Happy Thanksgiving my friend! I know a lot of you are probably busy running around, cooking for your family, or maybe you’re having a low-key Thanksgiving. Either way, I wanted to share a couple of thoughts that might help you throughout this day….
Here are a few things to remember this Thanksgiving…
Deprivation happens in the mind!
It’s true. The definition of deprivation according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is; the state of not having something that people need. Now, deprivation is a real thing. But if you’re reading this from a computer in a home with wifi, you probably don’t suffer from deprivation. If you have access to food, you are not deprived.
So why do we feel deprived when we’re following an eating plan?
Why do we feel deprived when we’re the only one avoiding the dessert bar?
We feel deprived because the thoughts we are thinking make us FEEL deprived, NOT because we are actually deprived. Some of the thoughts that cause the feeling of deprivation when it comes to food include: “I can’t have it” “I shouldn’t have it” “It’s not fair.”
So if you want to stop feeling deprived, it’s important to first realize that you are not deprived. There is no one standing over you telling you what you can and can’t eat, besides yourself. And YOU get to choose what you WANT to eat and what you prefer not to eat, which leads to empowerment (not deprivation).
Urges cannot hurt you.
An urge is nothing more than a vibration in the body. It’s a sensation, a feeling… and that’s all! Not following through with an urge or craving just means that you have to be willing to feel a vibration in your body. It may not be totally comfortable, but you can most definitely handle it. The more willing you are to feel it, rather than avoid it or give into it by eating, the sooner you’ll be able to process the urge and let it pass.
When I refer to emotional eating, it’s not just eating to numb sadness or negativity. Emotional eating also refers to giving into urges. Once you eat, you no longer feel the urge so strongly so it’s eating to numb the emotion. What if you were just willing to feel urges without reacting? This is something you must learn to do in order to lose weight permanently.
What we focus on grows.
If you’re focused on all of the food you’re not eating, your mind will begin thought looping. Thought looping is when you continue having the same negative thought over and over, causing you to not be present, and to create even more negative emotion in the body. So just remember this today, and be intentional about what you are focusing on. If you focus on cookies, that’s all you’ll think about. If you focus on joy, you’ll find more of it. If you focus on what’s wrong with your family, you’ll find evidence of it. If you focus on what’s great, you’ll see their greatness! You can decide what you’re going to focus on today!
Food is neutral.
No matter what the food is, it’s neutral. When I say neutral, I mean it’s not good or bad, it doesn’t have emotion attached to it. It can’t make us happy or sad. BUT what we think about it can. How we think about food will make us feel a certain way. The way we think about food can make us feel relieved, guilty, joyful, deprived, satisfied, or dissatisfied. This is good news because it means that food does not have control over you! You get to choose how you think about food, and therefore feel. It’s totally a choice.
It’s ok if your holiday is imperfect.
We see these Hallmark Thanksgiving specials that make it look like the jolliest time. We see families getting along perfectly, supporting one another, the most amazing food and decorations surrounding everyone. Well I just want to remind you that that’s a movie and NOT reality. You get to decide how you’re going to experience your Thanksgiving, and guess what…it doesn’t have to be picture perfect to love it. What if you decided to love it no matter what, imperfections and all? What if you decided to laugh at your family quirks and find the humor rather than judge? After all, Thanksgiving is about giving thanks, so find what you are grateful for and laugh off the rest!
Short-term discomfort equals long-term satisfaction
The opposite is also true. Short-term comfort equals long-term dissatisfaction…and you get to decide which one you want!
The reason I bring this up on Thanksgiving is because the concept of “discomfort on purpose” is good to remember with an abundance of comfort food surrounding us. That way it’ll be no surprise that some challenges may arise as you’re changing your relationship with food. When you see that the short-term discomfort is actually helping you reach your goal, you’re more willing to feel it, rather than avoid it or give into it. It’s just a great mantra to remember this holiday season!
I hope these tips inspire you to stick to your commitments to yourself this Thanksgiving. I am wishing you a VERY HEALTHY, HAPPY HOLIDAY!!
I am SO grateful for you. Thanks for reading along and being a part of my tribe and community! You inspire me daily!
Lots of love,