Are you dreaming big enough?
After coaching dozens of women, I’ve found that not everyone naturally dreams BIG, or feels comfortable setting goals for themselves.
Often times, it’s only a certain area of their life that they’re not allowing themselves to envision change, usually around weight loss, relationships, or money goals.
For example, I was on a call with a new client last night. She told me she was 50 pounds overweight. When I asked her how much she wanted to lose she told me 20 pounds. I had to dig deeper to find out why she only wanted to lose 20, after saying that she was 50 over. It’s always so interesting how our brains are trying to protect us from achieving big things!
So I’m curious about you. Are you underestimating your potential? Are you holding back from growing in a certain area of your life?
Here are the top reasons you might be avoiding dreaming big…
1. You’re looking at your past as an indicator for what’s possible in the future
Meaning, if you haven’t done it in the past, you don’t think it’s possible to do in the future. I know it sounds crazy, but I see this a lot! If you notice yourself saying things like, “I’ve never lost that much weight before” or “I’ve never been able to stick to a plan” or “I don’t know how,” it’s likely that you’re stuck in the past. If this is you, I want you to ask yourself the question: what if my future could be different from my past?
2. You see failure as a bad thing
Fear of failure is a huge reason why so many people don’t go after their dreams at all, because what if they try and fail? What would that mean about them? If you see failure as a bad thing, you’ll be more reluctant to begin. What if you started looking at failure as a positive thing? Meaning you showed up, you went for it, and you learned something. Failing is part of the process. I celebrate fails with my clients! There’s always an amazing lesson behind it. Are you willing to fail?
3. You want to know the “how” before setting the goal.
This is another very common pattern that gets in the way of goal setting. Wanting to know how each step will play out before you begin. The truth is, you’ll never know every step before you begin. All you need is the first one, then the next will reveal itself. Don’t let the “how” get in the way. Trust that the “how” will reveal itself.
4. You’re letting your fear get in the way.
Is fear the reason you’re not letting yourself dream? Some of the most primitive fears include:
A fear of how the achievement would affect my life.
A fear of who I would have to become to achieve this goal?
A fear of what others would think if I achieved my goal.
What I want to point out here is that fear will never go away. It’s just the part of our brain trying to protect ourselves. So rather than rejecting the fear, the goal is to allow it to be there, without letting it take the wheel. It’s about moving right on through it!
If you are ready to start dreaming BIG and creating a life with meaning, excitement, and fulfillment, I have to perfect exercise for you! Download my free worksheet to see how you can set a powerful goal and begin taking action today!
>>>Download it for free here!<<<
In health & happiness,