Do you have PCOS and struggle to lose even one pound, even though you follow a strict eating plan and work out regularly? Or maybe you just continue to gain, regardless of what you do.
Do you feel like you get low blood sugar easily and have to eat throughout the day in order to not get hangry (hungry + angry)? Do you suffer from fatigue, over-hunger, moodiness, headaches, and constant weight struggles?
If so, this is caused by the hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance.
Insulin resistance is one of the root causes of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
Let me explain how insulin works when it’s functioning properly vs. when it’s not.
Food that you eat (mostly in the form of carbohydrates and sugars) releases glucose into your blood supply.
The glucose that’s now in your blood supply, stimulates the pancreas to release the hormone insulin.
Insulin’s job is to take the glucose into your cells to give you energy. You can think of insulin as a key that unlocks the cell doors, allowing glucose to go in and be used. Think about what happens to a kid who has too much candy. They suddenly become extremely hyper and energetic. That’s because the glucose (sugars) were sent into the cells, and it gave the kid a bolt of energy.
But, if you have insulin resistance…
The keys don’t work. They won’t unlock the cell doors, so the glucose can’t be sent in and used, which causes an abundance of it in your bloodstream.
The pancreas recognizes all of this glucose, and compensates by producing more insulin. Now you are left with high insulin levels and high glucose levels that are not being used.
And what happens? With nowhere else to go, the body turns this extra energy into fat and stores it for later.
So to sum if up, if you have insulin resistance your body does not have the ability to properly convert certain foods (like carbohydrates and sugar) that you eat into energy to fuel your cells. And because of these, when you eat these types of foods, you may be left feeling fatigued and hungry….and also overweight.
But here’s the good news!
You can avoid these symptoms and lose the excess weight once you begin eating the right diet for your body. If you have insulin resistance, it’s going to be important to nourish the body in a way that reduces your insulin levels.
These are the top 3 tips I recommend for reversing insulin resistance:
*Eating mostly foods that do not spike insulin, like healthy fats & non-starchy vegetables.
*Eliminating foods that spike insulin, like flours, sugars, sweeteners, and fruits that are higher in sugar.
*Eating less often or doing intermittent fasting, allowing time for your insulin to lower so that it’s not constantly spiking.
To summarize, yes, it is harder to lose weight if you’re following a Standard American Diet. But no, it is not impossible to lose weight and feel amazing when you’re eating in a way that works for your body- not against it!
If you have insulin resistance and want to explore this topic further, sign up for a complimentary mini-session here where I can support you in finding the best eating plan for your body!
In health & happiness,