The Practice of Speaking Things into Existence

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About the episode:

Today I am excited to share with you a simple and practical tool that you can use to manifest on a daily basis, if not a moment by moment basis that’s going to make all the difference and could literally change your life. In fact, this practice has changed my life in the most massive way – I really attribute so much of what I have created to this practice. I believe wholeheartedly that it is a huge part of why I am living my dream life and am always expanding into the next evolution of my dream. This practice is all about speaking things into existence, what is wanted into existence, and starting to become aware of the stories you tell and thoughts you have. Ready to learn more? Listen in!


  • What the Law of Expectation is and how it relates to manifesting your desires 
  • Two instances where Jamie used the practice of speaking things into reality regarding health and the weather 
  • Common phrases or beliefs that we see in society that encourage a negative lived experience and how to shift them 
  • The benefits of living and speaking as your future self and getting accountability and support from a friend who believes in you

[00:00:00] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Welcome back to the podcast. I am excited to have you here and I am excited. to share with you a simple and practical tool that you can use to manifest on a daily basis, not only a daily basis. This is actually one that you can use on a literal moment by moment basis. That’s going to make all of your, all the difference and could literally change your life.

[00:00:25] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: In fact, this practice has changed my life in the most massive way. I really truly attribute so much of what I have created to this practice. I believe wholeheartedly that it is a huge part of why I am living my dream life and, always expanding into the next evolution of my dream. It is so important.

[00:00:49] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: So much fun and that is why I wanted to bring it to the podcast today so that you can use it. In fact, you’re already using it, but once you start using it intentionally with [00:01:00] awareness, that’s when it’s going to make all the difference. So this practice is all about speaking things into existence, speaking what is wanted into existence and starting to become aware of the automatic.

[00:01:16] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Stories that you tell the automatic thoughts that you say, the things that you offer, that you put out into the world, that sometimes we say these things because we learned them growing up. Or it’s something that all of society says yet we don’t actually realize it’s just a thought. It’s just a belief system.

[00:01:38] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And oftentimes what we are saying is not serving us and it’s actually competing With the goal that we have or the desire or the vision that we have. So that is why I want to encourage you to just for today, right? Do this on a daily, like on a daily basis, just for today, [00:02:00] start noticing the things that are happening.

[00:02:03] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: that you say. And I want you to ask yourself this question as you’re noticing these things. Ask yourself, okay, if thoughts become things, do I want what I just said to become a thing? Do I want that to be my reality? And if not, I want to encourage you to start shifting those things that you’re saying, to start speaking what you want into existence.

[00:02:33] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And there are so many benefits to doing this on a manifestation level, on an energetic level, and how you feel. Feel but also this is what’s going to help you reprogram your subconscious mind. Because if you want to believe something new, one of the best ways to actually engrain that thought into your subconscious [00:03:00] is to start speaking it out, speaking it out loud, right?

[00:03:04] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: The more that you speak it out loud, the more that that subconscious mind hears it and starts to accept it. Also, you start to normalize it, which is something you want to do when you’re manifesting. You want to start normalizing things, normalizing your desires. And when you speak them out, you do just that.

[00:03:25] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: So in today’s episode, I want to talk about a couple of ways that you can get started with this, how you can use it. Like I said, on a daily basis, on a moment by moment basis to manifest the vision that you have for yourself. So the way that actually what inspired this episode is I was just noticing how good my husband is at doing this.

[00:03:51] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Now, I would say I’m pretty good at it, but I would say he’s exceptional at it. And I don’t even know if he’s conscious of that or not. I’m [00:04:00] sure he is because he studies manifestation as well. He’s just, super into this stuff and he’s very conscious of his energy and what he puts out into the world and has so many big visions and desires.

[00:04:12] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: So I noticed this because Josh actually took me to a hot springs resort for the new year slash a little birthday celebration for me. I was sick on my birthday, so we did a little birthday redo slash, just bringing, bringing in the new year. We wanted to do our manifestation process and kind of just set some intentions for the new year.

[00:04:35] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: So we went to this awesome hot springs resort about. Two hours away from us in LA and we were just soaking in the mineral hot springs. It was amazing. And we actually just had a lot of time to unplug and talk and connect, which both of us have been kind of. Full the past couple months. So it felt like the first time in a while that we’d really been [00:05:00] able to ground in and just be with each other and share and discuss and manifest together.

[00:05:06] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And when Josh was talking to me, he, I just like, he was just telling a story, right? We were both just. we were intentionally manifesting or anything. We were just kind of sitting in the hot springs talking and he was like, yeah, well, whenever I get my, you know, record, my major record label and, you know, I’m going to be touring.

[00:05:26] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: So we got to start thinking about that. Like, what’s our life going to look like whenever I go on tour and are you coming with me and how are we going to do it? And, you know, he just started kind of flowing, talking about the future, We’re talking about how we’re going to move in, you know, this year we’re moving to Maui full time and we just, we were just talking, right, talking about our future.

[00:05:49] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And I started to realize all of these little things that, That both of us were sharing and I noticed that none of them are actually [00:06:00] proven to be true yet, right? They’re all in the future. They’re all just thoughts. The idea that we’re going to move, that’s just a thought, right? I can’t like guarantee that that’s going to happen.

[00:06:09] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: this idea that he’s going to get a major record label, that’s a thought. It’s a vision. It’s an idea, but he believes it wholeheartedly so much so that he just talks about it as if it’s true. This idea that he’s going to go on tour and that he’s going to have a big enough audience to tour the world.

[00:06:25] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And we talked about touring in London and Europe and all of these different places. And, you know, Is that actually, like, truth? I mean, you could say, no, it’s a vision that he has, but he believes it so wholeheartedly and believes in it so much that we speak it as if that’s what’s going to happen. We start planning our life from that place of like, oh yeah, about a year from now, that’s probably what’s gonna be going on, right?

[00:06:51] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: These are just, like, words and sentences that have been strung together that we have decided to believe. And we just speak it into [00:07:00] existence, right? We just speak it as if it’s going to happen. And what’s wild is eventually, It starts to feel completely real. Like, of course that’s our life. Of course that’s what’s happening.

[00:07:13] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Like, of course, right? Which is the energy that you want to be in when you’re manifesting. Of like, it is done. Of course that’s happening. That’s on the way. That’s around the corner. This is happening. I don’t always know exactly how or exactly when or in exactly which way. But we see it as done, right? And what has supported that is we speak these things into existence.

[00:07:36] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And I have done this with every goal that I’ve had, with every dream, with every vision. You know, I remember I used to say before I got my first place in Maui, the condo, I used to talk about it all the time, right? I would tell people, I’m going to get a place in Maui. And. Like, I didn’t have the situation or circumstances that were aligned with that becoming a reality yet.

[00:07:58] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Yet, I decided to [00:08:00] dream and I just told the story as if that’s what were, was happening. Right? And the truth is, you’ll hear this time and time again from people who manifest the life that they really want. Is that they say, I was willing to be delusional. Right? I was willing to decide that I wanted something big and just go for it.

[00:08:22] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And part of going for it is talking about it, speaking as if that’s what’s coming, starting to plan for it, starting to go for it. In fact, universal law, there’s this law of expectation, which is this idea that what you expect with confidence will become a self fulfilling prophecy. So I say what you expect with confidence and the way that you build confidence is you just start telling yourself it on repeat, right? And I remember back whenever I wanted to make 100, 000 in my business. I talked about that [00:09:00] as if it were happening, like, I’m going to make 100, 000, I’m going to make 100, 000, I’m going to make 100, 000, I’m a 100, 000 coach, right?

[00:09:07] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Not only did I repeat that to myself, but I told it to my, you know, husband. And I remember telling it to my bookkeeper and saying, you know, I’m going to make 100, 000. So let’s plan for that, right? Like, I just said it so much that eventually My subconscious accepted it. And you can do this on a big scale.

[00:09:29] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: When I say big scale, I mean with the big dreams and visions, the ones that I’m talking about, like with Josh manifesting, you know, a major label to help him create a lot of impact in this new album that he has coming out soon, or whether that’s me, you know, talking about moving to Hawaii full time or creating a million dollars in my business or creating our 10 million net worth, right? We have these visions for our life that we want, and I would call those our bigger visions or dreams. On a daily basis, you can also [00:10:00] use this for little things, and this is where I think it makes the biggest difference. So for example, even today I caught myself and I rewrote this story because I am right now doing this liver cleanse that I work with a nutritionist and she has me do it every six months about just cleanses the body, cleanses the liver.

[00:10:21] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: It has made a big difference in my hormones, in my gut health, in my blood sugar. So it’s something that I just do every six months. Thanks. And about every six months, I know what happens whenever I have a liver cleanse. I cleanse. So the toxins come out and oftentimes I will get a headache and I cannot take Advil, right?

[00:10:42] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And I cannot take any medication because that’s hard on your liver and I’m cleansing the liver. So I don’t take any medication and I hold space for this headache, right? And today I noticed here comes the headache cause I’m like day two, right? And that’s typically when it comes. And I was talking about it.

[00:10:59] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: I’m [00:11:00] like, Oh God, I can’t take Advil. That sucks. I have a headache and I want to get this work done. And I caught myself, I caught myself telling the story as if I’m going to have a headache for the rest of the day and it’s going to be awful. And I don’t know, do I need to just push through it? Do I need to rest?

[00:11:17] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: But I had this desire to get this podcast episode. Like episode out and get some work done. So I caught myself and I thought, Oh my God, why, why am I telling myself in this way? Why am I visualizing that I’m going to have a headache all day? And so I sat down and I was like, no, it’s totally going away.

[00:11:34] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: It’s going to move. It’s going to pass. In fact, I even told my husband that I’m like, oh yeah, this headache, it’s going to pass, it’s totally fine. I’m going to drink some water. It’s going to pass this time. Right? The toxins are just moving through me. It’s going to pass. I’m going to have energy. I’m going to be able to do the things.

[00:11:48] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And I saw that happening. And that is. an instance where something felt like it was a fact, right? It felt like, Oh, I have a pounding headache. I can’t work. It’s probably going to be here [00:12:00] all day. But I decided to embody the energy of it’s passing. It’s totally fine. I’m going to be completely fine. I’m going to get all of my work done that I want done completely fine.

[00:12:11] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: So that right there is an instance where I decided to choose a new story. I decided to string a new combination of words together that feels so much better, that feels so much more empowering. And that actually happened, right? It’s wild, these things, y’all. It’s wild, the things that I have learned.

[00:12:36] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Manifested. I’m telling you they can be the littlest things. I remember I was in Italy with some friends a couple years back with some coach friends and we decided to all get together We each went in and got this huge beautiful villa in the Amalfi coast in Positano and we hired a photographer to come to get some like pictures of us we wanted individual pictures in [00:13:00] the villa and We’re going to do some pictures together.

[00:13:03] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: The photographer was coming and it was maybe two hours from when the photographer was going to be there. And it starts pouring rain. I’m talking like storm of all storms. It was like dark, like huge storm cloud, just raining harder than I had seen in a long time, especially coming from LA. And we were like, Oh no, like the whole sky is literally purple, dark, gray, you know, it did not look like anything was going to pass.

[00:13:38] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: It looked like it was going to be a day of complete rain, which would have been totally fine normally, because we could have stayed in and coached each other and read and chilled and all that. But we have this photographer coming and this was what felt like for us. It was just like such an amazing opportunity because we had this gorgeous villa, all these different places that we could get [00:14:00] pictures done.

[00:14:00] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And we had this awesome photographer that we already paid for coming. So I remember everyone was just doom and gloom and it was like, Oh, this. It sucks. What are we going to do? Try to take pictures inside, but it’s dark in here even just because the storm is so bad. And it was just, Oh, and I remember thinking, wait a minute, wait a minute, guys, we got to change the story.

[00:14:19] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: We got to change what we are saying because we can manifest this cycle. Let’s do it. We got to put all of our heads together. Let’s see the rain going away. Let’s see it done, right? I was like, let’s just decide the storm is passing and that it’s going to be clear. We’re going to get gorgeous photos. It is somehow miraculously, the skies are going to open up.

[00:14:45] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And it’s all going to work out. Right? So we all put our heads together. We saw this vision, saw it as done, imagined ourselves taking the photos and having a super fun photo shoot. Just decided to get ready for it. [00:15:00] And. Some of the people I remember being like, yeah, right. There’s no way. How is this going to move?

[00:15:05] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Right. You can’t manifest weather changing. And I was like, well, we can try. Like it’s better than sitting around being all negative about it. So let’s at least try. So we kept saying, Oh, it’s going to be so nice out. The sun’s coming out, the sun’s coming out and you will never guess what happened. My friend, by the time that photographer was there, the sun was out.

[00:15:26] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Was out and we got gorgeous photos. It didn’t look like it rained at all In fact in some ways it was probably even better because the rain cleared, you know the air and it was just crystal Clear out it was gorgeous And I remember one of my friends saying, Oh my gosh, Jamie, I did not realize the power of manifestation.

[00:15:51] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: That is wild. And it was just such a fun little celebration, but it’s in these little things, right? These little instances where this is [00:16:00] where we need awareness and just start noticing how are things. I want you to think about what the photographer is feeling for me because if they’re feeling heavy, you need a new story and you can change the story and you can be delusional.

[00:16:11] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: I’m giving you permission to be delusional. We felt delusional looking out at that sky when a photographer was two hours away and I mean black and purple skies, right? Just like sheets of rain coming down. It was delusional to think that it was going to part and become sunny, but We decided to think it anyways because what is the downside, right?

[00:16:34] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Worst case scenario, it’s rainy. That’s a worst case, but at least We felt empowered. At least we felt positive and at least we were excited about the idea of the change, right? Just like me with my headache. I was like, it just feels better to think this could move than to think my whole day I’m going to feel terrible.

[00:16:55] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: So use it in those little instances, right? [00:17:00] And I’m going to share with you some of the things that we often hear people saying, right? It sometimes just becomes a little mantra, something we don’t even notice we’re saying because it is Something society says, right? These are just common phrases. They’re very negative and unhelpful, but you’ll hear it a lot.

[00:17:20] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And it’s something that I want to offer to you that you don’t have to say it. You don’t have to take these things on. You can write your own story for your life. You can write your story for the world, right? So some things that I hear a lot are, Oh, I can tell I’m getting older, right? Oh, I can tell I’m getting older.

[00:17:43] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Right? Like, okay, so even if that’s true in that moment, what is the upside of saying that? Is there any upside? Does it feel good to say, oh, I can tell I’m getting older? Because when you say something like that, what do you visualize? That you’re only going to notice yourself [00:18:00] continuously getting older and that you’re screwed and you’re maybe unhealthy or this is going downhill.

[00:18:05] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: That’s what you see when you say those words. So I would just recommend never saying that again. Right? If, you know, maybe your knee hurts or something, okay, that’s fine. My knee hurts in this moment, but don’t make it mean that you’re getting older and this is your new reality and it’s just going to get worse from here.

[00:18:26] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Maybe it’s like, ah, my knee hurts in this moment, but I’m so grateful for my health. I’m so grateful for my health, right? I am radiantly healthy. And I just keep getting younger and younger. So this is going to heal. It’s probably a better way to look at it, right? Another one that I hear a lot is, oh, the world is a mess right now, right?

[00:18:50] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: The world is a mess or whatever is happening like with the economy or politically, right? And I think that we tend to take it on [00:19:00] and decide something really big about it, right? And I would encourage you to watch your words. Notice how that feels. Because even if it doesn’t feel right, Feels true in that moment where you hear it a lot.

[00:19:17] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: It doesn’t mean it has to be your reality. Thoughts become things, whatever you think most often, you are going to create for your own reality. So if you’re saying the world is a mess, the world is a mess, you’re going to see. See where it’s messy. You’re not going to see the beauty. You’re not going to see the opportunities.

[00:19:37] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: You’re not going to see the possibilities. So I highly recommend for these types of thoughts, cut them out of your vocabulary because there’s really no upside to saying it. There’s really no upside to thinking it because it really is just this thing that causes you to go into doom and gloom and look into the future with doom and gloom and the future is not written.

[00:19:59] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: It is [00:20:00] not written. Right? We have no idea what’s going to happen. But the way that you’re going to write your life is to share the story that you want. Speak the words that you want into your life. Right? So maybe you can start saying something like, The world is a beautiful place. And if that feels like a huge stretch, just stop saying the thoughts that don’t help you, right?

[00:20:25] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Like, the world is such a mess. Just stop saying it, right? Sometimes you don’t even need an intentional thought, you just need to stop saying the thoughts that are really doom and gloom and not helpful. Right? Another one is, this is going to be really bad. Right? Like, this is going to be really bad. You don’t know.

[00:20:42] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Right? Something in the future. You don’t know if it’s going to be really bad. Decide on purpose how you want to think about it. Another one that I hear, from entrepreneurs, right? That maybe they just start with me or they’ve come into my program. It’s, Oh, I just never reached my goals. I’m someone who I, I’ve never hit my goal.

[00:20:59] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: I [00:21:00] never reached my goals. That’s not a story you want to keep telling because thoughts become things. So if it feels like too much of a stretch to believe I’m someone who can create my goals or there are goals that I have created that I’m not noticing because I’ve been telling myself I’m someone who doesn’t reach my goals, what I would recommend is just stop.

[00:21:24] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Let go of that identity. Stop saying it. Don’t say it, especially don’t say it out loud. I feel like when we say stuff out loud, it is amplified. Right? So that is helpful to know, like, even if a thought runs through your mind, that’s fine, right? Thoughts do that and we can hold space for thoughts. That’s like when we’re meditating, okay?

[00:21:47] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: It’s like a cloud passing through, but the moment you speak it out, you give it more power. So just be careful of what you say. You say, and I’m not saying this in a way where you want to get [00:22:00] way overboard with it. I’m just talking about holding this with a light touch and being more intentional. And if you notice yourself saying something that is disempowering, decide to change the story or just say, you know what, I’m not going to say that again.

[00:22:13] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Nah, I’m not going to repeat that story. It’s a practice and believe me, I know I’m practicing it all the time. Another one that I’ve heard a lot is nothing comes easy. Nothing comes easy or nothing comes easy for me or money is so hard, right? It’s so hard business is so hard right now. It’s so hard to sell Oh my gosh, you all, these are not helpful as entrepreneurs.

[00:22:38] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: So again, even if it feels delusional to not say those things, let yourself be delusional because those disempowering sentences and words and stories. are pulling your energy down. They are not driving you to take inspired action. They’re not driving your creativity. They’re [00:23:00] not driving openness. They’re not driving any kind of connection to the divine, right?

[00:23:05] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: When you say disempowering stories, it closes off your connection to the defined and to creativity. So, I highly recommend you start noticing and I want you to take a moment to think about it. And I want you to think about your business. Or just think about some area of your life that you’re ready to expand in.

[00:23:24] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Whether that’s your business, whether that’s in wealth and money or in health or relationships or your life in general. Where have you been telling yourself a disempowering story? Even if it feels true, what is a story that you’ve been telling yourself that is disempowering? And I want you to challenge yourself with just at least that one story.

[00:23:48] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: to stop telling it. Are you willing to put it down? Are you willing to tell a new story? Even if it feels delusional, you speak it out into [00:24:00] existence more and more, it will feel less and less delusional because again, your subconscious will start to accept it. What we tell ourselves on repeat is what we accept in our subconscious.

[00:24:11] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: That is why so often Negative stories feel real because we’ve told them so many times that it’s hard to get out of it because we’ve truly wholeheartedly believe it and accept it. But you can shift that and you can rewrite it and it just takes practice, it takes awareness, it takes consciousness, and this will change your life.

[00:24:33] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: Now, one way that you can get started with doing this, and this is something that I started doing about 10 years ago. And, I asked a friend because, you know, in the beginning, I didn’t feel super comfortable being like, Oh, I’m going to make 100, 000 in my business, which felt totally delusional. And I didn’t feel comfortable saying it.

[00:24:55] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: To just the people around me. So I decided to start small. And I [00:25:00] decided to start with one person who was really supportive. Right? And I said, hey, let’s go to coffee. And let’s Pretend it is our future selves. I said, let’s go to coffee and pretend it’s us like one year from now or two years from now. I can’t even remember exactly how we did it, but I said, let’s pretend it’s the future and let’s update each other from our future selves.

[00:25:26] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And this is how I started speaking things into existence because each of us kind of went, we were sharing, having coffee, but pretending it was our future, the future that we wanted. So we started speaking things out like, Oh, I’m doing. So, well, my business is killing it. I love it so much. We had a whole entire coffee date doing this, and we started speaking those things into existence, right?

[00:25:49] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And I remember how empowering that felt, and then I started asking Josh, can I do this with you? Can. I want to tell you how I want it to be, right? [00:26:00] And then for both of us, it became much more natural to now where we just speak the things that we want into our lives as if they’re true. And like I said, we’ll just be having a conversation in a hot tub where we’re not even trying to intentionally manifest.

[00:26:12] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And I noticed. Oh, he’s manifesting. These aren’t things that have happened yet, but he wholeheartedly believes that they’re happening. And I’m the same way. I know I can see what’s happening for me in the next year. I have this visual of what’s going to happen and it’s an empowering one. It’s one of the life that I have cultivated and created that I know my soul wants to experience and express.

[00:26:37] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: So, you know, You can start with one person that is supportive, right? And I highly recommend that if you don’t have someone in your life who you can do this with, manifest them. Manifest a friend who, or a partner, or someone in your life who is It’s your manifestation buddy who will get on board with speaking things into existence with you, [00:27:00] with really hearing out your big, huge heartfelt dreams and they’ll support you.

[00:27:05] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: They’re not going to feel jealous of them. They’re not going to question them. They’re not going to doubt them, but they’re going to hold space and belief, right? Find that one person in your life. If you don’t have them, you can manifest them. Because I didn’t used to have that person. And I remember like writing an intention that I wanted to manifest friends that are like this.

[00:27:25] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And now with just about all of my friends in different capacities, I can do this with them. And they just accept all of my big dreams and visions. and this is also why I’m a huge fan of being in community. You know, with other people with big, huge dreams. That’s why in my program, the Money Manifestation Movement, we have a community and we like share our wins every week.

[00:27:49] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: We share our visions, right? Like, because no one thinks it’s delusional. We all see that for that person, right? So that can be really [00:28:00] helpful to get yourself into a container like that, because it really is. So this is your practice for today is I want to challenge you and encourage you to start noticing the stories and decide on purpose what story you are willing to put down And what story you want to tell and just to notice on a moment by moment basis, start becoming aware of what you are saying.

[00:28:35] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: When you wake up in the morning, do you say first thing, Oh my God, I didn’t get enough sleep. I’m so tired. Right? That’s going to manifest as something you could just decide no matter what, I get the perfect amount of sleep. No matter what, how was your night? I got the right amount of sleep. Even if it feels delusional.

[00:28:55] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: This is how I healed insomnia, by the way, right? So there [00:29:00] are so many opportunities for this all throughout the day, and I’m so excited for you to dive in and practice them. So I would love to hear how this is for you, what this practice is like for you. Come connect with me on social. I’m at Jamie Berman underscore.

[00:29:18] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: You can always find all my info in the show notes, and I would just love to hear your takeaways. If you would be so kind to write a podcast review and let me know the impact that this podcast has made and how these practices have helped you, that would mean the world to me because then this gets out to even more people with more reviews, greater impact. So it would be such a gift if you’d be willing to do that.

[00:29:44] jamie–she-her-_3_01-06-2025_160204: And I’m very excited for you to practice this and I’ll talk to you next week.

Learn how to utilize the power of manifestation to begin attracting new clients! Download my FREE Manifestation for Business Workbook here.

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Hi, I’m Master Certified Mindset Coach Jamie Berman

I help entrepreneurs unravel limiting beliefs so that they can make money with ease.

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