Do you struggle with overeating on holidays?
This is the time a lot of people begin to veer off of their protocol and let the holiday celebrations get the best of them.
So many of us believe that we only have one of two options….
Either enjoy the holiday and overindulge
Or stay on protocol and feel completely deprived.
But what if those aren’t the only two options. What if there’s a way to enjoy the holiday without going off the rocker, leaving you bloated and feeling bad about it all.
There is!
I have figured out my sweet spot for enjoying holidays while losing/maintaining my weight loss, and I want to teach you how I made that happen!
The 3 things I shifted to have PCOS friendly Holidays…..
I let go of my “all-or-nothing” mindset.
I used to be an all-or-nothing kinda girl. I would either being strictly on a diet, following it 100% or I’d be completely off of a diet, giving into any urge that came my way. When we’re in this all-or-nothing mode, we let one off-protocol bite send us into a downward spiral where we spend the entire day overeating. Then we’re left feeling terrible and bloated…no fun!
Here’s how I found my sweet spot: Now on holidays, I plan my joy eat on that day. I choose one off-protocol food that I want to indulge in, simply for the joy of eating it. When I plan ahead, I actually enjoy it more because I decide what it is I really want, rather than just mindlessly munching on all the junk food I’m surrounded by. My favorite 4th of July treat is a s’more, so that’s usually what I plan!
When I first started this “joy eat” thing, where I plan my indulgence, I had a hard time with it. Eating one made me want more. So what I decided to do was decide ahead of time what I’d do after having my joy eat. My mantra was…”I can have it again, but not today, I just have to plan it!”
*We usually have the desire for more, more, more, when we tell ourselves we can’t have it again or that it was “bad.” So I told myself the truth that I could totally have it again, but just not tonight. I’d plan it for another time.
I quit leaving healthy eating up to chance.
When I go to a party, I never leave healthy eating up to chance. If I don’t know what they have, I either ask, I eat beforehand, or I bring a big yummy salad to share. Since I always think ahead, I’ve never run into the problem of not having healthy fuel foods. I know how food affects me, so I make it a priority. If you are committed to managing your PCOS and losing weight, thinking ahead is a must!
I quit caring about what other people think of the way I eat.
This is something we have to do if we want to put health first. People are going to judge us no matter what, whether we’re eating cake or salad….humans have thoughts. Their thoughts create their emotions. What I do has no effect on it. So the most important thing I can do is focus on MYSELF and what’s best for me! Here’s what I’ve found….no one, and I mean no one cares! In fact, often times people will see what I’m eating and strike up a conversation, asking me health questions. More often than not, the people around me are inspired by it rather than judgemental of it. I think it has to do with the way I think about it. I think of food as fuel. I think it’s how I take good care of myself so I want to give all the best things for me!
These are a few things I shifted in order to have fun, balanced holidays without the food drama. It’s totally unnecessary.
This 4th of July, I encourage you to stay in your own lane and do what you need to do to take care of you!! You will thank yourself later on.
Happy 4th!
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