies are not able to transfer glucose (sugars) from our bloodstream into our cells, to be used as energy.
Instead, when glucose levels are high from the foods we eat, our insulin levels go up, and there’s nowhere for it all to go. It then becomes stored as body fat. This is why so many women with PCOS gain weight easily and have trouble losing. We cannot lose weight when insulin levels are high from too much glucose.
So in order to lose weight with PCOS, we must lower insulin levels. Going off of flour and sugar allows our bodies to do this. That’s when our hormones begin to balance out and we can start losing weight and managing our symptoms!
The other reason I recommend going off of flour and sugar is because it causes over-hunger and over-desire.
Over-hunger is caused by imbalanced hormones. When insulin levels are high, it throws off our hunger hormones Ghrelin & Leptin, and we lose the connection with our true hunger cues. So we begin to feel hungry more often than our bodies need food for fuel and we aren’t able to tell when we’ve had “enough,” so we tend to overeat. This is why we have a huge obesity epidemic in the US and around the world, where flour and sugar are highly consumed.
Over-desire happens in our brains. When we eat highly concentrated foods like flour and sugar, the reward system of the brain lights up and we get a massive dose of dopamine! The more we have these foods, the more our brain lights up. That’s where crazy cravings and over-desire begin to occur, making it super challenging to lose weight when we have all of these urges. When we cut flour and sugar from our diet, our desire for them goes way down. We no longer have to deal with crazy cravings!
So to sum it up, the reason going off of flour and sugar can be a game-changer for women with PCOS is because it can….
- Allow your hormones to begin balancing out naturally.
- Allow your body to begin losing weight.
- Allow your body to stop craving these types of foods.
Q: What about almond flour, coconut flour, wheat flour, rice flour, etc….
A: I recommend going off of ALL FLOURS. They are all highly concentrated, and I find it simpler to just cut them all out. But….you get to do whatever serves you! If you want to lose weight, I do recommend cutting them all out though.
Q: What about grains?
A: This is unique to each individual. Some women with PCOS do well with grains in moderation, and some don’t. If you are someone who struggles to lose weight, your body is probably pretty insulin resistant and that’s when you’ll want to cut grains as well. Most women with insulin resistance and PCOS do well with very little to no grains. You have to test it out for your body. If you’re eating them and not losing weight, cut them out for a while and see what happens.
Q: What about dairy?
A: Again, this is something each individual has to test out for themselves. Many of my clients eat dairy and do great, others not so much. If you tend to get bloated or have any gut or autoimmune things going on, dairy probably isn’t the best option for you. Also, if you struggle with acne, cutting dairy could be helpful. If you do decide to include dairy in your diet, I recommend going for full-fat options.
Q: How do you eat no flour, no sugar on the go?
A: I actually find it very easy. I’m always on the go and traveling a ton, so I have my go-to options. Starbucks has some great, quick items like their egg bites, string cheese, almonds, guacamole, or beef jerky. At almost any restaurant, you could get a salad and add protein. Some NFNS dressings include caesar, ranch, olive oil. Don’t be afraid to ask the server too! You can also ask for any sandwich or burger lettuce wrapped. I think it’s delicious this way.
Q: What about artificial sweeteners?
A: This is a personal choice and something you have to test out on your body. I personally do not like most artificial sweeteners because of the chemicals in them. The one that I’ll use from time to time is liquid stevia. Just notice if it causes you to crave sweets when you have it. If not, should be fine. If so, you might want to just avoid it.
Alright, I hope this was helpful for you!
Remember, the first two weeks of cutting flour and sugar are the hardest. That’s when you may experience some withdrawal symptoms, like increased cravings and even a little fatigue. Once your body and hormones get adjusted though, you’ll most likely feel WAY better! You should notice your hunger going way down, feeling more in control of food, and being able to lose weight. Hang in there!
If you want more help to create the perfect protocol for your body with PCOS, I work one-on-one with individuals on this. We work together for 3-months to get your body fat-adapted, get you feeling in control of food, and your body losing weight! If you are interested in working with me on this, sign up for your free strategy session and let’s see if my program is right for you!
In health & happiness,