For those of you who “can’t meditate”

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For those of you who “can’t meditate”

I often prescribe meditation in my coaching practice, as it is the one tool that can truly support anything. What I hear a lot of the time is, “I can’t meditate, I don’t know how to stop thinking.”

Do you resonate?

If so, here is what I would say to you. If you had to stop thinking in order to meditate, no one could meditate. It’s not possible to stop thinking. And meditation is not about that. It’s about becoming aware of the thoughts as they come and go and making an effort to redirect them. You can do this by focusing on the breath, focusing on a mantra, on your heartbeat, etc.

I see meditation as stepping outside of your mind. It’s like seeing what’s going on up there, without being in the middle of it. Noticing the thoughts that come up, seeing that you are not your thoughts and that they come and go, changing each moment. 

Through the insights gained in meditation, we are better able to cultivate wholesome and positive thoughts, in our everyday life.  After all, our thoughts create our reality. So wouldn’t you want to start training the mind to choose, instead of being at the mercy of them, like a feather in the wind?

If you want to give it a try, I encourage you to start with guided meditation. There are so many resources these days. If you’re interested in starting, send me a message and I can recommend some for you!  

I can truly say through my own personal experience, that it is a game-changer that affects all aspects of life.

Lots of love,


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