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Believe it or not, one of the most effective ways to improve your confidence is to get out of your comfort zone!

Confidence comes from the willingness to feel any emotion, including the scary ones like rejection, fear, doubt, humiliation, etc. When we’re willing to feel these things, we no longer have to try and hide from them by staying in our comfortable little cave!

That’s why I’m a big fan of using dares to increase confidence…both self-confidence and body confidence!

During my weight loss journey, my mentor encouraged me to do a full month of dares! I did a dare-of-the-day every day for 30 days straight.

I accepted that challenge and WENT FOR IT! I made a list of the things I was most terrified to do…and that’s what I did. One by one, each day!


It made me realize how much I had been holding myself back in life because of fear. 

My dares included things like…

  • Taking a walk around my neighborhood in my sports bra and yoga pants (even though I wasn’t even halfway to my goal weight!)
  • Doing my first Instagram and Facebook live…yes, I was TERRIFIED!
  • Posting a pic of myself in a sports bra on IG!
  • SHARING MY WEIGHT ON SOCIAL MEDIA…(I had never shared my weight with anyone but a doctor before that!)
  • Doing a 24 hour fast and getting intimate with the feeling of hunger. 
  • Asking the barista at Starbucks if I could have my drink for free (I needed to get rejected and see that I wouldn’t die.)
  • I went to Toastmasters and spoke in public off the cuff.

These are just a few of my 30 dares….

And guess what…I didn’t die for one thing. BUT, before this month, I would have looked at this list and thought it would be the worst month of my life, but it was the opposite.

It was the most transformative month of my life. I felt like I was on top of the world.

It 1000X my self-confidence. I literally wouldn’t be where I am today if I didn’t do this month of dares.

It got me over my fear of being seen, my fear of being on video, I saw that no one cared about my weight. I got a ton of positive feedback about my “tummy shot” on social media, even with fat rolls. I realized I could handle SO MUCH MORE than I ever imaged. 

It really was the jumping point of the work I do with women now. 

What do you think? You ready for it?

It’s not easy, but it will change your life!

I challenge you to a dare-of-the-day for the next 7 days. 

Make a list of the seven things that terrify you most…and get to work doing them!


Change your life!

In health & happiness,



Learn how to utilize the power of manifestation to begin attracting new clients! Download my FREE Manifestation for Business Workbook here.

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Hi, I’m Master Certified Mindset Coach Jamie Berman

I help entrepreneurs unravel limiting beliefs so that they can make money with ease.