Are you enjoying the ride?

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Are you enjoying the ride?

I’m curious…how much fun are you having? Are you enjoying your life?

I ask this question because “fun” is something that I had lost touch with for quite some time. After graduating college I felt like I had to be an independent adult and work really hard to fulfill my dreams. I thought being an adult meant no more fun and time to get serious! Yes, working hard did help me reach some of my goals. But how fulfilled could I really feel when I wasn’t enjoying the ride?

I had a huge limiting belief that I couldn’t have fun until I got to ________ or achieved ________.

And I had another limiting belief that if I wanted to be successful or grow (in anything really) it had to be hard work.

So naturally, if I had fun, I felt guilty.

Do you notice this pattern playing out in your life anywhere?

If you’re not sure, go ahead and look back at the last month. How much have you laughed? Have you taken a day off to do something exciting with you friends or loved ones? How heavy do you feel? Do you tend to take things really seriously?

These can all be indicators of where we’re at on our “fun and playful” level.

If you’re ready to crush the belief that life has to be hard, get rid of the guilt, and start enjoying the journey, I FULLY support you in that!

It’s been a life changer for me.

Over the weekend, my teacher told my class something I found so profound. He said when he’s working with another spiritual teacher he can tell how advanced they are by their sense of humor. He then told us the derivation of the word humor. Hu- means god in Egyptian.  So hu-mor = more god. I guess that means you could consider laughter a spiritual practice!

If you’re wondering how to add more fun and play into your life, maybe I can help you out. When I started doing this it felt foreign to me too. Luckily my husband was on board with this idea, so we decided to take one day a week off together to do whatever we want- like a whole date day. The one requirement was we must do something that sounds fun. We’ve done everything from buying beach games and playing on the beach for hours, to checking out botanical gardens around Los Angeles, spending the day at an animal sanctuary, and staying indoors playing board games.

If you’d like to put together a “fun and play” plan I’ll offer some ideas:

  • Write down the things you loved to do as a child. This could be a great indicator of what kinds of things will bring out your childlike spirit now.
  • Make a list of things you’ve been wanting to try, do or see. Maybe it’s acro yoga, or checking out a new park or museum, maybe you’d like to do a movie night with friends, a weekend road trip, or a dance class. It can be anything.
  • Decide how you’d like to add this into your life. Is it a daily practice? Something you’ll schedule weekly?
  • Schedule it.  Put it on your calendar and make a commitment!

Once I started implementing more fun and play into my life I began feeling lighter, happier, and even more productive all around. It also gives me something to look forward to each week and I’m always on the lookout for exciting new things to do in the community.

I’d love to hear what idea’s you come up with! Feel free to share and connect in the comments below.

Much love,


Learn how to utilize the power of manifestation to begin attracting new clients! Download my FREE Manifestation for Business Workbook here.

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Hi, I’m Master Certified Mindset Coach Jamie Berman

I help entrepreneurs unravel limiting beliefs so that they can make money with ease.

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