Becoming aware of what we are feeling is a MUST in order to stop overeating.
So many of us live such fast-paced lives that we never slow down enough to tune in and ask ourselves what’s going on internally?
We don’t tune in and ask ourselves….
- How am I feeling?
- What does my body need right now?
- What do I really need right now?
It’s so easy to take care of everything and everyone else and put ourselves last.
But that won’t lead to a happy, healthy, fulfilled life.
When we aren’t in tune with our emotions, we try and push through and make ourselves feel better with outside forces (e.g. sweets, alcohol, convenience foods, shopping, social media, etc.)
And we become addicted.
Anytime we start feeling the slightest discomfort. We go after these quick fixes to feel better. The more we do it, the more ingrained it becomes. Neural pathways are formed in our brain make this an automatic response, if not observed.
So the first step to breaking this habit is to become AWARE of it.
Not just aware that you have this habit, but aware of what drives it.
What EXACT feelings drive your body to cue up urges? To figure this out, you have to slow down and tune in while it’s happening.
Before we begin to observe it, it usually happens so fast that we don’t even have the time to recognize that there’s a feeling. But once you start doing this work, and once you stop giving in to the urge, the feeling will become very clear.
Remember, our feelings drive our actions. So if we want to start taking new actions, we have to start by understanding what feelings are driving our current actions so that we can change them or relate to them differently.
Permanent weight loss is SO MUCH more than “what foods to I eat?”
We have to change from the inside out. When we do this type of work, we’ll never have to go on another diet again.
In health & happiness,
If traditional weight loss methods aren’t working for you, I want to invite you to sign up for a free consultation with me. Let’s see if adding the inner work with nutrition support could help you get where you want to go!