Do you avoid the scale?
I used to too. I HATED scales. At one point I threw out every scale in the house and decided I wasn’t weighing myself anymore. At the doctor’s office, I’d even close my eyes when they weighed me and tell the nurse not to share the number because I didn’t want to get triggered.
I thought scales were bad and that they brought unnecessary drama.
What I learned though, is that the scale is not the problem. The scale is totally neutral. The number on the scale is neutral too.
The real problem was the thoughts running through my mind about the number on the scale.
I would let that number determine if I was going to have a good day or a bad day.
If the number went down, I was happy. If it went up, I’d beat myself up internally. It’s no wonder I hated scales. It brought up all of my beliefs about myself and my body- which were all very painful!
But not weighing myself wasn’t helping anything. It was just putting a band-aid over the issue. I was running away from my painful thoughts because I didn’t want to feel negative emotion. That certainly never helped me improve my relationship with my body OR lose any weight.
And then, through life coaching, I discovered thought work!
Once I learned that it wasn’t the scale that was my problem, it was my thoughts about it that was creating the negative emotion. I realized I could USE the scale in my favor.
Every time I got on the scale, I would write down all of the thoughts that popped into my head.
I realized I had thoughts like….
“I’m never going to be able to lose weight.”
“There’s something wrong with me.”
“Having PCOS sucks, it’s not fair!”
And a whole lot more thoughts that created frustration, self-pity, overwhelm, and anger.
THESE are the EXACT thoughts that were getting in the way of my ability to lose weight. They were keeping me stuck.
So I ran each of them through a thought model and saw what reality each thought created for me. Every single one of them drove me to overeat, to not go all in on a diet plan, to overthink and spin out in negativity. Which, of course, does not lead to loving my body anymore or showing up as the healthiest version of myself.
Slowly but surely, I began to stop believing those thoughts. I could see that they were just old outdated thoughts that were not serving me. In fact, I could see that they weren’t even true!
So I began practicing thoughts about myself, and the number on the scale that felt better.
I practiced thinking thoughts like:
“I’m going to figure this out even if it takes me the rest of my life.”
“I’m open to the idea that it’s possible for me to lose weight and I’m willing to try a new approach.”
“The number is just data.”
I bet you can imagine what happened once I started changing my thoughts…
Yup, I began losing weight.
I know it sounds too simple. It sounds too good to be true. But it’s not…
Up until doing this kind of work, I was always trying to change from a place of hating my body. I would diet or research or workout but was always SO DAMN CRITICAL. And it never worked!
Loving my body did.
Using the scale in my favor did.
So if you struggle with the scale because of the thoughts it triggers, my encouragement is to start looking at those thoughts. Get on the scale, grab your journal, and write everything that pops into your mind when you see the number. It will change everything for you!
In health & happiness,
Are you ready to FINALLY lose weight in a way that’s new and different and WORKS? From a place of loving your body, not hating it? If so, I highly recommend signing up for a free strategy session with me. Space is limited, so sign up ASAP to lock in your spot this month!