Is your “weight struggle” holding you back?

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What is it that you’re waiting to do until you lose weight? Dating? Going after your dream career? Taking that overseas vacation you’ve been imagining for years?

I believe that our “struggle with weight” is the symptom of something deeper.

It’s usually a way to keep us from shining, from using our gifts, and from playing big in this world, because let’s be real, that’s kinda scary!

  • Putting ourselves out there and potentially getting rejected is scary. 
  • Being vulnerable is scary.
  • Being seen is scary…when we’re not used to it. 

Our brains want to keep us small, keep us in survival mode. They’ll find reasons we shouldn’t go out and do the things we really want….

So we just avoid it and use our weight as an excuse. If we could just figure out this weight loss thing, then we maybe it’ll be easier to show up, we think. 

We put SO much energy into overthinking weight loss, into hating our bodies, into the “struggle.” Think about how many hours you’ve spent trying to “figure it out,” going from diet to diet. 

And it’s totally just an excuse to play small!

“Once I lose the weight, then I’ll…….[insert your story here]

What’s your story? What are you waiting to lose weight to do?

If you can identify this, it’s EVERYTHING!

And here’s why….

This information can help you end the “weight struggle.” See, the weight struggle is not a real thing. It’s something we do to avoid other scarier stuff in our lives. 

Even though the weight struggle is uncomfortable, it’s probably FAR more comfortable in your mind than putting yourself out there and playing big. If we’ve been struggling for years, we just get used to the struggle. It’s just what we do.

So what’s really fun is that once we realize that it was all an illusion, to begin with, we can put it down and start LIVING! We can start living full, amazing, exciting, creative lives where we begin to blow our own minds at our potential. 

If I was on Oprah, and she asked me her famous question, “what do you know for sure?”

I’d say: I know for sure that every woman who struggles with her weight is INSANELY GIFTED. I know that she’s sort of afraid of her own potential, so she’s using weight to keep herself small.

So if you’re someone who struggles with your weight…what part of you are you not owning?

Let’s uncover it!

In health & happiness,


PS. Are you ready to uncover the AMAZINGNESS inside of you that you’ve been hiding from? The weight loss journey is SO MUCH DEEPER than a number going down on the scale or a smaller dress size. It’s about owning your gifts and having the courage to be seen! This is the incredible, life-changing work I get to do with my clients. Want to experience 45 minutes of deep, high-level coaching where I help you uncover what’s ACTUALLY in the way? I know you think it’s your diet, but let me tell you…that’s not it! Sign up for your call below!


Learn how to utilize the power of manifestation to begin attracting new clients! Download my FREE Manifestation for Business Workbook here.

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Hi, I’m Master Certified Mindset Coach Jamie Berman

I help entrepreneurs unravel limiting beliefs so that they can make money with ease.

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