Thoughts to believe for weight loss success!

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Yesterday I did an Instagram & Facebook live, asking everyone who joined the question…“Are you suffocating your ability to lose weight?”

I asked this because when we’re super attached to something (like weight loss), we tend to be tense, tight, controlling…and all the things that don’t ultimately lead to weight loss.

Permanent weight loss comes from being open, from being loving, and from being in a growth/learning mindset.

This mindset is about being willing to make mistakes and learn from them. It’s about being open to new ideas that you haven’t yet tried or thought of…after all, doing what you’ve already done will get you the same results you have now!

So I want to a few thoughts that will lead you to permanent weight loss.

Thought 1: I don’t care how long it takes me, I’m doing this!
I love this thought, because it means you’re in it for the long run, not just for a quick fix. This is how we keep the weight off for good!

Thought 2: This is for me.
It’s your rules. Your body. Your unique journey. You get to create whatever it is that you want! Thinking this thought will get you out of comparison and focused on YOURSELF…the one who matters most!

Thought 3: The discomfort of weight loss is always better than the discomfort of being overweight.
What a nice reminder that short-term discomfort leads to long-term comfort. Short-term comfort leads to long-term discomfort. So the next time you want a couple of M&M’s from that bowl, come back to this thought and ask yourself, “what’s more important?”

Thought 4: I’ve totally got this.
Tell yourself this five times a day and your life will change, guaranteed! You’ve got this! Look at all you’ve done in your life up until now… this is probably nothing in comparison.

Thought 5: I can handle any emotion.
This is SUCH an important thought to remember when you have an urge to eat something that you know you’ll regret. Getting intimate with urges without reacting is a game changer, and this thought could bring the peace you need to let the urge pass.

Having a few powerful thoughts in your back pocket can be incredibly helpful along your PCOS weight loss journey!

When I know a challenging food situation or stressful event is coming up, I choose what I’m going to think ahead of time. I encourage my clients to do the same.

For example, if I’m going to a party where I know the food options will be unlimited, I decide ahead of time what I’m going to think while I’m there. Any of these thoughts above will work great. It’s so much better than using willpower to get through in the heat of the moment!

Give it a try! And I’d love to hear what your favorite thoughts are when it comes to weight loss. Share in the comments below!

In health & happiness,

PS. If you like this post and want more…watch my LIVE replay where I talk go even deeper about this subject!

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Hi, I’m Master Certified Mindset Coach Jamie Berman

I help entrepreneurs unravel limiting beliefs so that they can make money with ease.