Are you in a funk? Ready to balance out your emotional state?
Maybe it’s time to do an emotional cleanse!
You’ve probably heard the word cleanse thrown around a lot lately…. juice cleanse, sugar cleanse, liver cleanse, colon cleanse, you name it….which all have to do with eliminating certain foods to detox your body.
But have you ever considered doing an emotional cleanse? An emotional cleanse is detoxifying your body from any of the indulgent, negative emotions that aren’t serving you.
I think this is the most powerful cleansing we can do. Our emotions carry weight and are so connected to our bodies and how we feel. So if you want to feel better, it’s a great way to do so.
After doing an emotional cleanse, you’ll most likely notice more self-awareness and balance. In turn, you will feel better and lighter. When we feel good, we naturally make more self-honoring decisions when it comes to food, health, and well-being. So I think it’s safe to say that it can only support your PCOS weight loss journey.
When we feel good, we make more aligned decisions!
5 different ways to do an emotional cleanse…
1. Do a judgment detox!
Start making a list of all of the judgments you notice popping into your mind. Judgments about yourself and judgments about others. I did this for a month straight, and I can’t even tell you how powerful it was. I had NO IDEA how many judgments I was carrying around with me daily. It was no wonder I was feeling so terrible about myself back then. I noticed even the smallest of judgments, like
“I should be laughing out loud more around friends.”
“I hate that I get so irritable and snappy when I’m hungry.”
“My body looks weird in dresses.”
“Ugh this person is SO negative.”
*Listen for words like “should,” “wish,” “hate,”
Get all of them out of your head and onto paper. At the end of the week, rip the paper into tiny pieces and imagine yourself releasing your judgments into the nothingness!
2. Bring gratitude into your life.
Practice WANTING what you already have. That’s gratitude to me. Each morning, make a list of 5 things you’re grateful for. It ALWAYS shifts my mental state to more open and spacious energy.
3. Plan PLAY into your weekly schedule.
When I’m in an emotional funk, there’s nothing like planning some light-hearted fun. I think about what I liked as a kid. Things like board games, swimming, the beach, and coloring. I find these activities so relaxing! It’s a great way to slow down and reconnect with yourself or your loved ones.
4. Do a thought download first thing every morning.
There is nothing like getting the mental clutter out of your head and onto paper. Most of the time we’re not even aware of what we’re thinking. Since our thoughts create our feelings, it can be so helpful to get it all out….kinda like a mind dump. And then consciously choose what you want to bring back in. What do you WANT to be thinking today? Decide on purpose. That’s how we live an intentional life.
5. Cut out social media for the week.
You heard it….a whole week! Take the apps off of your phone and see how it affects your energy. I did this for 3 weeks once. It felt AMAZING. I noticed much more presence, more peace, and my life felt like it slowed down. I can’t recommend it enough!
Alright my friends, so here’s how ya do it….
I recommend choosing just one of these idea’s that you think will have the most impact on you. Commit to it for a whole week!
I can guarantee by the end of the week, you’ll feel much more balanced, present, and better overall!
Which one are you going to choose? I’d love to hear! comment below and I’ll cheer you on!
In health & happiness,