Are you afraid of failing?

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Ok, I know we’ve all seen the articles, “10 things that the most successful people have in common” and the number one is always A WILLINGNESS TO FAIL. But, I just have to write about it because it’s so darn true! And a fear of failure is really the reason so many of us don’t even start.

So this one’s for all of you perfectionists out there…

I know you, because I’ve been there. I know that you get great ideas all of the time. And what do you do with them? You most likely get inspired for a minute or a day or maybe even a week, and then you let it go because you think things like..

“It’s too hard”

“Someone else is probably already doing it”

“I don’t know what my next step is”

“This is too overwhelming”

But ultimately, what this really comes down to is…

“What if I go for it and fail?”

So let’s ask ourselves, what would happen if we failed? Maybe we’d lose some money, some time. But I think what we’re most afraid of is how we would treat ourselves if we failed. I imagine the people who are most afraid of failure are the ones with the loudest inner bullies. You know, that voice inside that tells you things like, not being good enough, how much better everyone else is, and how you’ll never be successful. So if you failed, just imagine what it would say…OUCH!

This is why we avoid putting ourselves out there. In fact, we even avoid trying at all.

You may think, ok this is totally me. So how do I cope with it and move forward?

What I do on a daily basis and what I encourage others to do is to begin taking dominion over your thoughts (your inner critic). A simple way to start is by doing a mind dump every morning. Get out your journal and just write down every thought that’s coming up, positive or negative…just get them out of your brain and onto paper.

Then from this new space, once the mind is clear, you now have the opportunity to choose. Consider how you would like to think about yourself, situations, or the circumstances that come up for you. What would inspire you, rather than stifle you?  And PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE coming from this new place!

As you begin to see that you are not your negative and critical thoughts, and that they are not the “truth”, you’ll be more willing to fail. In my world, we celebrate failures— because that means you tried, you learned something, and you’re growing!

What are you willing to fail at this week?

If you’d like to explore this idea further, let’s talk! Sign up for a free mini session HERE!

Have a beautiful week my loves!

Lots of love,


Are you afraid of failing?

Learn how to utilize the power of manifestation to begin attracting new clients! Download my FREE Manifestation for Business Workbook here.

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Hi, I’m Master Certified Mindset Coach Jamie Berman

I help entrepreneurs unravel limiting beliefs so that they can make money with ease.

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