Trying to lose weight with PCOS can be frustrating. Not only are your hormones imbalanced, making it much easier to gain and harder to lose (when on a Standard American Diet), but every website and article says to do something different.
It used to drive me nuts. I studied holistic health from leading health experts in the field, and often times felt straight up overwhelmed and confused because of all of the conflicting information being shared.
I finally realized that none of them are “wrong” and none of them are “right.” We all have to find what works for OUR body. It takes a little bit of trial-and-error to figure that out. If you don’t let the mind drama get in the way, you’ll find the solution much quicker. That was the case for me.
Once I began looking at my body and my health as a science experiment, I could see what worked and what didn’t much faster than when I let impatience, frustration, and overwhelm come in.
I thought I would share some of the things that I heard, and tried that DIDN’T work for me, having PCOS and Insulin Resistance.
I had heard that…..
1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Not for me! I began doing intermittent fasting about two months into my weight loss journey, eating only lunch and dinner, and it massively improved my symptoms and helped me shed even more weight. I feel better than ever without breakfast!
2. You should eat 6 small meals a day or have a snack between meals.
I learned this from a nutritionist that I worked with at one point. She recommended it to keep my blood sugar stable. The problem is, it never gave my insulin a chance to lower and tap into fat burning mode. I was always grazing, and in turn always gaining weight. I learned that this method was not right for me!
3. Eat lots of fruits and veggies.
Fruits-NO, veggies-YES! Depending on how insulin resistant you are, fruit could actually prevent you from losing weight with PCOS. I know it did for me. Fruit was one of the last things I cut out of my diet, and once I did…BAM! I began seeing results. Most fruits are high in sugar, and even though it is natural sugar, the body still responds to it as sugar, and it could raise insulin levels. So this is one weight loss tip that didn’t work for me!
4. Fats will raise your cholesterol.
Certainly not the case for me, and recent studies show that it isn’t the case for anyone. I eat a diet that is high in fats and have very low cholesterol. My doctor is always asking me what I do!
5. It doesn’t matter what you eat, as long as you stay in within your daily allotted calories.
A couple of years ago when the calorie counting apps got really big, I used it to input all of my information, and the app told me that I’d lose X amount of pounds per week if I ate under X amount of calories. I did this for a long time, counting every calorie that I put into my mouth, inputting my workouts, and guess what…NO SUCCESS! I found myself often eating low cal foods, like “100 calorie snacks,” that were completely lacking in nutrients and fuel that my body needed. Needless to say, I did not lose weight.
6. Exercise is the most important thing to focus on to lose weight.
Not the case for me! I did every exercise class you could think of, hired expensive trainers, did fitness programs…all while continuing to gain weight. I will say, I’m grateful that I got so into exercise because it helped with just about every other area of my life and kept me strong and healthy. However, it’s not the key to losing weight with PCOS. The right food is key. Exercise is a tool to use for all other health benefits!
7. It’s hard to lose weight with PCOS
I just had to throw this one in here because I hear it ALL OF THE TIME, and it’s not true! It’s harder to lose weight if you are on the wrong diet for your body, or if you’re trying to do it the way your best friend did who doesn’t have PCOS. However, once you begin eating the right foods for your body, the weight will start to release with grace and ease. I totally bought into this myth before I found what DOES work and I can now say with confidence that it’s just not true.
These are 6 PCOS weight loss tips that are debunked for ME. I’m not saying it’s the case for everyone.
Why? Because having PCOS and insulin resistance causes the body to respond to certain things differently than someone without it.
If you’ve been following any of the advice I was given above, and not seeing results, maybe it’s time to begin questioning it and trying something new.
If you’re ready to find out what DOES work for your body, I have a program just for you! Sign up for a complimentary coaching session HERE to find out more!
In health & happiness,