How to stop quitting on yourself!

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Do ya know why we quit?

Because it feels DAMN GOOD to!

When things get hard and we give ourselves permission to quit, there’s so much relief!


So of course, our brains freak out when we’re trying to do something new that’s hard and uncomfortable. 

Which is why we have to develop witness consciousness if we want to create a future that’s different than our past.

Witness consciousness is the ability to watch yourself think. 

It’s recognizing the thoughts that say things like: “You’ll never make it” “You might as well give up now” “This is so hard” “Just eat the cookie!”……. without giving in to them.

We are not our thoughts, and the more we can separate ourselves from them, the more we can take the driver’s seat, steering our life in the direction we most want. 

My brain tells me I’m inadequate all the time. I used to believe it, and would play small because of it. Luckily I’ve learned how to hear it without believing it. I just move forward while feeling the feeling of inadequacy moving through my body.

If I had listened to my thoughts & feelings, I would have never lost weight, created my business, or gone after the life of my dreams.

Our brains want to keep us comfortable and small. They’re just trying to protect us!

So in order to stop quitting on ourselves, we have to learn to distinguish that voice.

I teach my clients to do this by doing daily thought downloads. This is basically doing a mind-dump in your journal, getting all thoughts out and onto paper, and then observing them neutrally.

This is also what we do in meditation. We notice the thoughts and then come back to the breath or the mantra.

It’s a skill that’s DEFINITELY worth developing. 

It will change your life on all levels.

You’ll never quit on yourself again! Not because you have more willpower, but because you know what voice you want to listen to!

In health & happiness,



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Hi, I’m Master Certified Mindset Coach Jamie Berman

I help entrepreneurs unravel limiting beliefs so that they can make money with ease.

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