The 4 Phases of Weight Loss for PCOS

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There are four different phases you must go through to lose the weight with PCOS and maintain it for life!

As I share about the 4 phases, I want you to consider…where am I currently at within this? Where do I typically get tripped up and self-sabotage or quit?

Understanding the different phases is a GAME-CHANGER because it helps you see that what you’re going through is totally normal.

I’m going to share some tips to help you get through each phase as well.

Let’s begin…

Phase 1: The Excitement Phase

This is when you get the idea of starting a new diet. Maybe you hear about something that worked for a friend, or you read a testimonial and get motivated and excited to try it out for yourself.

You begin doing some research, reading testimonials about others who have had success doing the diet, you purchase new books about it.

You feel motivated and excited about the idea that “this could be the one!”

You get your food all prepped, and get started eating in this new way.

This phase typically lasts anywhere from a couple of days to a month or so. It’s usually pretty short until phase 2 kicks in.

*Tip for moving through phase 1: TAKE ACTION. Don’t spend any more time in research mode. Taking action is the only way to get results. You cannot research your way thin.

Phase 2: This is harder than I thought

This is when most people give up. It’s when eating a salad for lunch is no longer exciting. We get bored. Our unconscious brain starts to take over, and we begin telling ourselves it’s not working.

We go into confusion and overwhelm about what foods to eat.

We realize that we’re not losing weight as fast as we had hoped.

We tell ourselves it’s not fair, and it shouldn’t be this hard…

The negative self-talk comes in….and if you don’t have the tools to manage your mind….

Just one bite…turns into an entire pan of brownies.

Then we tell ourselves we lack willpower, that it didn’t work, it was too restrictive, etc….and we continue eating like crap until we find another diet and go back to phase 1. This cycle can go on for YEARS if you don’t learn HOW to get through phase 2.

*Tip for getting through phase 2: MANAGE YOUR MIND! Let go of the expectation that it should be easy. Allow it to be hard and move forward anyway. Don’t let one small fail throw you out of control. Keep going no matter what. Do whatever you need to do to stay motivated. Hire a coach, listen to a podcast, follow people who have been through it, soak in any bit of inspiration you can in this phase.

Phase 3: You’re gaining momentum ‍♀️

If you manage your mind and make it past stage 2, you’ll come into stage 3 where it all starts to get a little easier.

This is when your body has adjusted to the new way of eating, so you’re no longer feeling withdrawal symptoms or crazy cravings.

You suddenly have more energy, your body is losing weight, and eating healthy is becoming more normal.

You’re figuring things out. You’re able to navigate social situations better and able to overcome obstacles that come up. You still have to put energy and intention into it, but you’re not completely overwhelmed by it.

In this phase, you may slip up every once in a while, but you don’t quit over it. You notice it, and start fresh the next day.

*Tip for getting through stage 3: Just keep going! Don’t let impatience take over. Let it be simple (our brains like to complicate things) that’s why managing your mind will help in each phase.

Phase 4: This is easy!

The last phase is when healthy eating is just your lifestyle. You don’t think about food, you know how to manage your emotions in a new way, and you no longer really desire the processed foods you used to love.

You actually enjoy eating a healthy, nourishing diet. When you go to dinner you look at the menu and think a salad or protein and veggie option sounds the most appealing.

You may take a taste of a donut or piece of cake and think…this is WAY too sweet. Ick.

And this is when maintaining your weight loss becomes easy. You spend your time focusing on other things than food. Food is just your fuel and that’s how you see it.

The ONLY way to get to phase 4, is to allow yourself to go through phase 1-3 without giving up.

Most people want to go on a diet and immediately get to phase 4. They get mad and frustrated when it’s not easy from the start…but here’s the thing, it’s not supposed to be easy!

We don’t learn when things are easy. We don’t grow.

What if you could look at your weight loss journey as an opportunity to for complete transformation- mentally, physically, and spiritually? That is exactly what it is.

If you are willing to get the support and go through all 4 phases, you will gain SO MUCH more than just weight loss.

Ready to get started? Sign up for a call with me and show you how I can support you along each stage of the way- and get you all the way to stage 4 where you feel amazing in your skin, healthier than ever and PROUD of what you’ve overcome!

In health & happiness,



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